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Week 5 DQ

Expected Results and Recommendations

Provide an overview of the expected results from your study. Consider what is already known about your topic from your previous work evaluating existing studies and developing the literature review section of your capstone project. Discuss how your expected results relate back to what you know from the literature. Identify at least three ways that leaders and practitioners in the field might benefit from the results of your study, or what recommendations might be appropriate to inform policy and practice. Include citations from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources to support your posts.

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In your responses, identify additional practical applications that might come from the expected results identified by your peers

Respond kindly to student #1(Felicia Campbell)

          The research study for Houston, Texas and the implementation of the Whole Community Approach ideally would develop positive results. This approach could effectively create a resilient community for future disasters. The Whole Community Approach involves the community which would get the outlook of those in Houston, Texas and their view of how they see disasters being handled.. When researching the past disasters and Houston in general; there was a substantial amount of evidence that Houston was the highest populated city in Texas, that the largest city in Texas is Houston, with a population of 2,323,660 and had damaging disasters in the past (Cities in Texas by Population, 2021). Houston had many experiences in which there have been seven federally declared disasters since 2015, including the novel coronavirus pandemic (Understanding Houston, 2021). There was no evidence in my research that Houston is currently using this approach. Utilizing an approach that is new to Houston, Texas will show results and change. This approach has seen many benefits that can help create more short-term recovery versus long-term recovery. 
          Cities in Texas by Population (2021).

          Understanding Houston. (2021). Understanding Houston.

Respond Kindly to Student #2 (William Leach)

Expected Results

            A successful performance of the proposed study should render information that assists in discovering new tactics in combating human trafficking while improving those that are currently established. This proposal should be able to accurately identify what collective human characteristics and demographics create the profile for a potential trafficking victim in the Maricopa County area. Which assists the current task force in understanding what measures are necessary to improve mitigation and deterrence of current and past trafficking participants. Results should also produce county economic characteristics that would assist the Phoenix Arizona human trafficking task force in better understanding what are the economic draws of traffickers to this area. These results combine to issue a narrowed results who is most at risk, mostly targeted and the regular locations of trafficking discovering for Phoenix Arizona. Additionally, proper application of grounded theory expects to produce results which align to recommendations for rehabilitative improvements through multi agency efforts in tandem with the Phoenix Arizona human trafficking task force.   

Anticipated findings Related to Literature Review

· Theme 1

            Based on the elements required to conduct social disorganization theoretical utilization in the proposed study. Elements such as low socioeconomic status, ethnic diversity, population turnover, urbanization, and family disruption (Eargle & Doucet, 2021). This study should be able to create at risk of trafficking profiles for Maricopa County. This counties at risk profiles should demonstrate the high prevalence of minority, female, single parent home background, low educational attainment, low economic status representations. Results that are supported by findings in previous research studies conducted by; Eargle & Doucet, Greeson et al and the city of Phoenix compass plan documentation (Greeson, Tregila, & et al, 2019) (Eargle & Doucet, 2021) (Force, 2014). Quantitative results should also be consistent with intended semi structural interviews in the participant selection process. Which suggestively highlights expected results creating the risk profiles for Maricopa Co.

· Theme 2

Performing the proposed study should render results consistent with research conducted by; Martin and Hill, and Miller et al. (Kyle Miller et al, 2016) (Lauren Martin, 2019) . Which officially label the county characteristics and business events that draw a trafficking prevalence in the identified community. The Phoenix Arizona community would discover a large gap between socio economic classes. With high representation from minority groups primarily of Hispanic and Mexican decent. Data for this area should render a disproportionate number of migrant citizens both documented and alien. Noticing that Maricopa Co. is a nationally recognized metropolitan area. A link towards high trafficking and sex worker volumes will align with major events in this area. Consistent with sporting (i.e., the supper bowl), convention, etc. events and previous research conducted in various studies (Council, 219) (Lauren Martin, 2019).  

· Theme 3

Post traumatic stress disorders are associated with a wide variety of events that humans both regularly and irregularly experience. Studies conducted by a variety of researchers link PSTD to victims of the human trafficking industry. Through tools utilized to evaluate post traumatic disorders in victims. As well as victim testimonies in anonymous interviews, the current proposal produce extensive links of PSTD related to human trafficking in the Maricopa County area. The current proposal can also point directions towards what communities and or cultures are more at risk than others to experience PTSD related to human trafficking. Which links the three themes together.

Principles of Leadership

Transformational Leadership- Applications

            Transformational leadership requires concepts consistent with influencing ideology, interpersonal motivation, individual contributors, and intellectual stimulation (Keller & Ram, 2013). A transformational leader within organizational management attached to policy makers in human trafficking utilizes diversity of people and perspective as its main source of application. Policy makers in Phoenix Arizona would create applications that represents effectiveness to their specific community.  For example, the results render minority groups (primarily Hispanic and Mexican) to be the most at-risk cultural group to experience trafficking and PTSD. Applicable policy would suggest a requirement for all victims to receive adequate physical and psychological services due to events of trafficking regardless of American status.

Collaborative Leadership- Applications

            Alike to transformational leadership, collaborative leadership necessitates diversity which includes internal and external stakeholders (Keller & Ram, 2013). Whilst diminishing the importance of organizational hierarchies and raising the importance of organizational relationships (Keller & Ram, 2013). The stronger relationships policy makers push the importance of relationships with culturally diverse leaders (pastors, principles, business CEO’s) within the community. The better they understand the needs of the community. Needs alike to the need to battle human trafficking in Maricopa Co. Expected results assist relationships created within the organizational heads to utilize results in identifying high risk potential victims. Policy would require reporting of citizens who exhibit a trafficking profile to Phoenix Arizona task force officials.   

Public Leadership

            One can agree that public leadership is required in the identification and support of public interactions. Which cannot be completed without notions of authenticity, trans-formality, and distribution (Keller & Ram, 2013). Authenticity discusses the democratic values of public leadership (Keller & Ram, 2013). Whilst trans-formality develops and trains public workforces (Keller & Ram, 2013). Also requiring discretion, policy makers could implement applications that protect victim and participant identities when attempting to rehabilitate back into serviceable society. Meaning, when trafficked victims enter rehabilitation facilities, no criminal charges can legally be brought against them. Expected results from the performed study discuss effects trafficking victims when attempting to rehabilitate (Marti Castaner et al, 2021) (Jenss Chang et al, 2020). Furthermore, any criminally identifying records of performances conducted during trafficking are expunged.

Action Oriented Leadership

            Requiring policy makers to create applications that are effective and can be implemented immediately. Previously discussed have been applications that apply the presented themes of the present study. All of which offer recommendations to either improve the current failures and successes of the Phoenix Arizona human trafficking task force. An additional policy application utilizing the expected results would be to introduce legislation that requires trafficking task force implementation for all major events held within and or in conjunction to the Phoenix Arizona area. Links between major events and trafficking and or sex workers have been previously identified/ discussed.


Council, A. H. (219). Human Trafficking prevention and Intervention in Arizona. Governors Office of Youth, Family and Faith.

Eargle, L. A., & Doucet, J. M. (2021). Investigating Human trafficking within the United States: A state- level analysis of Prevalence and Correlates. Association Today, Vol. 20, Issue 1, p.13-26.

Force, M. H. (2014). City of Phoenix Compass Plan. Phoenix, AZ:

Greeson, J. K., Tregila, D., & et al, S. D. (2019). Prevalence and Correlates of sex Trafficking among Homeless and Runaway Youths Presenting for Shelter Services. Social Work research, 43(2): 91-100. (10p).

Jenss Chang et al, R. D. (2020). Perspectives of Cambodian (KHMER) Youth Victims of Sex Trafficking Trauma Symptomology and a Qualitative Study. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, Vol.15,17-33.

Keller, D. S., & Ram, B. (2013). Modern leadership principles for public administration: Time to move Forward. Journal of Public Affairs, Vol.13,Issue1,p130-141,12p.

Kyle Miller et al, E. K. (2016). Do Public Events Affect Sex Trafficking Activities. Auton Lab, Carnige Mellon University, 1-16.

Lauren Martin, A. H. (2019). Debunking the Myth of super Bowl Sex Trafficking: Media Hype or Evidence- Based coverage. Anti- Trafficking Law Review, Issue.13, pg.13-29.

Marti Castaner et al, R. F. (2021). How trauma related to sex trafficking challenges parenting: Insights form Mexican and Central American survivors in the United States. Plus one, 1-10.


Week 6 Assignment

Develop Expected Results and Recommendations section of Capstone

For this assignment, you will draft the Expected Results and Recommendations section of your Capstone Project research proposal. Based on your understanding of your topic, the related studies/findings discussed in your literature review, and your own plans for proposed data collection and analysis, consider what you would expect to find if you were to conduct your study. Next, discuss how the results of your proposed study could be used to develop recommendations that inform the literature, policy, and practice. Discuss the significance and value of your proposed study as it relates to those studies discussed in your literature review, and how it can benefit those in positions of leadership, such as administrators, stakeholders, and the public in practical application. Your paper must be 4-6 pages in length and include:

· An introduction that includes a one-paragraph overview of your research proposal topic and a one-paragraph overview of your data collection and analysis plan

· A discussion of the results you would expect if your study was actually conducted

· A discussion of how these anticipated findings relate to the findings from studies discussed in your literature review, contributing to the current trends in research

· A discussion of how your expected results could be used to identify at least four principles of leadership (NOT STYLES OF LEADERSHIP) to inform administrators, stakeholders, and the public in terms of policy and practice related to your topic. In other words, what practical applications might your study findings have for organizational leaders and policy makers? Identify a minimum of four specific applications from your expected findings.

Be sure to write in a scholarly and objective tone, avoiding the use of first person, personal pronouns, contractions, and colloquial or conversational language. Use citations from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources throughout to support your content and credit sources of information and ideas.

Note: This assignment requires outside research. Use at least four scholarly, peer-reviewed sources in addition to the Reading material throughout your assignment to support your content and credit sources of information and ideas.


In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:             

· Include a cover page and references page in 10 – 12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable).

· Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.

· Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).

· Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.

· Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

· Appropriate citation style should be followed.

You should also make sure to:

· Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.

· Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

· Use examples to support your discussion.

· Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite within the body of your paper using APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools.


The readings in this unit will provide you with examples of leadership principles that are particularly relevant to emergency management and homeland security. These are by no means the only leadership principles that apply. Consider these principles as well as others that might be useful in developing the expected results section of your capstone project.

Visit the library and read the following:


Modern Leadership Principles for Public Administration: Time to Move Forward


Leadership, Leadership Styles, and Servant Leadership

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