Grocery Stores Safeway, Kingsoopers

Grocery Stores Safeway, Kingsoopers

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Grocery Stores Safeway, Kingsoopers

For this week’s assignment, visit two grocery stores. You are to construct a production possibilities frontier from each store based on the available milk and eggs (you choose which milk product and which particular egg product you use). Use the total quantity of milk as the intersection for the vertical axis and the total quantity of eggs as the intersection for the horizontal axis. Connect those points to form your production possibilities frontier. Do this for each store. In a paper,

• Determine the opportunity costs of milk in terms of eggs from your production possibilities graph.

• Describe your production possibilities frontier.

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• Identify on the curve and then explain in your paper the unattainable, efficient, and inefficient areas of production.

• Discuss the concept of increasing opportunity costs and identify whether the opportunity costs from your graph exhibit increasing opportunity costs.

• Illustrate, based on the opportunity costs for each store, how specialization and trade can lead to a mutually beneficial outcome.

Adhere to the following standards:

• Be 3-4 pages in length, not including the title or references pages (the graph can be one of the pages).

• Include at least 3 scholarly references.

• The

Economics Library Guide (Links to an external site.)

is a good tool to use to start your research (sources such as The Balance,, Investopedia, and other help websites are not acceptable).

• Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Module 2 folder.

• Your submission must conform to APA guidelines in the

CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.)


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