Financial accounting

Case Study #1- Corporate Annual Financial Report and Financial Statements

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The purpose of this individual analysis and oral presentation assignment is to help students gain a deeper understanding of the subjects discussed in the textbook chapters.  Student will conduct an in-depth study of the financial condition and management practices of a publically-traded company they choose.  


Obtain the most recent annual report of a publicly-traded company online.  This can be a company that you want to work for in the future, or a company whose products you use regularly.  Company annual reports are normally posted under the “Investor Relations” tab of their web sites.  

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Complete the following analysis.  Submit your analysis through the Upload Box of mywuv course site as a PowerPoint file and be ready to present your findings at the next class.

1) List five interesting facts about the company.

2) Which auditing firm audited the financial statement? (Use Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm report)

3) What asset accounts does the company have?  (Use Balance Sheet)

4) What are the main liability accounts of the company? (Use Balance Sheet)

5) Did the company’s total assets increase or decrease from 2020 to 2021? (Use Balance Sheet)

6) Did the company’s net sales (revenue) increase or decrease from 2020 to 2021? (Use Income Statement)

7) Did the company’s 2021 cash flow from operating activities increase or decrease from 2020? (Use Statement of Cash Flow)

8) Based on the analysis above, did the company’s financial condition improved or deteriorated from 2020 to 2021?

The analysis should be in PowerPoint and presented to the class orally.  Please name your file as “Case Study X_First Name_Last Name”.  For example, “Case Study 1_Robert_Smith”.


Grading is based on content, analysis and style of the PowerPoint submission and class presentation.  For the work to be exemplary, students should use information effectively to draw appropriate conclusions and include relevant support for their analyses. Correct accounting language/terminology should be utilized, and there should be no calculation errors. The presentation to peers should be well prepared and organized.

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