help with discussions 2 due in 3 hours

due in 3 hours

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tudy Strengths and Learning Preference

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After reviewing this week’s Readings and Resources, discuss the following questions:

· How can the habit Begin With the End in Mind keep you motivated when you are feeling overwhelmed?

· What study strategies will most help you improve?

· How do you take advantage of learning styles in a way that will benefit you as you work through your degree or even in your chosen profession?

MS Word in Everyday Life

After completing this unit and the previous unit, you now know how to use many of the features of MS Word. Please discuss the following questions:

· What new MS Word features did you learn about in this unit and the previous unit? What value do you feel that MS Word will have in your future career?

Your answers need to include your interpretation of the material that you have watched and read along with your personal experiences.  It is okay to use outside sources—if you do, list the author’s name and the article’s title at the bottom of your post.  Please use complete paragraphs in your posts.


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