Fitness Product

I need guidance in analyzing consumer product that focuses more on fitness.

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NUFS/KIN163 – Physical Fitness and Nutrition, Spring 2022, San Jose State University

Revised 012422

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Purpose of the Assignment: to evaluate an electronic advertisement in a way that the student becomes

a more critical consumer. The advertisement will be evaluated by comparing the claims made in the ad

to scientific evidence and research findings.

Ad Selection: For Nutrition, your instructor will provide two options, along with their URLs in the

Assignment itself on Canvas. You will choose which one you want to research for this paper. For

Fitness, you will also be provided the URL of the fitness ad on Canvas. If you opt to do this, make sure

to pick an advertisement that has some substance to it, the less the ad says, the harder it is to critique.

Original advertisements should not come from library sources or magazines.

Assignment Format:

Page 1: Title page with the product name/advertisement

Pages 2 to 4 (or 5): Consumer Product Analysis

This section contains your analysis of both the ad itself and the product advertised. Evaluating the ad

itself is very important however the primary purpose of this paper is evaluating the product and whether

there is research to support its claims. The paper should be 3-4 pages. You should comment on the
positive aspects (praise) and the negative aspects (criticism) of the ad. Your analysis should be in

paragraph form, and critical comments should be well developed and substantiated (cited) by the

research studies you use for this assignment. When discussing scientific articles to analyze the product,

do NOT use direct quotes or copied material from the scientific articles. Instead, paraphrase the

information in your own words and cite appropriately in APA format. In the text of your paper, the

author & year of the scientific source should be indicated. When more than two authors are cited, “et

al.,” may be used as per APA format (however, remember to include all names on Reference Page.).

See example below:

According to Maughan et al. (2013), creatine supplementation has been shown to significantly increase

total body mass in subjects over a 4-week period.

When discussing the advertisement or product description, you may make limited use of short

quotations (<40 words) from the ad or product description, but they should be in APA format and cited

properly with page numbers, and author/year.

When critically evaluating the advertisement, comment on the text, and use of color and graphics.

You need to include comments about all of the following questions:

• Who appears to be the intended consumer?

• What techniques are used to draw the attention of the reader? Are they successful or not? Again,
consider wording, terminology, graphics and more.

• Is the ad straightforward and factual? Explain.

• Is any important information omitted that should be disclosed to the consumer?

• What gimmicks are used to sell the product? Were the gimmicks successful?

When critically evaluating the product, incorporate responses to all of the following questions but do

not limit your critique to the questions below. This product evaluation should make up the majority of

the paper.

• Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence? If so, are there any conflicting results
among various studies? Do the subjects’ age, health condition, fitness level, etc. match those for

whom the ad is directed? Were there limitations and/or flaws in these studies? Describe the studies,

NUFS/KIN 163 – Physical Fitness and Nutrition, Spring 2022, San Jose State University

Revised 012422


in your own words, to defend your statements and give evidence for or against the claims made in

the ad.

• What, if any, contribution would the consumption or use of the product make to the nutrient intake,
physique, or fitness level of the intended consumer?

• How much does the product cost? Could some less expensive product be used to obtain the same
results? If so, what?

• What hazards/adverse effects might be associated with the use of this product? Are there any
conditions (e.g., medical, age-related) that would contraindicate the use of the product?

The Consumer Product paper is aimed to analyze the product and provide research studies to

demonstrate support, or lack thereof, of the product’s claims. This might necessitate a detailed

discussion of the study if relevant to the product directly. You should avoid summarizing the studies

independent from one another and the product.

Page 5 or 6: References

This is a separate page and should be headed “References” at the top center of the page.

List the source of the advertisement, and alphabetically list the references used to support your

evaluation. Do not alphabetize “within” each reference by changing the original order of authors.

However, alphabetize your order among the various references, using the last name of the 1 st author of

each reference.

You may use the course textbooks. However, in addition, you must use at least 3 other reliable (peer

reviewed) journal references to support your analysis. References need to be current (published

within the last 10 years) and must be cited in the evaluation. Give the full publication information of

each reference used, including all author(s), title of article and journal or title of book, year of

publication, volume or edition, and page number(s).

Indentation – Although the current Publication Manual advises standard (five spaces, first line)

indentation for the reference list, this is primarily designed to make typesetting easier; the typeset

version will have hanging indents (first line flush left, following lines five spaces indent). We

recommend for this paper that you use hanging indents for enhanced readability. We have formatted

our sample references list with hanging indents.

Capitalization – Capitalize only the first word of book titles and articles and the first word after a colon.

However, for name of journals, capitalize first letter of all major words.

Punctuation – Use a comma to separate:

• Surnames from initials

• A journal title from volume number

• A volume number from page numbers

• When given, an issue number from page numbers

• (Ed.) from book title

• City of publication from state

Spacing – All entries (the entire page) should be double-spaced.

NUFS/KIN 163 – Physical Fitness and Nutrition, Spring 2022, San Jose State University

Revised 012422


References should be completed in American Psychological Association (APA) format. See examples


Journal article:

Volek, J. S., Duncan, N. D., Mazetti, S. A., Putukian, M., Gomez, A. L., & Kraemer, W. J. (2000). No

effect of heavy resistance training and creatine supplementation on blood lipids. International

Journal of Sports Nutrition, 10, 144-156. doi:134-5678-321

Book (other than first edition):

Whitney, E., & Rolfes, S. (2005). Understanding nutrition (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson


Article or chapter in edited book:

Eiser, S., Redpath, A., & Rogers, N. (1987). Outcomes of early parenting: Knowns and unknowns. In

A. P. Kern & L. S. Maze (Eds.), Logical thinking in children (pp. 58-87). New York: Springer.

Electronic Reference (see note of caution below):

Mack, G. W., & Bergeron, M. F. (May 30, 1997). Hydration and physical activity: Scientific concepts

and practical applications. Retrieved from:

Quality of References: Acceptable references include any reliable, professional, nutrition, physical

education, sports medicine, or scientific journal or book. Unacceptable references include popular

magazines (e.g., Runner’s World, American Health, Prevention, Muscle and Fitness), blogs or

influencers’ posts, or popular books (The Zone Diet, 50 Ways to Stay Fit on a Busy Schedule, Total-Life

Exercise Book). If you are unsure of the reliability of a reference, check with your instructor!

Refer to the syllabus for a partial list of acceptable periodicals and on-line resources.

You may contact our reference librarian to make an appointment at the library for help in using the

databases and searching for appropriate references. See the course syllabus for contact information.

Use of WWW pages: The World Wide Web (The Internet) is an unmonitored, un-refereed source of

information. Consequently, information may be accurate or inaccurate, and each page must be judged

for accuracy and reliability. Authoritative web pages are written by individuals with appropriate

credentials (e.g., Ph.D., R.D., M.D., etc.) and should cite references used to write the page. Pages that

are sponsored or maintained by the seller of a product are most often biased toward the product and

should be read with this in mind. We highly recommend that you only use journal articles (or articles

coming from professional sources). Again, if you are unsure of the reliability of the source, check with

your instructor.

General Paper Form and Style Guidelines:

Your paper must:

• Be written in narrative, paragraph format, typed and double spaced

• Be written in the 3rd person (do not use first or second person, such as “we”, “I” or “you”)

• Be written in the past tense when describing the research study

NUFS/KIN 163 – Physical Fitness and Nutrition, Spring 2022, San Jose State University

Revised 012422


• Not use direct quotations or copied material from the scientific sources

• Be in a font size that is New York Times 12 point or similar size (easy to read)

• Be left justified (do not right justify/align, which centers the text)

• Have 1-inch margins all around

• Have numbered pages

• Be submitted in the manner requested by your instructor

NUFS/KIN 163 – Physical Fitness and Nutrition, Spring 2022, San Jose State University

Revised 012422


Name ________________________________________


Format/appearance/organization/complete information APA format

Poor Very Good
0-1 2 3.5 4 5

References (number and quality)

Poor Very Good
0-1 2 3.5 4 5

Use of references in paper (appropriate citations for all references)

Poor Very Good
0-1 2 3.5 4 5

Quality of writing (syntax, grammar, spelling)

Poor Very Good
0-5 6 7-8 9 10

Critical evaluation of advertisement (text, color, graphics)

Poor Very Good
0-5 6 7-8 9 10

Critical evaluation of product (how claims of ad relate to scientific evidence)

Poor Very Good
0-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15

Subtotal: ___________

Deductions (if late): ___________*

* 2.5 points deducted for each calendar day or partial day late

Total Score: ___________

2/23/22, 12:28 AM

Fitness Consumer Product 1/1

Total Points: 50

Fitness Consumer Product

Due Wednesday by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a file upload (Turnitin enabled)
Available Feb 21 at 12am – Mar 2 at 11:59pm 10 days

NuFS/KIN 163 FITNESS Consumer Product Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

5 pts

5 pts
5 pts

10 pts

10 pts

15 pts

Start Assignment

For this project, you’ll evaluate the ads given to you in the module using the directions in your assignment packet!

information APA format

5 pts
Very Good

4 pts

3.5 pts

2 pts
Needs Improvement

1 pts

References (number and quality) 5 pts
Very Good

4 pts
3.5 pts
2 pts
Needs Improvement
1 pts

Use of references in paper (appropriate
citations for all references)

5 pts
Very Good
4 pts
3.5 pts
2 pts
Needs Improvement
1 pts

Quality of writing (syntax, grammar,

10 pts

10 to >8.0 pts
Very Good

8 to >6.0 pts

6 to >5.0 pts
Needs Improvement

5 to >0 pts

Critical evaluation of advertisement (text,
color, graphics)

10 pts
10 to >8.0 pts
Very Good
8 to >6.0 pts
6 to >5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
5 to >0 pts

Critical evaluation of product (how claims
of ad relate to scientific evidence)

15 to >13.0 pts
Very Good

13 to >11.0 pts

11 to >9.0 pts

9 to >7.0 pts

7 to >0 pts
Very Poor

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