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Question 1

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Chapter 9: Discussion

After viewing “Inside the Mind of Edward Snowden” what is your response to the media’s portrayal  of U.S. Surveillance Programs in the social constuction of terrorism and justice policies. In your opinion, how has new media influenced/hindered criminal justice policy development and ideology?

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Inside the Mind of Edward Snowden

Duration: 3:30
User: n/a – Added: 6/10/14

TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the 


Question 2

Chapter 10: Discussion

Compare and contrast legacy media and new media. Give an example of new media and the possible effects it can have on criminality and victimization. Remember that your post must be at least 300 words and you are required to respond to a classmate with at least a 150 word response.

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Supreme Court considers warrantless searches of cellphones

Duration: 5:31
User: n/a – Added: 4/29/14

TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the 

Question 3

Chapter 11: Discussion

Summarize what you have learned about crime, justice and the media and the likely impact of new media on crime and justice in the 21st century.

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The NSA’s Evolution: Surveillance in a Post-9/11 World

Duration: 3:13
User: n/a – Added: 11/4/13

TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the 

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