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:  Answer both parts below.  Make sure to answer each question adequately, and clearly identify each part and question with its corresponding heading or number. 

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Review some of the following information on websites:

1. Watch the 13-minute NOVA video on sleep & memory: 

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2. Harvard’s Healthy Sleep resources (



3. Sleep expert questions/answers with Dr. Matt Walker (



4. Dream expert questions/answers with Dr. Robert Stickgold (



After reviewing the above information, write a reflection (at least a paragraph or two) regarding what you learned or found fascinating about any of the information.


Review the National Sleep Foundation website (


).  Click on the menu tab in the top righthand corner and click on “Sleep Disorders.”  Choose THREE of the disorders (e.g., sleepwalking, insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, REM behavior disorder, nightmares, etc) to review.  What additional information did you learn about each of these disorders?  Write at least several sentences describing each of the disorders that you chose.

 (this is NOT part of your homework assignment- just additional information if you are interested)

· The Dateline documentary, “Deadly Dreams,” regarding a man killing his girlfriend but claiming it happened while sleepwalking- it includes multiple video clips/interviews (just “google” it…the link keeps changing).

· Shands Sleep Disorder Center in Gainesville, FL (


· Huberman Lab Podcast- he is a neuroscientist at Stanford- several of the early episodes focus on sleeping/dreams- particular attention is given to the role light plays in sleep. He also has Dr. Matt Walker on an episode as well. Check it out (

https://hubermanlab.libsyn.com (Links to an external site.)


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