This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style. Please do not use international references
As the most senior staffer and only AGACNP on your team, you are tasked by a medical surgical unit supervisor with developing a 1-hour teaching module based on a disease process from one of the following: Neurology, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Gastroenterology, Urology, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Renal, Hematology. This is intended for a small group of new-hire, newly licensed RNs on your medical surgical unit. You have been asked to introduce them to the key principles of noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring and other concepts they will need to firmly understand to perform their jobs. In the lesson, be sure to analyze theories regarding implementation of change in clinical practice. Also include the importance of implementing the best standard of care in the acute care setting. Using the course text and a minimum of three evidence-based, peer-reviewed resources, create and post an outline with a brief rationale of the proposed educational lesson you will deliver.