Health promotion program The health promotion programs of choice are the system of prevention and care for patients who have diabetes and that of intergenerational fitness and exercise on obese patients. The programs aim at educating the public and the ta


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Health promotion program

The health promotion programs of choice are the system of prevention and care for patients who have diabetes and that of intergenerational fitness and exercise on obese patients. The programs aim at educating the public and the target groups on the dangers of sedentary lifestyles that may lead to obesity (Tirosh et al., 2011). The risk factors that are associated with the above programs are that during exercises the diabetic patients might encounter obstacles that might cause harm on them leading to diabetic wounds (Bray et al., 2016). It is evident that diabetic wounds take more time to heal and in some cases, they never heal. Another risk factor that is of importance is that the obese patients might suffer from complications such as cardiac arrest or even heart failure which might also result in death.

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