Fundamentals of Security


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4 Individual Assignment for CIS222: Fundamentals of Security

Unit 4 Individual Assignment

Due: Midnight Sunday of Unit 4

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) made some complaints to the CEO regarding recent capital expenditures for security software. You try to lighten the blow by explaining the value of controlling security.

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In a point paper to the CEO, explain the cost benefit analysis method you use to do a quantitative assessment before investing in a security control.

Complete and include the table below in your paper.

Historical PCS incidents

Cost per Incident

Frequency of Occurrence




Theft of information (hacker)



1 every 5 years



Theft of information (employee)



1 every 2 years



Web defacement


1 per month



Theft of equipment


1 per year



Virus, worms, Trojan horses






Denial-of-service attacks






You are currently deciding whether to invest in data loss prevention software. You have some reliable statistics that the software will reduce your information theft incidents by half of the current values. The cost of the software is $100K per year. Recalculate the new ARO and ALE for hacker and employee information theft. Based on these new values, explain your decision whether or not to invest in the Data Loss Prevention Software.

Cost per Incident

Frequency of Occurrence




Theft of information (hacker)


1 every 5 years


Theft of information (employee)


1 every 2 years


Projected PCS incidents with Data Theft Prevention Software

The requirements for your assignment are:

· 2-3 page APA paper excluding title and reference pages

· Provide at least two references and in-text citations in APA format

· College level writing

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 4 Assignment





0-9 points

10-39 points

40-60 points

Mastery of concepts

The deliverable does not convey the relevant concepts and terminology from the Unit reading.

The deliverable is missing or unclear on some relevant concepts and terminology from the Unit reading.

The deliverable strongly conveys the relevant concepts and terminology from the Unit reading.

0-5 points

6-10 points

11-15 points

Content length

The deliverable was significantly short of the length objectives.

The deliverable was lacking in length.

The deliverable met or exceeded the length objectives

0-5 points

6-10 points

11-15 points

Demonstrated Research

The submission did not meet the research reference and citation objective.

The research references and/or citations were not presented properly or relevant to the assignment.

The deliverable included relevant references and citations that met or exceeded the objectives.

0-1 points

2-4 points

5-10 points

Clear and professional writing and format

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format is clear, professional, and error free.

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