Governmental and Not-for-profit Funds

The following questions are just to add spice to the Discussion area of my class. I always try to answer them in such a way that will get my classmates buzzing. lol  I am a strict conservative and do not approve of Obama’s government. So, please do your best to think of something that will get my liberial classmates commenting like crazy ASAP. The sooner I can post the answers the more comments I will receive. Be sure to include at leat one APA resoruce in each answer. The answers can be just a few sentences each.

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Michele Monti


Discussion Board – Unit 2 Questions

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1.      Class, we’ll continue our study of governmental and non-profit accounting in Unit 2. We’ll send a significant amount of time on Funds. Can you explain what a fund is and the types of funds?


2.   Class, we’ll continue our study of governmental and non-profit accounting in Unit 2. We’ll send a significant amount of time on Funds. Can you explain what a fund is and the types of funds?


3.      Class, can you find any interesting current events on non-profit accounting? 

Public& Not-For-Profit Accounting


Four Paragraphs

 Unit 2 – Governmental and Not-for-profit Funds

I live in Marietta, GA in order for you to know my location.

Research the major funds of your state or local government and nonprofit organizations.

· What are the major funds of your state or local government, and how do they differ in nonprofit organizations?

· How are they determined?

· Remember to use APA referencing in the body of your posting as well as in the reference section.

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