Ethics Paper

Ethics Paper

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This paper must be at least 5 pages of content (not including the cover page or reference page), and completed in APA format (7th edition). Aside from utilizing the text as a source, you are required to use at least 2 additional scholarly resources for the research and incorporate the information throughout the paper with proper in-text citations and include specific examples that support the analysis

Your paper must include the following:ss

· Cover Page

· Introduction (1 to 2 paragraphs maximum)

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· Purpose Statement (2 to 3 sentences) There is an example of a purpose statement for this paper in the Expectations for Short Papers document – use this as a guide. 

· Analysis (3.5 to 4 pages maximum) – each bulleted criterion is a major part of the analysis and needs to be thoroughly addressed.

· What purpose does an ethical climate serve, and why is it important to an organization? (First major part of the analysis)

· How do biases impact our moral decision making? (Pick 2 biases) (Second major part of the analysis)

· (Please note: the biases that are required are located in the How (Un)ethical Are you? article in Week 2’s readings – implicit prejudice, in-group favoritism, overclaiming credit, conflict of interest.)

· Provide an example of an ethical issue that actually occurred involving a real organization or person.  Why is this issue unethical? What behaviors are occurring that are unethical? (Third major part of the analysis)

· How could the ethical issue have been avoided?  In other words, what are some of the leadership actions that should have been implemented to establish an ethical climate?  Fourth major part of the paper.

· (Note: think about the 5 components that help leaders “create and sustain an ethical climate,” that we examined in the Week 2 discussion post –  formal ethics policies and procedures, core ideology, integrity, structured reinforcement, process focus). Pick 1 from the list of 5.

· Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs maximum)

· Reference page

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