Finance Retirement Plan


, 72


K, $90K, $250K)

, 5%



Retirement Plan Your name
Retirement Age 55,

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Standard of Living (2013 Dollars) ($

45 90,000
Projected Inflation 2%,

Years til you retire (Reitrement Age less you age)
Standard of Living in Retirement Future value of current Standard of living using your forecasted inflation rate
Projected Retirement Earnings 4%, 7%, 10% 8%
Required Lump Sum at Retirement (Perpetuity) – 0
Expected Earnings in retirement fund (5%, 8%, 12%)
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50
Payment Calculations Years 1-10, 11-20, 21-31, etc 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000

 Chose when you want to retire (55,68,72)
 Standard of Living /Lifestyle (Annual Income in Perpetuity)
◦ Average – $45K
◦ Comfortable – $90K
◦ Loaded – $250K
 Projected Earnings in Retirement (4%, 7%, 10%)
 Projected inflation (2%, 3%,5%)
 Expected Earnings
◦ Conservative 5%
◦ Moderate 8%
◦ Aggressive 12%
 Payment level –Years 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc



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