
Harris (1966) measured the number of genotypes at the alkaline phosphatase locus in the English population. These are three alleles, designated F, I, and S (for fast, intermediate, and slow mobility in an electrophoretic apparatus).

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SS     SF    FF    SI     FI    II

141  111   28     32    15     5

1. what are the observed frequencies of the six genotypes?

2. what are the observed allele frequencies for the three alleles?

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3. what are the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium frequencies of the genotypes?

4. what are the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium frequencies of the allele?

5. what is the total observed heterozygosity (i.e. the frequency of all heterozygotes)?

6. what is the total heterozygosity at the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

7. Compare the observed and equilibrium heterozygosities. Does this suggest to you any departures from hardy-Weinberg conditions, and if so, what kind of departure?

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