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Report informing on your Readiness to live/work in another country


Write a progress report (in memo format) to your boss, informing her of what you have learned about ‘x’ country and your readiness to live/work in that country.

Assume your work for a company (you choose), and good news, you’ve been promoted to work and live in another country (you choose the country you want to research). You are now a classified as ‘expat.’ You leave in two months. Use the Harvard Business Review article ‘Three Keys to Getting an Overseas Assignment Right’ as your guide.

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Cite in APA format.


Your research base includes…

· Library research and library research experience with Mr. Steve Cramer, our business librarian.

· The Harvard Business Review article, “The Three Keys to Getting an Overseas Assignment Right” that is located in the readings on Cultural Communication folder on Blackboard.

· Reference section ‘Writing International Correspondence’ (page 343) in your text.

Research Considerations & Assigned Content

While content and its organization is your completeness decision, I recommend the following list of items to research (in random order.)

1. Introductions & Greetings

2. Visuals & symbols

3. Non-verbals – gestures, etc.

4. Unspoken behaviors

5. 3 principles listed in the article

6. Slang expressions and technical jargon

7. What we see – appearances, etc.

8. Language differences

9. Values

10. Thinking styles (see the Cultural Communication powerpoint)

11. Teamwork ‘rules’

12. Etiquette & gifts

13. Conclusion

14. Reference Page listing all the resources used

Writing Requirements

· Write in the direct approach – that means you are to state your recommendation (aka your ‘why,’ aka your ‘purpose’), in the first sentence.

· Include at least one table and refer to it.

· Have at least one cite from the HBR “The Three Keys…”

· Have a cite from the book ‘Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands.” The library is holding it in reserve for our class.

· Use no fillers or junk information. Be concise. Eliminate wordiness.

· As you would expect, this report is to nonverbally communicate professionalism.

· Use correct grammar and mechanics.

· Use excellent organization, resulting in excellent flow.

· Use headings and white space for professional polish and readability.

· Use standard margins and 10 font size, Tahoma font.

· Write in active strong business conversational language.

· Write in first person. | October 2009 | Harvard Business Review 115






ASSUMING A NEW leadership role is hard even in the best of cir-
cumstances: relationships are undefi ned, routines are unfamil-
iar, and expectations are oft en unclear. Now imagine yourself
heading up a new unit or project in a corporate and national
culture radically diff erent from your own. To strengthen their
CVs, many ambitious executives willingly learn new languages,
uproot their families, and puzzle over local laws and customs.

But an international management assignment can be a har-
rowing journey of sorts. Indeed, if they’ve never made an inter-
national move before, emerging leaders can fall into common
traps that severely stress their family bonds, negatively aff ect
their performance at work, damage their businesses, and even
derail their careers.

That’s what it was like for a leader we’ll call Oscar Barrow.
Six months into a new assignment in China, he had made

several serious missteps with employees, the plant he’d been
charged with turning around quickly was still struggling, and
his tough corporate-lawyer wife was in meltdown mode. What

Change Is Good – or Is It?
Oscar had worked for 10 years at a U.S.–based pharmaceuticals
fi rm, moving relatively quickly from an entry-level position in
manufacturing all the way up to a post as general manager in
one of the company’s biggest domestic plants. The next logical
step, he knew, was a trip overseas. That path would dovetail
with his wife’s decision to leave her job as a partner at a lead-
ing law fi rm to spend more time caring for their two toddlers.
The pharmaceuticals company boasted multiple operations in
China, and he eagerly anticipated the challenge of living and

Three Keys to Getting an
Overseas Assignment Right
How to tackle a management role in a new cultural and regulatory environment

Managing Yourself


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116 Harvard Business Review | October 2009 |

Managing Yourself Three Keys to Getting an Overseas Assignment Right

working thousands of miles from his na-
tive New Jersey.

Oscar moved to China six weeks
ahead of Jennifer and their children.
Away from the family, he had time to di-
gest all the available data on the plant’s
performance, and he spent a lot of time
on the factory fl oor studying operations.
Told by his boss, who had fi red the previ-
ous GM, that he needed to turn things
around, Oscar questioned employees
vigorously about problems at the facil-
ity and their root causes. He came away
confi dent that he understood exactly
what needed to be done.

As the weeks passed, Oscar became
less and less sure of himself. Many of
his new team members spoke English
poorly. Additionally, they were used to
following orders, so it was hard for Oscar
to have a dialogue with them (his pre-
ferred style of communication) about
what needed to happen. Still, turning
the plant around would require clear,
top-down mandates for change, so he
presented an aggressive plan – which in-
cluded shutting down a production line,
reconfi guring two support groups, and
laying off about 5% of the workforce – to

the senior managers and expected them
to fall in line. They listened politely but
said little and did less, and the plan went

Even when he tried to reinforce posi-
tive behavior among his staff members,
Oscar found himself making mistakes.
Two months into his transition, for in-
stance, he decided to recognize the out-
standing production forecasting model
created by a plant analyst. He praised
her contribution in a meeting of the
plant supervisors and was shocked by
their reaction. Everyone looked down
while the analyst squirmed uncomfort-

ably in her seat. Only later, in a conver-
sation with the head of HR, did Oscar
realize that his focus on individual
achievement ran counter to Chinese
culture and its elevation of the collec-
tive over the individual.

Making matters worse, Oscar had
undercut his recent address to staff ers
about “doing business the right way” by
endorsing a visa application for a group
of local Chinese offi cials who wanted to
travel to the U.S., without really under-
standing what the group would be doing,

where it would be going, and so on. His
employees now viewed him as someone
who would OK all kinds of requests, ap-
propriate or not.

Meanwhile, Jennifer and the children
had arrived in Beijing and were off to a
shaky start: The pollution was far worse
than she had expected, few of her neigh-
bors spoke English well, and Jennifer
had diffi culty fi nding child-care provid-
ers with whom she could communicate.
Oscar and Jennifer had decided that if
they were going to commit to living and
working in China, they wanted to im-
merse themselves in the culture, so they

had opted to live in a neighborhood
favored by the Chinese middle manag-
ers at the plant rather than one inhab-
ited primarily by expatriates. This left
her isolated, as she tried to set up the
house and fi gure out the basics of liv-
ing in China. Just a few weeks aft er his
family had arrived, Oscar came home
one night to fi nd Jennifer in tears. “Five
months ago, I was telling top executives
what to do,” she said with a sob. “Now I
can’t even ask the store clerk where to
fi nd the laundry detergent!”

The International
Assignment Challenge
Oscar’s story demonstrates the com-
plexities of making a successful transi-
tion from a leadership position in a
familiar setting to a position of similar
or even greater responsibility overseas.
Although the recession is forcing com-
panies to be more selective about over-
seas relocations, major fi rms continue
to send managerial talent to strategi-
cally important countries such as China,
India, Brazil, and the UK. Counting on
expansion overseas to drive profi table
growth, these organizations recognize
the critical need to develop a cadre of

“global” leaders who have the intellect
and experience to move fl uidly among
diverse markets and cultures, and who
can transfer systems, processes, and
technologies around the world.

For their part, executives who gain
international experience early in their
careers enjoy greater agility and adapt-
ability over the course of their work lives.
They generally deal with complex man-
agement issues more adroitly than their

“domestic” peers do. They also open
themselves up to a broader set of oppor-
tunities, particularly in today’s global
and heavily matrixed organizations.

So how do companies and leaders
make sure they reap these benefi ts?
Through our studies of international
moves like Oscar’s, we have identifi ed
several fundamental principles for
tackling the inevitable challenges that
come with personal and organizational
change. These simple rules can make the


International experience is ■
as valuable as ever – par-
ticularly in today’s global

But the personal challenges ■
of an overseas assignment are
also as daunting as they’ve
ever been.

Settling your family, adapting ■
your communication style,
and understanding the new
regulatory environment are
critical for transitioning suc-
cessfully, the authors say.

Oscar and Jennifer compounded
their diffi culties by choosing not to live
in an expat community.

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diff erence between a successful leader-
ship transition and a failed one. (For the
complete list, see Your Next Move, Har-
vard Business Press, 2009.) Specifi cally,
here are three principles for personal
eff ectiveness in an overseas assignment.

Principle 1: Establish the
Family Foundation First
You can’t be successful in your new role
if your home life is in chaos. Some over-
seas assignments go to people without
spouses or children; these managers
need to set up support networks to com-
bat feelings of isolation and dislocation.
Here we’ll focus on the majority of ex-
pat leaders, who relocate to foreign cities
with their families. It’s crucial to have
in-depth, honest conversations about
international assignments with your
spouse – long before you make specifi c
decisions about which opportunities you
are (or are not) willing to pursue. You’ll
both need to consider all the dimensions
of change: the magnitude of the culture
shift ; the distance from home; the type
of living situation you’ll be in; your
spouse’s ability to fi nd friendships, work,
and other affi liations; and, if applicable,
the schools your children will attend.

For Oscar and Jennifer, the move to
China posed a greater challenge than
they could fathom: According to a sur-
vey by Brookfi eld Global Replacement
Services, China was the top destination
for globally relocated executives in 2008,
but it was also the location with the
highest rate of assignment failure, be-
cause of the radical diff erences in living
conditions and business environments.
In discussing the move with his wife,
Oscar glossed over things like dirty air
and language barriers. He emphasized
how good it would be for his career and
for the children’s cognitive and social
development. Also missing from that
conversation was any acknowledgment
of the big change Jennifer had just expe-
rienced – giving up a high-powered job
to devote more time to the family.

If you minimize disruption for the
family, you can increase the odds that
everyone will thrive in the new setting.

For children, you should try to time the
move to coincide with a natural break
in their schooling. You should also ar-
range for extra support for your spouse
while you’re setting up shop. This in-
between time can be stressful for every-
one – Jennifer learned the hard way, as
she worked solo to prepare the couple’s
apartment for sale and pack and ship
their belongings to China.

Oscar and Jennifer compounded their
diffi culties by choosing not to live with
other expats in a community designed
to meet their needs. The impulse to
live “with the people” is laudable and
can certainly be rewarding. But for most
managers, such a choice is inadvisable,
particularly when the culture change
is signifi cant and when you’ve never
relocated to another country. A crucial
factor in making a smooth transition
is to retain as much of the familiar as

With that in mind, even before you
step foot on a plane, identify the re-
sources (spousal support networks and
career and other counseling services for
expatriates) that can help in your new
location. Establish e-mail relationships
with future colleagues so that from
day one members of your family know
people in country. If you have children,
try to connect with other expats who
have children the same age or attend-
ing the same school. Maintain regular
communication with colleagues, friends,
and family back home – invite them to
visit, or even establish a blog that re-
counts the family’s adventures in your
new home.

Principle 2: Build Credibility
and Openness from the Start
New leaders tend to focus on the prob-
lems fi rst – they try to fi x what’s wrong,
especially if the new role has been billed

Everyone may already be in a
defensive mind-set; it takes only a little
reinforcement to cast this in concrete.

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118 Harvard Business Review | October 2009 |

Managing Yourself Three Keys to Getting an Overseas Assignment Right

as a turnaround, as Oscar’s was. The risk
is that they’ll send the message “There
is no good here.” While this is a pitfall
for every new leader, it’s particularly
problematic when one is moving from
the home offi ce to an international as-
signment: Everyone in the organization
may already be in a defensive mind-set;
it takes only a little reinforcement to
cast this in concrete.

To avoid this trap, ask people lots
of questions instead of making state-
ments – even if, like Oscar, you’re pretty
sure you know what the central issues are.
Let colleagues and employees validate
(or disprove) your theories, and avoid
focusing exclusively on what’s wrong
rather than what works, or on the data
you don’t have versus the information
you do. Setting up your offi ce can wait.
Go to the front lines right away, wher-
ever they are, and really listen. If you
start reaching out on day one, word will
quickly spread across the organization.

While you’re still planning for your
arrival, you may want to take stock of
the stereotypes that might be associ-
ated with you, be they cultural, organi-
zational, or even specifi c to your history
with the company. Play against these
stereotypes – using the local language,
say, or demonstrating in meetings that
you understand the strengths, problem
areas, and idiosyncrasies of the organi-
zation you’re entering. Oscar’s failure to
appreciate how Chinese culture diff ers
from U.S. culture was apparent when he
singled out the young plant analyst.

Oscar would have done well to iden-
tify some “cultural interpreters” inside
and outside the company. Ideally, you
will fi nd at least two: an expatriate who
has a lot of experience working in the
culture you’re moving to, and a native
who has a lot of experience working
with expatriates. They can help you
translate and deliver your intentions
and ideas in context-appropriate ways.
Even a leader with strong emotional in-
telligence in his home country can make
grave miscalculations in a new culture.

Finally, if you have time, you should
develop a written plan for your entry

Creating Your Entry Plan
Executives can personally prepare themselves for an interna-
tional assignment. Here’s a suggested to-do list.

The days, weeks, and months leading up to your
new assignment are crucial – and potentially mad-
dening as you sort out the personal and profes-
sional challenges you’ve taken on.

Before You
Move to a
New Country

After You’ve
Moved to a
New Country

Read as much as you can,
gathering internal and external
perspectives on the market
and consumers. You won’t be-
come an expert, so don’t even
try. It’s awareness you’re
looking for.

Identify local consultants
who can brief you on the
state of the market and the
competitive environment. Set
up meetings ahead of your ar-
rival, and follow through when
you’re in country.

Start learning the lan-
guage. You may never
become fl uent, but your
attempts will demonstrate

Develop hypotheses about
the situation you are enter-
ing: Is the organization in
turnaround, realignment, or
some other life-cycle stage?
What’s the overall climate
within the company? How
deep is the talent pool?

Consult with your new
boss, talk to critical stakehold-
ers, and review any available
performance data to gather
insight and begin testing
your hypotheses – but keep
your views to yourself at this

Without a good idea of what you’ll say and do
in the fi rst 24 hours, the fi rst week, and the fi rst
month, you risk getting caught up in crisis manage-
ment – reacting to each organizational fl are-up
rather than moving your own strategic agenda
forward. You need to create and carry out a four-
phase plan.

Diagnose the situation
and align the leadership team
around some early priori-
ties – but don’t focus only
on what’s wrong.

Establish strategic direc-
tion and align the organization
around it.

Fix important systems and
processes and strive for
consistent execution.

Encourage the develop-
ment of local talent in antici-
pation of your eventual exit.

1524 Oct09 Watkins.indd 1181524 Oct09 Watkins.indd 118 9/4/09 12:38:33 PM9/4/09 12:38:33 PM

into the company. (For guidelines on
how to do this, see “Creating Your Entry
Plan.”) Share it with your new direct re-
ports, regional HR staff ers, and your boss,
so that they’ll understand how you in-
tend to lead change at the organization.

Principle 3: Get Serious
About Compliance
Business standards and the “rules of the
game” can change dramatically when
you move from one corporate and cul-
tural climate to another. Local perspec-
tives on what’s appropriate for business
(and what isn’t) won’t necessarily match
yours or those of the home offi ce; some-
times that’s fi ne, but sometimes it’s fa-
tal. The reality is that local auditing and
other compliance systems may not fully
protect you and your reputation.

It’s critical for transitioning interna-
tional executives to consider, identify,
and manage compliance issues. Indeed,
they need to take on the unoffi cial role
of chief compliance offi cer, systemati-

cally asking people on the front lines
detailed questions about their actions,
and moving quickly once problems arise.
Most important, you must be able to dif-
ferentiate between serious compliance
lapses and unfamiliar but acceptable
ways of doing business. This is especially
important for leaders who are respon-
sible for sales and operations; the risk
factors here might include questionable
deal-making practices (in sales) and poor
quality control or contaminated raw ma-
terials (in operations). Any perceived
lapses in a manager’s judgment can cast
a long shadow – as Oscar learned the
hard way. By approving the travel visas,
he considerably weakened his credibil-
ity within the organization. Here again,
cultural interpreters can be invaluable.
Imagine if Oscar had tapped a trusted ad-
viser, someone with years of experience
on the ground in China – someone who
might have steered the transitioning
leader away from picking up that pen.

• • •

The journey can be unpredictable, and
the pitfalls many, but an international
assignment can be among the most excit-
ing and challenging transitions an aspir-
ing leader can undertake. With the right
planning and attitudes, these leadership
roles can stretch capabilities, challenge
assumptions, and steer both people and
profi ts in a positive direction.

Mark Alan Clouse is the managing
director of Kraft Foods Brazil. He was
previously managing director of Kraft
in greater China. Michael D. Watkins
( is the
chairman of Genesis Advisers, a Newton,
Massachusetts–based leadership develop-
ment fi rm. He is the author of The First 90
Days: Critical Success Strategies for New
Leaders at All Levels (Harvard Business
Press, 2003). His new book is Your Next
Move (Harvard Business Press, 2009).

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To: Ms. Dianne BossLady

From: Student LastName

Date: April 12, 2012

Subject: [Type the document title]

After learning about my promotion to the position of Director of the U.K. Compliance Office I learned I would have to relocate to London. I immediately began research into the country and city I would soon be calling home. I discovered that, while on the surface it would appear to be an easy transition, there is a lot to learn before I arrive. Comment by laptop: An introduction includes why/purpose/thesis. It also includes scope. It grabs the reader’s attention.
Success starts with a great introduction.

In his article Mark Clouse recommends a three step process for those preparing to move overseas for work. I’ve researched the corporate culture of the London offices as well as the social culture; appropriate verbal and non-verbal communications, personal conduct and etiquette, and corporate values. Comment by laptop: Be sure to appropriately cite using APA. Comment by laptop: These need to exactly match your headings. They are the sub-topics within your research

Three Keys to Success In London Comment by laptop: Business writing uses more methods of delivery than academic writing. Using graphics and pictures are great.

Following these steps will help to achieve a smooth transition. Comment by Dianne Garrett: This is an example of ‘walking the little girl across the street..”



Establish Family Foundation

Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo

Building Credibility and Openness

Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo

Corporate Culture

Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo


Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo

Communication styles in Business

Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo

Non-verbal communication

Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo

Get Serious About Compliance

Sijldflasjfoiwahfsisljdfllsjafoijaildsfjlsadfjoijljsdflakflkhsadfkhlksjfdlksjdfkjslfdkslkdfjlksjdflawfoiwjvldkjvnoaweifhwlefkhnawklefhinsdvofiawfenlsdfnasdjkifawoeifnaldsvnkasonfdilawpoeifnaskldvnaoweifnaldsfmawoeifjnkasldnfvawoiefnwaflknawoeifnaklsfnawe;ofiaw nsflnsafonwaoefnvsaondfvoawniflawnfkowaienfawlenfoawienfklwanefolnwefowaienflawnefo


If you have any questions…..
Comment by laptop: The author of this report was creative in using document title in the footer for emphasis

Works Cited

Baker, K. (2012, November ). Healthy Employees= Healthy Business. Training Journal, 6-6.

Centre for Cultural Learning . (2012, March 28). Retrieved from

Clouse, M. A., & Watkins, M. D. (2009). Three Keys to Getting an Overseas Assignment Right. Harvard Business Review, 115-119.

Kwintessential . (2012, March 27). Retrieved from

Li, J. L., & Rothstein, ,. M. (2009, March 1). The Role Of Social Networks On Expatriate Effectiveness . International Journal of Business Research, 9(2), 94-108.

Terri, M., & Conway, W. A. (2006). Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands. Avon, MA : Adams Media.




Establish Family Foundation

Build Credibility

Get Serious about Compliance

UNC Greensboro |



To: Ms. Glassander

From: X

Date: October 29, 2012

Subject: Expatriate Research: Denmark

After learning about my promotion to the position of Director of Human Resources for Nestle in Denmark, I began my research immediately. I have been able to locate various insights as to what my life will be like once I relocate there with my family and how I should adapt to Denmark’s business culture.

Workplace culture

The management style in Denmark is considered to be flat management and informal. While most interactions throughout the day are conducted with first names only, it is important to use Herr (Mister), Fru (Misses), Froken (Miss) until invited to use an informal name. Denmark is considered to be egalitarian, with everyone equal despite title or gender. Team and group work are common ways to conduct business. Because of being a more egalitarian country, everything is open for discussion and each point of view is considered. On average, 24% of workplaces were found to have extensive joint decision-making and negotiating processes. In Denmark is it 44%, respectively. These are most of the differences between business procedures in America versus Denmark. includes a helpful list of the business etiquette:

· Appointments are required and confirmed in writing

· Extremely punctual

· Shake hands with everyone before and after meeting. Maintain eye contact and initiate handshake with women first

· Business cards are expected and exchanged

· Decisions are made after consulting everyone

· Communication is direct

Most of these are similar to the business procedures in America, so it will not be difficult to adapt to business life in Denmark. Understanding the key differences in work environment and group-centeredness are important for my success in the new post.

Working Conditions

The working conditions in Denmark make it a favorable environment to work. Most companies have flexible schedules, and the norm is that offices are empty by 4 pm. This verifies Danes’ common trust in employees. There is also job mobility within a company, especially for women. Other countries that are less egalitarian do not offer such mobility. Although there is job mobility and a high level of English-speaking population, the ability to speak Danish will expand opportunities and help integration into the society. Learning to speak Danish, the primary language, is respected. Every newcomer holding a residence permit has to the right to receive Danish courses for three years (Danish Chamber of Commerce). Since I will be a resident, I plan to utilize this opportunity to learn more of the Danish language to become a respected member of this company in Denmark.

Table 1

illustrates that the working conditions in Denmark are satisfactory based on the study by The Journal of Socio-Economics.

Table 1

Social Life and Family

There is a clear division between work and social life, where colleagues do not often go out together after hours. However, they do enjoy leisure time mainly with close friends and family in their homes. This is what is called ‘Hygge’, which means enjoying good company and the simple things in life. I have learned that if I am to be invited over to a Danes’ house, I should bring a gift, preferably wrapped in red paper, and that it will be opened when it is received. Also, a few of the proper public behaviors include being courteous to everyone and talking in moderate tones. Knowing the eccentricities of these cultural interactions can ensure that I do not offend a new acquaintance. Being an expatriate, it is important to establish a family foundation first, as noted by Clouse and Watkins in Three Keys to Success. Having children of my own, I found it interesting that childcare is affordable in Denmark due to the number of two-family incomes. Being comfortable and happy with my family in Denmark is important and I am reassured by the research. There is a well-established work-life balance and an overall sense of well-being in Denmark. Family and leisure seem to be significant aspects of life, unlike the ‘workaholic’ mentality in America.

Quality of Life

Taxes and the cost of living in Denmark are high. However, the standard of living is also high and the purchasing power of the Krone, the nation’s money, is equitable to other European city indexes. There is low income inequality and because of high taxes, a functioning social welfare system is in place. The social welfare system provides free quality healthcare and education to Denmark’s residents. Denmark also has lower crime rates that any other European city. Many expatriates have noted that all of these factors make living in Denmark enjoyable and surprisingly safe for their families. Having my family safe will help me focus at work and work the most effectively. It also makes it easier for my family and I to relocate overseas without having doubts.

I have learned about many aspects of life in Denmark. I am glad that I have researched it beforehand, because it is quite different than what I have experienced here in America. Denmark has been nominated by researchers and studies as the ‘happiest place on Earth’. I am now comfortable with moving abroad knowing more about the business culture, which can help me succeed in this new culture. My family is also reassured that it is a safe, family-oriented country. Internet tools such as Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands could be a great resource to utilize on daily basis while living abroad. I am very excited to begin this journey to Denmark and continue to progress in this company.


Works Cited
Business Etiquette in Denmark. (2008). Retrieved from
Clouse, M., & Watkins, M. (2009, May). Three Keys to Getting an Overseas Assignment Right. Retrieved from Managing Yourself:
Danish Chamber of Commerce and Oxford Research. (n.d.). Living and Working in Denmark. Retrieved from
Denmark. (2012, October 11). Retrieved from Kwintesstial:
Oliu, W., Brusaw, C., & Alred, G. (2010). Writing International Correspondence. In Writing that Works (p. 343). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Terri, M., & Conway, W. A. (2006). Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands. Avon, MA : Adams Media.



Mark Johnson

From: John Doe

Date: April 1, 2013

Subject: Memo of Understanding – Research and readiness to work in Warsaw, Poland

I have recently learned about my promotion to a general store manager of Best Buy in Warsaw, Poland. Since I will have to relocate in less than 3 months, I immediately began research of the country and city that will be my home for the next 3 years.

Since it will be my first overseas assignment, I am fully aware that my research is vital to my successful transition. According to Mark Clouse’s article there are three keys to a successful work-related move overseas. Following these steps is crucial to establish a smooth transition.

The three keys are:

1. Establish the family foundation first.

2. Build credibility and openness from the start.

3. Get serious about compliance.

I also plan to research the following subjects to learn about Poland:

· Culture

· Corporate culture

· Communication styles in business

· Non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expression, etc…)

· Appropriate business and non-business dress code

· Language

· Cuisine

· Family and social life

I will use the Internet and by finding related books and periodicals in public libraries. I will contact Mr. Steve Cramer, our business librarian. I will use Mark Clouse’s article.

I will start gathering my information immediately. I plan to contact Mr. Cramer by Wednesday. The next step will be to analyze and organize my information and have a draft ready on Monday, April 8. After peer critiques to revise my draft, my final research will be ready on Monday, April 22.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 123-456-7890 or by email


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