check file for assignment.
You were just hired by the Kentucky Cancer Registry as an Information Analyst. You have been tasked to analyze cancer incidence in Kentucky. You begin by reviewing the
Kentucky Cancer Registry website (Links to an external site.)
and comparing the rates by county.
1. Report your query settings (data source, geography, cancer site, year start, year end, sex, race/ethnicity, and standard).
2. Per your selected geography, randomly select two locations (e.g., counties, districts, etc.) and report their crude and age-adjusted (same as age-standardized) rates.
· Note from Dr. Hamerlinck: These values are provided on the website, but this is a chance for you to practice the calculations. You’ll be able to double check your work right away, but if you want my feedback on the math, be sure to include a picture of your work showing how you calculated the crude and age-adjusted rates in the document you upload.
3. Based on your interpretation, which location has the higher risk of getting the selected cancer?
4. In addition to age structure, think of 3 other possible factors that contribute to the difference in cancer between those two locations. For each of the additional factors you identify, provide a 1-2 sentence explanation of why you believe they will contribute to a difference in cancer between locations.