Health Promotion: Achieving Change Through Education

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NUR4636– Community Health Nursing

Case Study

Chapter 11

Health Promotion: Achieving Change Through Education

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The community health nurse is preparing a smoking cessation program to be

presented at the local high school for individuals who are thinking about quitting

smoking. The community health nurse is identifying appropriate education activities

that include the three domains of learning and the three stages of change.

1. The community health nurse has to consider the three stages of change in

considering individual reasons to stop smoking. What are the three stages of


2. Planned or managed change is a purposeful, designed effort to effect

improvement such as smoking cessation with the help of a change agent who

is the community health nurse. What are the eight steps of planned change

that the community health nurse needs to consider?

3. The community health nurse understands that encompassing strategies are

the critical change strategies to consider in planning the health education

program. What are the three major change strategies that must be

considered by the community health nurse?

4. The community health nurse understands that the nature of learning

contributes to the effectiveness of teaching on smoking cessation. The nurse

needs to include the three domains of learning in the presentation. What are

the three learning domains that must be considered in planning the

education program?

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