Globalization Discussion

Covid19Rubric x

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Please use this link which provides a pdf of the book required for this assignment. The topic of Globalization is in chapter 2, page 32.

. please let me know if you can′t access the link, I will provide some screenshots of the chapter. 

Please make sure to read the Rubric grading criteria below. 

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Like other pandemics and emerging disease outbreaks, COVID-19 is creating immense disturbances in our Government, the Businesses and our society. The disease involves an unfamiliar threat that is difficult to detect and challenging to distinguish from other illnesses.

For this assignment, I want you to do some research on how COVID-19 Virus affects the Government, Business and Society (GBS). We have covered different topics regarding GBS, and I want you to choose a topic that interest you and give at least three reasons why you chose that topic. Your reasons can be personal, professional, psychological, social, spiritual, etc. No wrong answer here. I want you to do the research on how this virus is impacting the Government, Business and Society.

In this paper, you will explain how government, business and society affect each other. You will need to examine the objectives of government, business, and society to see how they intersect in order to understand their relationship, in particular with our current situation.

Use the APA format template to organize your thoughts. Read the grading rubric below to meet all the require criteria to write your paper.  Please make sure to cover the following:

1. The topic you choose (from any of the chapters we have covered). 

2. Why you chose the topic and three  reasons why you chose the topic

3. Explain your reasons

4. Give examples, situation, quotes, testimonies, etc. to support your reasons. Make sure to use a reference page to insert the links of your resources.

5. Explain how this virus is affecting the Government, the Businesses and our Society. Please use examples, details for each entity (Government, Business and Society) and write a least a paragraph for each entity.

This is a long paper so please start earlier. You can email me your draft so I can give you feedback and give you time to revise your paper. 100 points. Again, read the rubric below to address all required criteria

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