

The Global Environment

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Midterm Exam 1 Part B

Spring, 2022

Exam Front Page Instructions:

The following exam will test your ability to recall basic concepts and definitions as well as integrate the body of knowledge that you have accumulated during the first part of the semester.

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The exam will consist of two (2) sections. SECTION A has 6 short answer questions. It will be worth 5 points each. These will be 4-5 sentence answers (about 50 words) or diagrams where necessary. SECTION B has 1 long essay question. These will be about a page long detailed answers (100 -150 words). It will be worth 20 points. Word limit is just an approximation for the answers. As long as the answer satisfies the question asked, you are good to go.

You have between (Feb 22nd- Feb 26th 11:30 pm) to complete the exam. Please feel free to ask questions if you do not understand any aspect of the exam. You can submit your answers as a word document or a pdf in the allotted folder by the due date. If you are using information from the web, mention their sources.

Section A: Short Answer and Diagrams (30 points):

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Be sure to provide specific details when answering questions and drawing diagrams.

1. What are five things you would do to cut waste in human societies by following principle of sustainability?

2. How can the extinction of bird species create a ripple effect through the rest of the ecosystem?
3. Use the second law of thermodynamics to explain why we cannot recycle the high-quality chemical energy stored in gasoline.

4. If anthropogenic processes introduce increasing amounts of atmospheric nitrogen to the biosphere and hydrosphere, where does that nitrogen go?

5. What can city planners do to make residents less dependent on cars, apart from providing public transit options?
6. How is it possible that countries with the same population size and affluence could differ in their environmental impacts?

Section B: Long Essay Question (20 points):

Be sure to be specific and provide details for your essay.

1. The “biological capacity” is the ability of the natural world to replenish its renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste products and pollution. Exceeding the biological capacity creates an “ecological deficit.” Discuss the potential future implications for the earth resulting from the fact that we are currently exceeding the earth’s biological capacity by about 50 percent.

The Environment and Sustainability

  • What is an Environment?
  • u Biotic factors
    u (e.g. plants, animals, farms,

    u Abiotic factors
    u (include sunlight, air, water,

    u Four spheres- life support


  • Environmental Science
  • u Environmental science studies

    connections in nature
    u How the earth works and has survived and

    u How humans interact with the environment
    u How we can live more sustainably

    u Ecology
    u Branch of biology focusing on interaction of

    living things with their environment
    u Ecosystem

    Three Scientific Principles of

    u Dependence on solar energy

    u Biodiversity

    u Chemical (nutrient) cycling

  • Key Components of Sustainability
  • u Natural


    keeps humans and other species alive
    and supports economies

    u Natural


    : useful materials and energy in nature
    u May be inexhaustible, renewable, or nonrenewable

    u Ecosystem services

    u Processes provided by healthy ecosystems

    Key Components of Sustainability

    u Natural resource examples
    u Inexhaustible:

    u A resource that never runs out or gets

    u Renewable:
    u A resource that can be used

    repeatedly and is replaced naturally.

    u Nonrenewable:
    u A resource that is not replenished with

    the speed at which it is consumed.

    Key Components of Sustainability

    u Nutrient cycling is a vital
    ecosystem service

    u Human activities can degrade
    natural capital
    u Using renewable resources too


    u Overloading air, water, and
    soil with wastes and pollutants

    u Humans must provide solutions
    to environmental problems

    Three Additional
    Principles of
    u Full-cost pricing

    u Win-win solutions

    u A responsibility to future

    Countries Differ in Their Resource
    Use and Environmental Impact

    u More-developed countries
    u Industrialized nations with high

    average income per person
    u 17% of the world’s population
    u Use 70% of world’s natural resources

    u Less-developed countries
    u 83% of the world’s population
    u Use about 30% of world’s natural


  • Humans Protecting the Environment
  • u Many people have a better quality of life
    u Have developed useful materials and products
    u Life spans have increased
    u Food supply is more abundant
    u Exposure to toxic chemicals is more avoidable

    u Humans have protected some endangered species and
    u Taken steps to restore cleared lands
    u Businesses and governments work toward improving

    environmental quality

  • We Are Living Unsustainably
  • u Environmental degradation
    u Wasting, depleting, and degrading

    u Human activities directly affect 83% of
    earth’s land surface
    u Urban development, crop and

    energy production, mining, timber
    cutting, and more

    u Species are becoming extinct 100
    times faster than in prehuman times

    Degrading Commonly Shared Renewable
    Resources: The Tragedy of the Commons

    u Open-access resources
    u Atmosphere, ocean and its fishes,

    grasslands, forests, streams, and aquifers
    u Cumulative effect of many people

    exploiting a shared resource can degrade,
    exhaust, or ruin it

    u Solution: use resource at a rate well below
    its sustainable yield
    u Mutual agreement, or access regulation

  • Our Growing Ecological Footprints
  • u Ecological footprint
    u The impact a person or community has on the environment
    u Sustainability measure that relates to the Earth’s biocapacity
    u The largest components: air pollution, climate change, and

    ocean acidification due to burning fossil fuels for energy

    u Ecological deficit
    u Footprint is larger than biological capacity for replenishment

    Our Growing Ecological Footprints

  • IPAT – Another Environmental Impact Model
  • u Simple environmental impact model developed in the

    u I = P x A x T
    u I = Environmental impact
    u P = Population
    u A = Affluence
    u T = Technology

    u Some technologies are beneficial, some harmful

    Cultural Changes Can
    Increase or Shrink Our
    Ecological Footprints

    u Humans were hunter gatherers 10,000 years

    u Three major cultural events
    u Agricultural revolution

    u Industrial–medical revolution

    u Information–globalization revolution

    u Current need for a sustainability revolution

    What Causes Environmental

    u Basic causes of environmental problems
    u Population growth
    u Unsustainable resource use
    u Omission of harmful environmental costs in market

    pricing of goods and services
    u Increasing isolation from nature
    u Competing environmental worldviews

    Human Population is Growing at a
    Rapid Rate

    u Human population has grown
    u Current population: 7.9 billion


    u By 2050, population could reach 9.8

    u We don’t know how many people
    the earth can support indefinitely

    Affluence and Unstainable
    Resource Use

    u Affluence results in increased resource consumption per
    u Increases environmental degradation, wastes, and

    u Positive aspects of affluence

    u Better and widespread education
    uIncreased awareness of environmental issues

    u Money available to develop technologies with
    beneficial environmental impacts

    Exclusion of Harmful Environmental and
    Health Costs

    u Companies do not pay the environmental cost of
    resource use

    u Goods and services do not include the harmful
    environmental costs
    u Consumers lack information

    u Companies receive tax breaks and subsidies
    u Some subsidies encourage depletion of natural


  • Isolation from Nature
  • u Increasing populations in urban areas
    u Lack of contact with nature

    u Benefits of outdoor activities
    u Better health
    u Reduced stress
    u Improved mental capabilities
    u Increased imagination and creativity
    u Sense of connection with the earth

  • Differing Environmental Views
  • Environmental worldview
    Set of assumptions and values

    Environmental ethics
    Why should we care about the

    Do we have an obligation to protect

    other species against extinction caused
    by human actions?

    Should every person be entitled to equal
    protection from environmental hazards?

    Differing Environmental Views


    Life-centered Earth-centered

    What Is an
    Sustainable Society?

    u Living sustainably
    u Live off the Earth’s

    natural income
    without depleting
    or degrading the
    natural capital that
    supplies it

  • We Can Live More Sustainably
  • Learn from nature Protect natural capital
    Do not waste

    Recycle and reuse

    Use renewable
    resources at a rate
    slower than nature
    can replenish them

    We Can Live More Sustainably









    • �The Environment and Sustainability�
    • What is an Environment?
      Environmental Science

    • Three Scientific Principles of Sustainability
    • Key Components of Sustainability
      Key Components of Sustainability
      Key Components of Sustainability

    • Three Additional Principles of Sustainability
    • Countries Differ in Their Resource Use and Environmental Impact
    • Humans Protecting the Environment
      We Are Living Unsustainably

    • Degrading Commonly Shared Renewable Resources: The Tragedy of the Commons
    • Our Growing Ecological Footprints

    • Slide Number 14
    • IPAT – Another Environmental Impact Model

    • Cultural Changes Can Increase or Shrink Our Ecological Footprints
    • What Causes Environmental Problems?
    • Human Population is Growing at a Rapid Rate
    • Affluence and Unstainable Resource Use
    • Exclusion of Harmful Environmental and Health Costs
    • Isolation from Nature
      Differing Environmental Views
      Differing Environmental Views

    • What Is an Environmentally Sustainable Society?
    • We Can Live More Sustainably
      We Can Live More Sustainably



    Science is:
    • A field of study focused on discovering how nature works

    – happens at a variety of scales
    • Using that knowledge to describe what is likely to happen

    in nature
    • Based on the assumption that events in the natural world

    follow orderly cause-and-effect patterns
    • Patterns can be understood through observations (by use

    of our senses and with instruments that expand our
    senses), measurements, and experimentation


    • Identify a problem for study
    • Gather relevant


    • Propose a hypothesis that explains the


    • Gather data to test the hypothesis
    • Modify the hypothesis as needed

    The process is known as the scientific method


    What is a “hypothesis”?
    • A “hypothesis” is an idea or explanation that is tested through study and


    • Examples:
    • Problem: The amount of light in the room effects test scores of the students.

    Hypothesis: If we increase the amount of light during studying, student’s performance on test
    scores will decrease.

    • Problem: Too many deer found in residential areas.
    Hypothesis: Deer prefer to stay closer to human settlements.


  • Scientists
  • modify, or revise, the hypothesis as needed.
    • Scientists share their results


    • Scientific theory
    • Widely tested and supported by evidence

    • Scientific law or law of nature
    • Well-tested, widely accepted description of what happens repeatedly

    and in the same way in nature


    • Matter is anything that has mass* and takes
    up space.

    • It exists in three physical states – solid, liquid, and

    • *Mass=the constant amount of matter/material in
    something. Often measured in g or kg. (NOT the
    same as weight, which depends on gravity)

    • Exists in three physical states: solid, liquid, or gas


    • Two chemical forms: elements and

    • Elements
    • Have unique properties
    • Cannot be broken down chemically

    into other substances

    • Known elements arranged in a chart called
    periodic table of the elements


    • Most matter consists of Compounds
    • Two or more different elements held together in fixed proportions
    • Example = H20 (hydrogen and oxygen)


    • Atomic theory
    • All elements are made of atoms
    • Atom is the smallest unit of matter into which an element can be divided

    and still have distinct chemical properties
    • Subatomic particles

    • Nucleus of the atom
    • Protons have positive charge
    • Neutrons have no charge

    • Negatively charged electrons orbit the nucleus


    • Each element has a unique atomic number
    • Same as number of protons in nucleus
    • Example: Carbon (C): 6 protons in its nucleus and an atomic

    number of 6

    • Example: Uranium (U): 92 protons, atomic number of 92
    • Most of an atom’s mass is in its nucleus
    • Electrons have very little mass compared to protons and



    • Mass number
    • Number of protons plus neutrons in nucleus
    • Example: Carbon atom has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus – its mass

    number is 12.
    • Example: Uranium atom has 92 protons and 143 neutrons – its mass number

    of 235.

    • Isotope
    • Form of an element with same atomic number but different mass number

    • Each atom of an element has the same number of protons in its nucleus
    • The number of neutrons in an element’s nucleus can change
    • Therefore, the mass numbers can also change


    • Molecule
    • Combination of two or more atoms of same or

    different elements

    • Held together by chemical bonds
    • Molecules are basic building blocks of many


    • Examples – water, hydrogen gas, and methane


    • Ions
    • An atom or a group of atoms (a molecule) with

    one or more net positive (+) or negative (−)
    electrical charges from losing or gaining
    negatively charged electrons

    • Ions are attracted to other ions with opposite
    electronic charges (+ to -, and – to +), which
    leads to ionic bonding and the creation of ionic

    • Example: salt (sodium (Na+) chloride (Cl-))


    • Acidity
    • Measure of comparative amounts of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide

    ions (OH–) in a volume of water solution

    • Measured with pH
    • Neutral solution has pH equal to 7
    • Acidic solution has pH < 7 (more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions) • Basic solution has pH > 7 (more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions)


    • Organic compounds
    • Contain at least two carbon atoms

    • Exception: methane (CH4)
    • Types

    • Hydrocarbons
    • Simple carbohydrates

    • Macromolecules: complex organic molecules
    • Complex carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids,

    and lipids

    • Cells

    • Fundamental units of life
    • All organisms have one or more cells

    • Genes
    • Sequences of nucleotides within DNA
    • Instructions called genetic information
    • Create inheritable traits

    • Chromosomes: composed of many genes


    • Physical change
    – No change in chemical composition
    – Example: crushing a bottle,

    chopping wood, and melting ice

    • Chemical change
    – Change in chemical composition
    – Example: Carbon dioxide


    • We can change elements and compounds from one physical or chemical form
    to another

    • We cannot create or destroy atoms


    • Energy: ability to do work
    • Kinetic energy

    • Energy of movement
    • Electromagnetic radiation
    • Thermal energy

    • Potential energy


    • Kinetic energy is matter in motion.
    • Energy of movement

    • Examples: running water, a ball rolling down a hill, electrons flowing through a wire
    (electricity), light, and a mass of air moving (wind)


    • Kinetic energy is matter in motion.
    • Electromagnetic radiation is energy that travels in the form of

    • Example: visible light and the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

    from the sun

    • Light is made of photons which are produced when atoms heat

    • Light travels in waves
    • Light is the only form of energy visible to the human eye.


    • Kinetic energy is matter in motion.
    • Heat/Thermal energy is the total kinetic energy of all moving atoms, ions, or molecules in

    an object, a body of water, or a volume of gas such as the atmosphere.

    • If the atoms, ions, or molecules in a sample of matter move faster, the matter will
    become warmer.

    • When two objects at different temperatures make contact with each another, heat
    flows from the warmer object to the cooler object.

    • Heat is transferred through radiation, conduction, and convection.


    • Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through space by
    electromagnetic radiation in the form of infrared radiation.

    • Heat from the sun reaches the earth
    • Heat from a fireplace transfers to the surrounding air

    • Conduction is the transfer of heat from one solid substance
    to a cooler one when they are in physical contact. Energy
    moves from hot to cold.

    • Touching a hot object
    • Electric stove burner heats a pan

    • Convection is the transfer of heat energy within liquids
    or gases when warmer areas of the liquid or gas rise to
    cooler areas and cooler liquid or gas takes its place.


    • Potential energy
    • Stored energy is potentially available for use.
    • Examples: a spring, carbon in coal, and water behind a dam
    • Can be changed into kinetic energy


    • Whenever energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical

    • No energy is created or destroyed when converted from one form to another (first law of
    thermodynamics/Law of Conservation of Energy)

    • You end up with lower quality or less-usable energy than you started with (second law of

    • Lower quality energy is usually in the form of heat flowing into the environment.
    • The temperature drops to the point that quality is too low to do much useful work.


    • Energy efficiency
    • Measure of how much work results from a unit of

    energy put into a system

    • Improving efficiency reduces waste
    • Estimate: 84% of energy used in the U.S. is wasted

    • Unavoidably because of second law of
    thermodynamics (41%)

    • Unnecessarily (43%)


    • Renewable energy
    • Gained from resources that are replenished

    by natural processes in a relatively short time

    • Nonrenewable energy
    • Gained from resources that can be depleted

    and are not replenished by natural processes
    within human time scale


    • Solar energy
    • 99% of the energy that keeps us warm and supports plants and other organisms

    • Commercial energy
    • Energy sold in the marketplace
    • Supplements sun’s energy
    • 90% comes from burning fossil fuels

    • Oil, coal, and natural gas


    • System
    • Set of components that interact in a regular way
    • Examples: human body, a cell, a TV set, and an


    • Systems have inputs, flows, and outputs of matter,
    energy, and information

    • Feedback can affect their behavior


    • Feedback
    • Any process that increases or decreases a

    change to a system

    • Positive feedback loop
    • Causes system to change further in the

    same direction (can lead to tipping point).
    • Example: Decreasing vegetation in a

    valley causes increasing erosion and
    nutrient losses that in turn cause more
    vegetation to die, resulting in more erosion
    and nutrient losses.


    • Negative, or corrective, feedback loop
    • Causes system to change in opposite

    • Example: Air conditioner goes on until a

    specific temperature is reached and then
    goes off and the house starts to warm until it
    reaches a specified temperature and turns the
    air conditioner on


    • Most systems in nature use negative feedback to enhance long-term stability.
    • Ecological tipping point

    • Natural system stuck in positive feedback loop can reach this point
    • Beyond this point, system changes so drastically it suffers from severe

    degradation or collapse

    • �Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems�
    • What Is Science?
    • ScientiSTS:
    • Hypotheses
    • Scientists

    • Scientific Theories and Laws: The Most Important and Certain Results of Science
    • What Is Matter?
    • Matter Consists of Elements and Compounds
    • Matter Consists of Elements and Compounds

    • Elements and Compounds Are Made of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
    • Elements and Compounds Are Made of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
      Elements and Compounds Are Made of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
      Elements and Compounds Are Made of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
      Elements and Compounds Are Made of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
      Elements and Compounds Are Made of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

    • Organic Compounds Are the �Chemicals of Life
    • Matter Comes to Life through Cells, Genes, and Chromosomes
    • Matter Can Change
    • Law of Conservation of Matter
    • What is Energy and What are its Forms
    • Energy comes in many forms
    • Energy comes in many forms
      Energy comes in many forms

    • Energy Comes in Many Forms
    • Energy Comes in Many Forms

    • What is Energy and What Happens When It Undergoes Change?
    • Energy Changes Obey Two Scientific Laws
    • Energy Is Renewable and Nonrenewable
    • Energy Is Renewable and Nonrenewable

    • What Are Systems and How Do They Respond to Change?
    • Systems and Feedback Loops
    • Systems and Feedback Loops
      Systems and Feedback Loops

    Ecosystems: What Are They and How
    Do They Work?

    How Does the Earth’s Life-Support
    System Work?

    u Major components of the earth’s life-support system

    u Atmosphere (air)

    u Hydrosphere (water)

    u Geosphere (rocks, minerals, and soil)

    u Biosphere (living things)

    Earth’s Life-Support System Has Four
    Major Components

    u Atmosphere

    u Innermost layer is the troposphere

    uContains the air we breathe

    u Stratosphere: contains ozone layer

    uFilters sun’s harmful UV radiation

    u Hydrosphere

    u All water vapor, liquid water, and ice

    u Oceans contain 97% of the planet’s water

    Earth’s Life-Support System Has Four
    Major Components

    u Geosphere

    u Upper portion of crust contains nutrients
    organisms need to live, grow, and

    u Contains nonrenewable fossil fuels

    u Biosphere

    u Parts of atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
    geosphere where life is found

  • Three Factors Sustain the Earth’s Life
  • u One-way flow of high-quality energy from the sun that
    supports plant growth and warms troposphere (greenhouse

    Three Factors Sustain the Earth’s Life

     Cycling of nutrients through parts of the biosphere

     Gravity holds the earth’s atmosphere and enables
    movement and cycling of chemicals through air, water,
    soil, and organisms

    What Are the Major Components
    of an Ecosystem?

    u Ecologists study five levels of


    u Biosphere, ecosystems,

    communities, populations,

    and organisms

    u Ecology assigns each organism to a feeding

    level (trophic level)

    u Organisms classified as producers or

    consumers based on source of nutrients

    Ecosystems Have Several
    Important Components

    u During photosynthesis, plants generate energy
    and emit oxygen
    u CO2 + H2O + sunlight → glucose + oxygen

    u Producers (autotrophs) make needed nutrients
    from their environment

    u Consumers (heterotrophs) cannot produce the
    nutrients they need
    u Primary consumers (herbivores) eat plants

    u Carnivores feed on flesh of other animals

    u Secondary and tertiary (or higher) consumers

    u Omnivores eat both plants and animals

    Ecosystems Have Several Important

    u Decomposers
    u Consumers that recycle dead plants and animals into chemical

    nutrients like carbon and nitrogen that are released back into the
    soil, air and water

    u Directly absorb nutrients through external chemical and biological

    u Nutrients return to soil, water, and air
    for reuse
    u Bacteria, fungi and earthworms are big
    u Detritivores

    uIngest and digest dead matter internally

    Ecosystems Have Several Important

    u Producers, consumers, and
    decomposers use chemical
    energy stored in glucose
    u In most cells, energy is

    released by aerobic

    u Using oxygen to turn
    glucose back to carbon
    dioxide and water

  • Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land
  • u Soil
    u Complex mixture of rock, particles, mineral nutrients, organic

    matter, water, air, and living organisms

    u Soil formation begins with weathering of rock
    u Various forms of plant and animal life begin living in the weathered


    u Their waste and decaying bodies add organic matter and minerals
    to the slowly forming soil.

    u Mature soils contain several layers (horizons)

    u Differ in texture, composition, and thickness

    Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land

    u Soil is a renewable resource
    u Renews very slowly
    u Formation of one inch of topsoil

    can take hundreds to thousands
    of years

    u Becomes nonrenewable if it is
    depleted faster than it can be

    u Protecting and renewing topsoil
    is key to sustainability

    Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land

    What Happens to Energy in an

    u Energy flows through ecosystems in food chains and webs

    u Food chain

    u Movement of energy and nutrients from one trophic
    level to the next

    u Food web

    u Network of interconnected food chains

    What Happens to Energy in an

    What Happens to Energy in an

    u Every use and transfer of energy involves energy loss as heat
    u Pyramid of energy flow

    u 90% of energy lost with each transfer through metabolic
    heat: why food chains and webs rarely have more than 4 or 5
    trophic levels

    u Less chemical energy for higher trophic levels
    u About 2/3 of the world’s people survive by eating wheat,

    rice, and corn at the first trophic level.
    u Biomass

    u Total mass of organisms in a given trophic level

    What Happens to Energy in an

    Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter
    Faster than Others

    u Gross primary productivity

    u Rate at which an ecosystem’s

    producers (plants and
    phytoplankton) convert solar
    energy to stored chemical

    u Measured in units such as

    Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter Faster
    than Others Do

    u Net primary productivity (NPP)

    u Rate at which an ecosystem’s producers
    convert solar energy to chemical energy,
    minus the rate at which they use the
    stored energy for aerobic respiration

    u The planet’s NPP ultimately limits the
    number of consumers (including humans)
    that can survive on the earth

    Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter
    Faster than Others

    What Happens to Matter in an

    u Matter in the form of nutrients cycles within and among

    u Cycles driven by incoming solar energy and gravity

    u Can be altered by human activity

    u Nutrient Cycles

    u Water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus

  • Water Cycle Sustains all Life
  • u The water cycle collects, purifies, and
    distributes the Earth’s fixed supply of

    u Renews water quality.
    u The sun powers the water cycle.
    u Incoming solar energy causes

    u Gravity draws water back as

    u Surface runoff evaporates to complete the


    u Some precipitation is stored underground
    as groundwater

    u Some precipitation is converted to ice and
    stored in glaciers

    Water Cycle Sustains all Life
    u Only 0.024% of the Earth’s freshwater supply is available to

    humans and other species.

    u The ways humans alter the water cycle:

    u Withdrawing large amounts of freshwater from aquifers at rates
    faster than nature can replace it

    u Clearing vegetation (agriculture, road building), which increases

    u Draining and filling wetlands for farming and urban development

    Science Focus: Water’s Unique

    u Properties of water
    u Liquid over large temperature range

    u Changes temperature slowly because it can
    store a large amount of heat

    u Takes lots of energy to evaporate

    u Can dissolve a variety of compounds (also can
    make it polluted)

    u Filters out wavelengths of UV radiation and
    protects aquatic organisms

    u Expands when it freezes

    Carbon Cycles among
    Living and Nonliving

    u Carbon is the basic building block of
    carbohydrates, fats, proteins, DNA,
    and other organic compounds.

    u Photosynthesis from producers
    removes CO2 from the atmosphere
    and aerobic respiration by
    producers, consumers, and
    decomposers adds CO2 .

    u Some CO2 dissolves in the ocean
    and is stored in marine sediments.

  • Human Disruption of the Carbon Cycle
  • u Humans have added large quantities of CO2 to the atmosphere

    u Faster rate than natural processes can remove

    u Levels have been increasing sharply since about 1960

    u Carbon from fossil fuels are being burned back into atmosphere

    u Result is the warming atmosphere and changing climate

    u Clearing vegetation reduces ability to

    remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere

  • Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action
  • u Nitrogen is a critical nutrient for all forms of life.

    u Nitrogen gas makes up 78% of the volume of the atmosphere.

    u Useful forms of nitrogen are created in the nitrogen cycle:

    u Created by lightning and specialized bacteria in topsoil and
    bottom sediment of aquatic systems

    u Used by plants to produce proteins, nucleic acids, and vitamins

    u Bacteria converts nitrogen compounds back into nitrogen gas.

    Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action

    u Human alteration of the nitrogen cycle

    u Burning gasoline and other fuels create nitric oxide,
    which can return as acid rain

    u Removing large amounts of nitrogen from the
    atmosphere to make fertilizers

    u Adding excess nitrates in aquatic ecosystems

    u Human nitrogen inputs to the environment have risen
    sharply and are expected to continue rising

    Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action

    Phosphorous Cycles through Water, Rock,
    and Food Webs

    u Phosphorus

    u Another nutrient that supports life
    u Cycles through water, the Earth’s crust, and living

    u Major reservoir is phosphate rocks
    u Cycles slowly
    u Does not cycle through the atmosphere because

    few of the compounds exist as gas
    u Lack of phosphorus limits growth of producer

    populations (plants)

    Phosphorous Cycles through Water, Rock,
    and Food Webs
    u Phosphorus

    u Human activities and impacts

    uClearing forests

    uRemoving large amounts of phosphate
    from the Earth to make fertilizers

    uErosion leaches phosphates into streams

  • Phosphorous Cycles through Water, Rock, and Food Webs
    • ������Ecosystems: What Are They and How Do They Work?�
    • How Does the Earth’s Life-Support System Work?
    • Earth’s Life-Support System Has Four�Major Components
    • Earth’s Life-Support System Has Four�Major Components
      Three Factors Sustain the Earth’s Life
      Three Factors Sustain the Earth’s Life

    • What Are the Major Components of an Ecosystem?
    • Ecosystems Have Several Important Components
    • Ecosystems Have Several Important Components
      Ecosystems Have Several Important Components
      Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land
      Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land
      Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land

    • What Happens to Energy in an Ecosystem?
    • What Happens to Energy in an Ecosystem?
      What Happens to Energy in an Ecosystem?
      What Happens to Energy in an Ecosystem?

    • Slide Number 18
    • Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter Faster than Others
    • Do

      Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter Faster than Others Do
      Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter Faster than Others

    • What Happens to Matter in an Ecosystem?
    • Water Cycle Sustains all Life
      Water Cycle Sustains all Life

    • Science Focus: Water’s Unique Properties
    • Carbon Cycles among Living and Nonliving Things
    • Human Disruption of the Carbon Cycle
      Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action
      Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action
      Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action
      Phosphorous Cycles through Water, Rock, and Food Webs
      Phosphorous Cycles through Water, Rock, and Food Webs
      Phosphorous Cycles through Water, Rock, and Food Webs


    Lecture 4

    What Are the Major Types of Life on the

    • Every organism is composed of one or more

    • Cell:
    • Known as the “building blocks of life”
    • Surrounded by a structure called the cell membrane

    What Are the Major Types of Life on the

    • Classification based on cell structure
    • Prokaryotic (bacterial cells)

    • Cells enclosed by a membrane but containing no distinct nucleus or other internal parts
    enclosed by membranes

    • Eukaryotic
    • All nonbacterial organisms

    • Cells are encased in a membrane and have a distinct nucleus (a membrane-bounded
    structure containing genetic material in the form of DNA) and several other internal parts
    enclosed by membranes.

    What Are the Major Types of Life on the

  • Taxonomies
  • Scientists group organisms into
    categories based on their greatly
    varying characteristics.
    • Taxonomic classification:

    • Domain, kingdom, phylum, class,
    family, genus, and species

  • Kingdoms
  • • Archaebacteria
    • Eubacteria
    • Protista (algae and protozoans)
    • Plantae: Plants (mosses, ferns, and

    flowering plants)
    • Fungi (mushrooms, molds, mildew,

    and yeasts)
    • Animalia: Animals (invertebrates

    and vertebrates)

  • Taxonomies video
  • • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKwOlAqQoLk

    Earth’s Organisms Are Many and Varied

    • Species – group of organisms with characteristics that
    distinguish it from other groups of organisms.

    • Estimated 7–10 million species exist
    • About 2 million species have been identified

    • About half of those are insects

    • Pollination is a vital ecosystem service performed by insects
    • Biological control

  • What Is Biodiversity and Why Is It Important?
  • • Biological diversity is the diversity of life on earth
    • Four components:
    • Species diversity

    • Includes species richness (the number of different species) and evenness
    (comparative abundance of all species)

    • Genetic diversity
    • Variety of genes in a population or species

    • Ecosystem diversity
    • Biomes: regions with distinct climates and species

    • Functional diversity
    • Biological and chemical processes, such as energy flow and matter recycling, needed

    for the survival of species, communities, and ecosystems

  • What is Biodiversity?
  • • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Ua_zWDH6U

  • Species Diversity
  • • Species diversity includes species richness (number of different species) and
    evenness (comparative abundance of all species).

    • If an ecosystem only has three species, its richness is low. But if there are an
    equal number of each of the three species, the species evenness is high.

    • Species richness is highest in the tropics and declines as we move toward the

    • Most species rich environments are tropical rain forests, large tropical lakes,
    coral reefs, and the ocean-bottom zone.

    Species Diversity

  • Functional Diversity
  • Functional diversity is the biological and chemical processes, such
    as energy flow and matter recycling, needed for the survival of
    species, communities, and ecosystems.

    -What is/are the organism(s) doing?
    -How does it interact with other organisms and the environment

  • Genetic Diversity
  • • Variety of genes in a population or species
    • Genes contain genetic information that give rise to specific traits, or

    characteristics, that are passed on to offspring through reproduction.
    • Species have a better chance of surviving and adapting to environmental changes

    if they have greater genetic diversity.

  • Ecosystem Diversity
  • • Biomes: Regions with distinct climates and species
    (terrestrial classification)

    • tropical rainforests, temperate forests, deserts, tundra,
    boreal forests, grasslands, and savanna

    • Biomes differ in their community structure based on the
    types, relative sizes, and stratification of their plant species

  • Major Biomes across United States
  • Ecosystem Diversity

    • Large areas of forest and other biomes have a core habitat and edge habitats
    with different environmental conditions and species, called edge effects

    • Natural ecosystems within biomes rarely have distinct boundaries.
    • Instead, one ecosystem tends to merge with the next in a transitional zone

    called an ecotone
    • Ecotone: a region containing a mixture of species from adjacent ecosystems along with

    some migrant species not found in either of the bordering ecosystems

    • Humans have fragmented many biomes into isolated patches with less core
    habitat and more edge habitat that supports fewer species.

  • What Role Do Species Play in Ecosystems?
  • • Each species plays a specific ecological role called its niche
    • Includes everything that affects survival and reproduction

    • Water, space, sunlight, food, and temperatures
    • What it eats
    • How much water it drinks
    • When it reproduces
    • Niche is NOT the same as habitat, which is where a species lives
    • Related to functional diversity component of biodiversity

  • What Role Do Species Play in Ecosystems?
  • Niches
  • are used to classify species into 2

    • Generalist species
    • Broad niche—wide range of tolerance

    • Specialist species
    • Narrow niche—narrow range of tolerance


    • Further classification of niches depends on
    the roles that species play in ecosystems:

    • Native species normally live and thrive in a
    particular ecosystem

    • Nonnative species migrate or are accidentally
    introduced into an ecosystem

  • Invasive Species
  • • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spTWwqVP_2s


    • Further classification of niches depends on the
    roles that species play in ecosystems:

    • Indicator species provide early warnings of
    environmental changes

    • Lichens, Trout


    • Further classification of niches depends on the roles that species
    play in ecosystems:

    • Keystone species have a large effect on the types and abundance of
    other species (such as pollination and population regulation)

    • E.g., Saguaro cactus – habitat, food
    • Species can play one or more roles in an ecosystem

    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGcIp4YEKrc

    • �Biodiversity�
    • What Are the Major Types of Life on the Earth?
    • What Are the Major Types of Life on the Earth?
      What Are the Major Types of Life on the Earth?

    • Slide Number 7
    • Taxonomies video

    • Earth’s Organisms Are Many and Varied �
    • What Is Biodiversity and Why Is It Important?
      What is Biodiversity?
      Species Diversity
      Species Diversity
      Functional Diversity
      Genetic Diversity
      Ecosystem Diversity
      Major Biomes across United States
      Ecosystem Diversity
      What Role Do Species Play in Ecosystems?
      What Role Do Species Play in Ecosystems?
      Invasive Species

  • Evolution
  • Lecture 5

  • How Does the Earth’s Life Change over Time?
  • • Biological evolution
    • The process by which Earth’s life forms change

    genetically over time
    • Helps explain why there is such biodiversity
    • Widely accepted scientific theory

    • Natural selection
    • Process by which


    have evolved from earlier


    Evolution Explains How Organisms Change
    over Time

    • Fossils
    • Physical evidence of past organisms
    • Preserved in rocks or ice

    • Fossil record
    • Entire body of fossil evidence
    • Uneven and incomplete

    • Estimate: fossils found so far represent only
    1% of all species that have ever lived

    Evolution Depends on

  • Genetic Variability
  • and

  • Natural Selection
  • • Darwin and Wallace independently proposed the concept of
    natural selection in 1850s.

    • Biological evolution involves changes in a population’s genetic
    makeup over generations.

    • Populations, not individuals, evolve.

  • Steps of Evolution
  • 1. Genetic variability
    2. Natural Selection

    Genetic Variability

    • First step in evolution: Genetic variability
    • Occurs through mutations

    • Random changes in DNA as cells divide and DNA is copied
    • Can be the result of exposure to external factors (like

    chemicals and radioactivity)
    • Some mutations can be beneficial, and others can be

    • Some can result in heritable traits

    Natural Selection

    • Natural selection
    • Environmental conditions favor increased survival and reproduction

    of certain individuals in a population
    • Survival of the fittest

    Natural Selection

    • Adaptive trait
    • Improves the ability of an individual organism to survive and

    reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals in a population
    • Given prevailing environmental conditions

    Evolution Depends on Genetic Variability and
    Natural Selection

    • Genetic resistance
    • Example of natural selection at work
    • Occurs when organisms have genes that can tolerate a chemical designed to kill them
    • Resistant individuals survive and reproduce

    • Some disease-causing bacteria have developed resistance to
    antibacterial drugs (antibiotics)

    Evolution Depends on Genetic Variability and
    Natural Selection

    • Human species adaptations
    • Strong opposable thumbs
    • Ability to walk upright
    • A complex brain

    Limits to Adaptation through Natural

    • Adaptive genetic traits must precede change in the environmental

    • A population’s reproductive capacity
    • Species that reproduce rapidly and in large numbers are better able

    to adapt

    Myths about Evolution through Natural

    • Five common myths
    • Survival of the fittest means survival of the strongest.
    • Evolution explains the origin of life.
    • Humans evolved from apes or monkeys.
    • Evolution is part of nature’s grand plan to produce perfectly adapted

    • Evolution by natural selection is not important because it is just a theory.

  • How do New Species Arise?
  • • New species arise in two

    • Geographic isolation
    • Reproductive isolation

  • What Factors Affect Biodiversity?
  • • New species arise in two phases
    • Geographic isolation

    • Occurs first
    • Populations migrate or are separated

    by some other cause

    What Factors Affect Biodiversity?

    • Reproductive isolation
    • Mutation and change by natural

    selection occurs in the geographically
    isolated groups

    • Eventually prevents breeding between
    the groups

    What Factors Affect Biodiversity?

  • Geological Processes Affect Biodiversity
  • • Tectonic plates affect evolution and the
    distribution of life on earth

    • Locations of continents and oceans have shifted
    through geologic time

    • Species move and adapt to new environments,
    allowing speciation

    • Earthquakes can separate and isolate

    • Volcanic eruptions can destroy habitats

  • Artificial Selection and Genetic Engineering
  • • Artificial selection
    • Selective breeding (or crossbreeding)
    • Occurs between genetically similar species
    • Not a form of speciation
    • Slow process

    • Genetic engineering
    • Way to speed process of artificial selection
    • Gene splicing

  • Extinction
  • • Extinction
    • Process in which an entire species ceases to exist

    • Endemic species
    • Found only in one area
    • Particularly vulnerable to extinction

    • Background extinction
    • Typical low rate of extinction

    • 0.0001% of all species per year

  • Extinction Eliminates Species
  • • Mass extinction
    • Significant rise above background level
    • 20–95% of species are eliminated
    • Causes unknown but could include:

    • Giant volcanic eruptions
    • Collisions with meteors or asteroids

    • Provides opportunity for evolution of new

    • Five mass extinctions

  • Video
  • • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GShGxrw4xOU&feature=emb_

      How Does the Earth’s Life Change over Time?

    • Evolution Explains How Organisms Change over Time
    • Evolution Depends on Genetic Variability and Natural Selection
    • Steps of Evolution
      Genetic Variability
      Natural Selection
      Natural Selection

    • Evolution Depends on Genetic Variability and Natural Selection
    • Evolution Depends on Genetic Variability and Natural Selection

    • Limits to Adaptation through Natural Selection
    • Myths about Evolution through Natural Selection
    • How do New Species Arise?
      What Factors Affect Biodiversity?
      What Factors Affect Biodiversity?
      What Factors Affect Biodiversity?
      Geological Processes Affect Biodiversity
      Artificial Selection and Genetic Engineering
      Extinction Eliminates Species

    Species Interactions,
    Ecological Succession,

    and Population Control

    Lecture 6

  • How Do Species Interact?
  • • Five types of


    affect resource use and species
    population sizes in an ecosystem

    • Competition

  • Predation
  • • Parasitism
    • Mutualism
    • Commensalism

  • Competition for Resources
  • • Most common interaction is

    • Interspecific competition
    • Competition between

    different species to use the
    same limited resources

    • Resource Partitioning
    • Intraspecific competition


    • Predator feeds directly on all or part of a member of another
    species (prey)

    • Strong effect on population sizes and other factors in ecosystems

    • Methods of predation
    • Walk, swim, or fly
    • Camouflage
    • Chemical warfare

    • Coevolution

  • Parasitism, Mutualism, and Commensalism
  • • Parasitism
    • One species (parasite) lives on another organism
    • Parasites harm but rarely kill the host
    • Examples: tapeworms, sea lampreys, fleas, and ticks

    • Mutualism
    • Interaction that benefits both species
    • Nutrition and protective relationship
    • Not cooperation—mutual exploitation
    • Example: clownfish live within sea anemones

    • Gain protection and feed on waste matter left by
    anemones’ meals

    • Clownfish protect anemones from some predators
    and parasites

    Parasitism, Mutualism, and Commensalism

    • Commensalism
    • Benefits one species and has little effect on the other
    • Examples:

    • Epiphytes (air plants) attach themselves to trees (Pitcher Plant)
    • Birds nest in trees

    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doB6fyzoO68

    How Do Communities and Ecosystems Respond to
    Changing Environmental Conditions?

    • Ecological succession
    • Normally gradual change in structure and species

    composition in a given system

    • Primary ecological succession
    • Involves gradual establishment of communities of

    different species in lifeless areas
    • Need to build up fertile soil or aquatic sediments to

    support plant community
    • Takes hundreds to thousands of years
    • Pioneer species such as lichens or mosses quickly spread

    and release acids

    Ecological Succession Creates and Changes

    • Secondary ecological succession
    • Series of terrestrial communities or ecosystems develop in places with soil

    or sediment
    • Examples: abandoned farmland, burned or cut forests, and flooded land

    Ecological succession is an important ecosystem service enriching biodiversity

  • What Limits the Growth of Populations?
  • • Population
    • Group of interbreeding individuals of the same species

    • Population size
    • May increase, decrease, or remain the same in response to

    changing environmental conditions
    • Scientists use sampling techniques to estimate

    What Limits the Growth of Populations?

    • Population distribution varies over their habitats
    • Most populations live together in clumps or groups

    • Organisms cluster for resources
    • Protection from predators

    • Variables that govern changes in population size
    • Births, deaths, immigration, and emigration

    Several Factors Can Limit Population

    • Each population has a range of tolerance
    • Variation in physical and chemical

    environment under which it can survive

    • Limiting factors
    • Precipitation (on land)
    • Water temperature, depth, clarity, and

    other factors (in aquatic environments)

    • Population density
    • Density-dependent factors (parasites and

    diseases spread easily, higher death rates;
    finding mates in sexually reproducing
    individuals is easy)

    No Population Can Grow Indefinitely:
    J-Curves and S-Curves

    • Some species can reproduce

    • Reproduce at an early age
    • Have many offspring each time they

    • Short intervals in between

    reproductive cycles
    • Produces J-shaped curve of growth
    • Examples: bacteria and many insect


    No Population Can Grow Indefinitely:
    J-Curves and S-Curves

    • Population growth in nature always limited
    • Environmental resistance

    • Sum of all factors that limit population growth

    • Carrying capacity
    • Maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain

    • Overshoot results in population crash

    No Population Can Grow Indefinitely:
    J-Curves and S-Curves

  • Reproductive Patterns
  • • r-Selected species
    • Species with capacity for a high rate

    of population growth
    • Examples: algae, bacteria, frogs,

    most insects, and many fish
    • May go through irregular and

    unstable cycles in population sizes

    Reproductive Patterns

    • K-Selected species
    • Species that reproduce later in life
    • Have few offspring
    • Have long life spans
    • Examples: large mammals, whales,

    humans, birds of prey, and long-lived

    • Can be vulnerable to extinction

  • Species Vary in Their Life Spans
  • • Survivorship curve
    • Shows the percentages of members of population surviving at different ages

    • Late loss (K-selected species)
    • Early loss (r-selected species)
    • Constant loss (many songbirds)

    Humans Are Not Exempt from Nature’s
    Population Controls

    • Ireland
    • Potato crop destroyed by fungus in 1845
    • Killed one million people

    • Bubonic plague
    • Killed 25 million during the 14th century in densely populated European


    • Technological, social, and cultural changes have expanded earth’s
    carrying capacity for the human species today

    • �Species Interactions, Ecological Succession, and Population Control�
    • How Do Species Interact?
      Competition for Resources
      Parasitism, Mutualism, and Commensalism
      Parasitism, Mutualism, and Commensalism

    • How Do Communities and Ecosystems Respond to Changing Environmental Conditions?
    • Ecological Succession Creates and Changes Ecosystems
    • What Limits the Growth of Populations?�
    • What Limits the Growth of Populations?

    • Several Factors Can Limit Population Size�
    • No Population Can Grow Indefinitely: �J-Curves and S-Curves
    • No Population Can Grow Indefinitely: �J-Curves and S-Curves
      No Population Can Grow Indefinitely: �J-Curves and S-Curves
      Reproductive Patterns
      Reproductive Patterns
      Species Vary in Their Life Spans

    • Humans Are Not Exempt from Nature’s Population Controls
  • Human Population
  • Lecture 7

    Past and Current
    Growth are Very

    ” Every second, on average, four or five
    children are born, somewhere on the
    earth. In that same second, one or two
    other people die.

    ” In 2011 the United Nations announced
    that we had reached 7 billion people,
    having added the most recent billion in
    only 12 years. We’re now growing at 1.05
    % per year.

  • Human Populations Grew Slowly Until Recently
  • Human Population Growth
  • ” Rate of population growth has slowed since 1960 to
    ” World’s population is still growing
    ” In 2015, 241,000 people were added every day

    ” Human population growth is unevenly distributed
    ” 2% added to more developed countries
    ” 98% added to less developed countries

    ” People are moving from rural to urban areas
    ” In 2018, 55% of the world’s population lived in urban areas,

    and it is increasing
    ” Urban dwellers are living in less developed countries where

    resources for dealing with the growing population are

    Perspectives on

    As with many topics in environmental
    science, people have widely differing
    opinions about population and

    Some believe that population growth
    is the ultimate cause of poverty and
    environmental degradation.

    Others argue that poverty,
    environmental degradation, and
    overpopulation are all merely
    symptoms of deeper social and
    political factors.

    The worldview we choose to
    believe will profoundly affect our
    approach to population issues.

  • What is the Carrying Capacity for Humans?
  • ” We are approaching, or may have surpassed, the
    earth’s carrying capacity.

    ” Maximum number of people who could live in
    reasonable freedom and comfort indefinitely, without
    decreasing the ability of the earth to sustain future

    ” Joel Cohen, at Rockefeller University reviewed published
    estimates of the maximum human population size the
    planet can sustain. 300 years of thinking, converged on a
    median value of 10 to 12 billion.

    ” David Pimental states that “By 2100, 12 billion miserable
    humans will suffer a difficult life on Earth.”

    Many Factors Determine
    Population Growth

    Demography encompasses vital statistics about
    people, such as births, deaths, and where they live,
    as well as total population size.

    ” Population size increases through births and
    ” Decreases through deaths and emigration

    ” Key factor that determines population size
    ” Average number of children born to women in a

    population (total fertility rate)

  • The Human Population Can Grow, Decline, or Stabilize
  • ” Crude birth rate
    ” Number of live births per 1,000 people in a population



    ” Crude death rate
    ” Number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population per


    ” Population change = (Births + Immigration) – (Deaths
    + Emigration)

  • Fertility Rates
  • ” Replacement-level fertility rate
    ” Average number of children a couple

    must bear to replace themselves

    ” Approximately 2.1
    ”Higher than 2 because some children

    die before reaching reproductive

  • Total Fertility Rate is Impacted by Culture
  • ” Total fertility rate (TFR)

    ” The number of children born to an average
    woman in a population during her entire
    reproductive life.

    ” This rate varies due to education, access to
    modern health care, and religious practices.

    ”Between 1955 and 2018, the global TFR
    dropped from 5 to 2.4

    ”To eventually halt population growth, the
    global TFR must drop to the fertility
    replacement level of 2.1


    ” Human population size in 2050 is estimated to be between
    7.8 billion and 10.8 billion people

    ” Factors influencing the range of estimates

    ” Reliability of current population estimates

    ” Assumptions about trends in fertility

    ” Different organizations who estimate populations use
    different methods and data

  • People Want Children for Many Reasons
  • ” Importance of children as part of the labor
    ” Especially in less developed countries

    ” Cost of raising and educating children

    ” Availability of pension systems

    ” Urbanization

    ” Educational and employment opportunities for

  • Fertility is Influenced by Culture
  • ” Average age at marriage
    ” Availability of reliable birth control methods
    ” Religious beliefs, traditions, and cultural norms

  • Life Expectancy is Rising Worldwide
  • ” Life span is the oldest age to which a species is known to survive.
    ”The average age that a newborn infant can expect to attain in any given

    ” Worldwide, average life expectancy rose from 48 to 72 yrs between 1955

    and 2018.
    ” Infant mortality rate

    ”Number of babies out of every 1,000 who die before their first birthday
    ” Poverty is the single most important factor affecting life expectancy.
    ” Factors that cause high infant mortality:
    ” Insufficient food, poor nutrition, and infectious disease.

  • Migration
  • ” The movement of people into and out of
    specific geographic areas

    ” Reasons for migration

    ” Jobs and economic improvement

    ” Religious persecution or ethnic conflict

    ” Political oppression or war

    ” Environmental refugees

    How Does a Population’s

  • Age Structure
  • Affect Its Growth or Decline?

    o Age structure is the number and percentages of males and females in
    young, middle, and older age groups in a population.

    o It is an important factor in determining how fast a population grows or

    Age Structure

    ” Age structure categories
    ” Pre-reproductive (ages 0–14) – too young to have kids

    ” Reproductive (ages 15–44)

    ” Post reproductive (ages 45 and older)

    ” Country with large percentage of people younger than age 15 will experience rapid population

    ” Global population of seniors expected to triple between 2018 and 2050

    ” Most future population growth will happen in less developed countries because of youthful age
    structure and rapid population rates.

  • Age Class Histograms
  • Aging Populations Can Decline Rapidly
  • ” Graying of the world’s population is due to declining
    birth rates and medical advances that have
    extended life spans.

    ” As the percentage of people over 65 increases, more
    countries will experience population declines.

    ” Slow population decline is generally manageable.

    ” Rapid decline leads to economic problems:
    ” Proportionally fewer young people working

    ” Labor shortages

    ” Some countries with rapidly declining populations:
    ” Japan, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania,

    Cuba, and Portugal

    How Can We Slow Human Population

    ” There is argument on whether population growth needs to slow:
    ” Some say environmental degradation can be linked to population growth

    ” Ways to slow human population growth:
    ” Reduce poverty through economic development

    ” Elevate the status of women

    ” Encourage family planning

  • Economic Development
  • ” Demographic transition:
    ” As countries become industrialized and economically developed, poverty declines (this results in

    populations that tend to grow more slowly).

    ” Several countries are experiencing a stabilized or declining population.

    ” Reducing poverty is key to improving human health and stabilizing the population.

    ” It takes 4 stages.

  • Stage I
  • o Economic and social conditions
    change mortality and births.

    o Stage I represents the conditions in a
    premodern society.

    o Malnutrition, illness, accidents and
    other hazards keep high death rates
    but high birth rates keep population
    relatively constant.

  • Stage II
  • o Economic development in Stage II
    brings better jobs, medical care,
    sanitation, and a generally improved
    standard of living, and death rates
    often fall very rapidly.

    o Birth rates may rise at first, with money
    and nutrition, people might want more
    children. Later, birth rates fall as
    people concentrate their resources on
    fewer children.

  • Stage III
  • o Note that populations grow rapidly
    during Stage III when death rates
    have already fallen but birth rates
    remain high.

    o Population may go one or more
    rounds of doubling before coming to
    balance again.

  • Stage IV
  • o Stage IV represents conditions in
    developed countries, where the
    transition is complete and both birth
    rates and death rates are low, often a
    third or less than those in the
    predevelopment era.

    o Most of northern and western Europe
    went through a demographic transition
    in 19th and early 20th century.

    Improving Women’s Lives Helps Reduce Birth

    ” Women have fewer children if:
    ” Educated

    ” Able to earn an income

    ” Society does not suppress their rights

    ” Women:
    ” Do most of the domestic work and childcare

    ” Provide unpaid health care

    ” Have fewer rights and educational opportunities than men

  • Family Planning Gives Us Choices
  • ” Family planning allows couples to determine the number and spacing
    of their children.

    ” Birth control usually means any method used to reduce births including
    celibacy, delayed marriage, contraception, and methods that prevent
    embryo implantation and other methods like induced abortions.

    Successful Family Planning Programs Often
    Require Significant Societal Changes

    ” Important societal changes to affect population growth include:
    ” Improved social, educational, and economic status for women.

    ” Improved status for children.

    ” Acceptance of calculated choice as a valid element in life in general and in fertility
    in particular.

    ” Social security and political stability that give people the means and the confidence
    to plan for the future.

    ” The knowledge, availability, and use of effective and acceptable means of birth

  • Fertility Rates by Country
  • Access the text alternative for these

      Human Population

    • Past and Current Population Growth are Very Different
    • Human Populations Grew Slowly Until Recently
      Human Population Growth

    • Perspectives on Population Growth
    • What is the Carrying Capacity for Humans?

    • Many Factors Determine Population Growth
    • The Human Population Can Grow, Decline, or Stabilize
      Fertility Rates
      Total Fertility Rate is Impacted by Culture

    • Predicting Population Change
    • People Want Children for Many Reasons
      Fertility is Influenced by Culture
      Life Expectancy is Rising Worldwide

    • How Does a Population’s Age Structure Affect Its Growth or Decline?
    • Age Structure
      Age Class Histograms
      Aging Populations Can Decline Rapidly

    • How Can We Slow Human Population Growth?
    • Economic Development
      Stage I
      Stage II
      Stage III
      Stage IV

    • Improving Women’s Lives Helps Reduce Birth Rates
    • Family Planning Gives Us Choices

    • Successful Family Planning Programs Often Require Significant Societal Changes
    • Fertility Rates by Country

  • Urbanization
  • Lecture 8

    More Than Half of the World’s People Live in Urban

    ” Urbanization
    ” Creation and growth of urban and suburban

     55% of people live in such areas

    ” Urban growth
    ” Rate of increase of urban populations
    ” Immigration from rural areas

    ” Pushed from rural areas to urban areas

    ” Pulled to urban areas from rural areas

  • Three Major Urban Trends
  • ” Three major trends
    ” Proportion of global population living in urban areas is


    ” Number and sizes of urban areas are increasing
    ” Megacities: more than 10 million residents

    ” Hypercities: more than 20 million residents

    ” Poverty is becoming increasingly urbanized
    ” Mostly in less-developed countries

    Three Major Urban Trends

  • Urbanization in the United States
  • ” Three phases between 1800 and 2015

    ” Migration from rural areas to large
    central cities

    ” Migration from large central cities to
    suburbs and smaller cities

    ” Migration from North and East to South
    and West

    ” Aging infrastructure

    ” Deteriorating services

  • Urban Sprawl
  • ” Urban sprawl

    ” Low-density development on the
    edges of cities and towns

    ” Contributing factors to U.S. urban sprawl

    ” Abundant, affordable land

    ” Automobiles

    ” Federal and state funding of highways

    ” Inadequate urban planning

  • Urban Sprawl
  • ” Suburban sprawl destroys forests, wetlands,
    and cropland

    ” Forces people to drive almost

    ” Contributed to economic deaths of many
    central cities

  • Urbanization Has Advantages
  • ” Cities
    ” Centers of economic development,

    innovation, education, technological
    advances, social and cultural diversity,
    and jobs

    ” Better medical care than rural areas
    ” Recycling economically feasible
    ” Reduce stress on wildlife habitats
    ” Mass transportation typically available

  • Urbanization Has Disadvantages
  • ” Large ecological footprints
    ”Consume 75% of the world’s resources

    ” Lack of vegetation
    ” Water problems

    ”Runoff, flooding, wetland degradation
    ” Pollution and health problems

    ”Air and water pollution
    ”Solid and hazardous wastes

    Urbanization Has Disadvantages

    ” Excessive noise
    ” Noise pollution impairs or interferes with

    hearing, and causes stress and accidents

    ” Local climate effects and light pollution
    ” Cities tend to be warmer, rainier, foggier, and

    cloudier than rural areas
    ” Urban heat island
    ” Artificial light has affected some species

    (disorientation, natural behavior, higher
    predation levels, disrupts light sensitive cycles,
    higher mortality rates).

  • Poverty and Urban Living
  • ” Slums
    ” Areas dominated by dilapidated housing
    ” Squatter settlements and shantytowns
     Scavenged materials, on unoccupied land

    without the owner’s permission

    ” Terrible living conditions
     Lack basic water and sanitation
     High levels of pollution

    Cities Can Grow Outward
    or Upward

    ” Compact cities
    ” Hong Kong, China

    ” Tokyo, Japan

    ” Mass transit

    ” Dispersed cities
    ” The United States and Canada

    ” Car-centered cities

  • Pros and Cons of Motor Vehicles
  • ” Advantages
    ” Mobility and convenience

    ” Provides jobs

    ” Production and repair of vehicles

    ” Supplying fuel

    ” Building roads

    Pros and Cons of Motor Vehicles

    ” Disadvantages
    ” Accidents kill 1.25 million people per

    year globally and injure another 50

    ” Kill 50 million wild animals and
    pets per year

    ” Largest source of outdoor air pollution

    ” Helped create urban sprawl and car
    commuter culture

    ” Traffic congestion

  • Reducing Automobile Use
  • ” Full-cost pricing–environmental gas tax
    ” Consumer education

    ” Funds for mass transit and bike lanes

    ” Opposition from car owners and industry

    ” Raise parking fees

    ” Charge tolls on roads, tunnels, and

    ” Car-sharing networks

  • Alternatives to Cars
  • ” Foot power
    ” Bicycles
    ” Buses
    ” Heavy-rail systems

    ” Subways, elevated rail, and metro trains

    ” Light-rail systems
    ” Streetcars, trolleys, and tramways

    ” Rapid-rail system between urban areas

  • Conventional Land-Use Planning
  • ” Land-use planning
    ”Governments control uses of certain parcels of land by legal and

    economic methods
    ” Zoning

    ”Land designated for certain uses
    ”Mixed-use zoning

  • Smart Growth
  • ” Set of policies and tools that encourage
    environmentally sustainable development

    ” Uses zoning laws to channel growth and
    reduce ecological footprint

    ” Reduces dependence on cars
    ” Discourages sprawl
    ” Many European countries

    ” High taxes on heating fuel and gasoline
    encourages compact cities

    Preserving and
    Using Open Space
    ” Urban growth boundary

    ” U.S. states: Washington, Oregon, and

    ” Greenbelts
    ” Canadian cities: Vancouver and


    ” Western European cities

    ” Municipal parks
    ” U.S. cities: New York City and San


  • New Urbanism
  • ” Conventional housing development
    ” Rows of houses on standard-size lots

    ” Cluster development
    ” Mixed housing types and green space

    ” New urbanism: environmental
    ” Walkable, bike friendly neighborhoods
    ” Mixed use and diversity
    ” Quality urban design; smart transportation
    ” Sense of community

  • The Eco-City Concept: Cities for People, Not Cars
  • ” Eco-city (or green city)
    ” New model for urban development

    ” People-oriented, not car-oriented

    ” Walk, bike, or use mass transit

    ” High percentage of MSW reused, recycled, or

    ” Tree planting

    ” Vertical farms

    ” Environmental justice

  • The Eco-City Concept in Curitiba, Brazil
  • ” Ecological capital of Brazil

    ” Superb bus rapid-transit system
    ” 85% of the city’s commuters

    ” Streams and parks

    ” Recycling programs

    ” Care for the poor

    ” High literacy rate

    ” Population increased fivefold since

  • Eco-Villages
  • ” 50–150 people come together to design and
    live in more ecologically, economically, and
    socially sustainable villages in rural and
    suburban areas
    ” Solar and wind power

    ” Energy-efficient housing

    ” Organic farming

    ” 2014: more than 400 eco-villages in over 70


    • More Than Half of the World’s People Live in Urban Areas
    • Three Major Urban Trends
      Three Major Urban Trends
      Urbanization in the United States
      Urban Sprawl
      Urban Sprawl
      Urbanization Has Advantages
      Urbanization Has Disadvantages
      Urbanization Has Disadvantages
      Poverty and Urban Living

    • Cities Can Grow Outward� or Upward
    • Pros and Cons of Motor Vehicles
      Pros and Cons of Motor Vehicles
      Reducing Automobile Use
      Alternatives to Cars
      Conventional Land-Use Planning
      Smart Growth

    • Preserving and Using Open Space
    • New Urbanism
      The Eco-City Concept: Cities for People, Not Cars
      The Eco-City Concept in Curitiba, Brazil

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