Fresh Prince of Belair and Married with children

 Instructions: This assignment will demonstrate the different genres, characters, documentaries, TV editing, special effects and stereotypes that focus on TV shows from 1950-1997. Charles Ramirez-Berg, (

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) Sr. Professor of Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin, has researched and written of the different types of stereotypes of minorities and women in media. For this assignment, you will discuss these stereotypes on women, children and minorities; and write a two-page analytical paper (full pages) that will consist of two(2) TV shows (Fresh Prince of Bel air and Married with children )  review from the list shown below and will include the following: *Format must be in Chicago style (Links to an external site.)(20 points will be deducted if MLA or APA are used on this paper)*Follow paper format issued at the beginning of the semester (refer to my site located in the Learning Web (10 points will be deducted if wrong format is used)*Include the name 

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