Ethics assignment


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     The book called Ethics in a Computing Culture. I have two assignment. 


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Assignment#3: Case Study

Value– 15 Marks [10% of Final Grade]

· Using the same groups as your last discussion board assignment find one recent article that presents an ethical dilemma and have it approved. E-mail the article link to your instructor [this first step will be done during class] which will be posted in your group’s discussion board on Blackboard.
· Using your group discussion boardas the case study forum each member of the group will individually:
1. Explain the ethical dilemma presented in the article as they understand it.
2. Choose any two (2) moral theories from chapter 1 in our textbook “Ethics in a Computing Culture” and apply to the ethical dilemma.
3. Respond to at least one other posting from a classmate in your group, and comment on their thoughts and opinions regarding the article’s ethical dilemma.
· This case study will be posted for one week.


Late Assignments
– any postings after the cutoff date/time will not be accepted.

Late Joiners
– you must post your comments to allow sufficient time for others to comment. For example:a comment posted less than 24 hoursbefore this assignment is due, will receive a deduction – because little time is available for others to respond.

– This is an on-line discussion that all group members will participate in. Each of you will receive your own grade, based on your input to the criteria listed above. You may wish to respond to several of your classmate’s comments – this might include expanding on their response, or perhaps disagreeing with their comment – in each case you must provide your reasoning for doing so.

– In this on-line discussion, I do expect proper grammar and spelling to be used. 1 mark will be deducted to a maximum of 3 marks (20% of grade).
GEN1001M – Ethics: What’s the Big Deal? Assignment 3



Assignment#5: Case Study

Value– 15 Marks [10% of Final Grade]

· Watch the episode of The Agenda entitled “When is Free Speech Hate Speech?”

Agenda Steve Paikin. (2011, October 24). When is free speech hate speech? Retrieved September 9, 2012, from
· Using your group discussion boardas the case study forum each member of the group will individually:
1. Make the strongest argument you can for your position in the ethical debate presented in the video “When is Free Speech Hate Speech?” Should all speech be free? When does free speech become hate speech (where is that line)? What should the consequences be? What are some of the possible consequences to prohibiting freedom of expression?
2. Choose any two (2) moral theories from chapter 1 in our textbook “Ethics in a Computing Culture”to support your position.
3. Respond to at least one other posting from a classmate in your group, and comment on their thoughts and opinions regarding the ethical dilemma presented in the video.
· This case study will be posted for one week.

Late Assignments
– any postings after the cutoff date/time will not be accepted.

Late Joiners
– you must post your comments to allow sufficient time for others to comment. For example:a comment posted less than 24 hoursbefore this assignment is due, will receive a deduction – because little time is available for others to respond.

– This is an on-line discussion that all group members will participate in. Each of you will receive your own grade, based on your input to the criteria listed above. You may wish to respond to several of your classmate’s comments – this might include expanding on their response, or perhaps disagreeing with their comment – in each case you must provide your reasoning for doing so.

– In this on-line discussion, I do expect proper grammar and spelling to be used. 1 mark will be deducted to a maximum of 3 marks (20% of grade).
GEN1001M – Ethics: What’s the Big Deal? Assignment 5

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