
Part 1 100-200 words

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Please respond to this Discussion question using the information from the personal budget you calculate using the

criteria provided


What surprised you, if anything, in the budget(s) that you prepared? What changes, if any, would you make in the personal activities that are under your control, based on the budget(s) that you prepared? Do you think it is more important for a business to have a budget than it is for an individual to have a budget? Why or why not?

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Monthly Income:

Income total (monthly) from

all household members:

Any Interest that can

defray monthly expenses:

Monthly loan/grant living expenses:

Pension Income (if pertinent):

All other sources of monthly income:

Total Monthly Income


Monthly Fixed Expenses:




(Car payments, car insurance, gas,

average monthly maintenance)



Medical expenses:


Total fixed expenses:

Monthly Extra Expenses:

Entertainment: (average)

Movies, events, etc.


Credit Cards:


Total monthly extra expenses:

Money Remaining

Part 2

Performance Evaluation Using Variances from Standard Costs

Performance Evaluation Using Variances from Standard Costs Students’ scores on exams may be equated to financial measures used to evaluate employee performance in a business.

Should college professors limit their evaluation of students to these “financial” measures? Do you see any potential benefits or disadvantages of including other measures of student performance in assigning course grades? (SITE References)

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