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Learning Activity W4

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General Instructions for Learning Activities

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· Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in the Course Content

· Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities

· Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use the internet unless otherwise instructed

· Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations  

· Write in correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format unless otherwise instructed

· Submit Learning Activities to Assignment Folder

 Tips for Formatting and Structuring Analysis:

· Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.

· Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.     

· Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.

· Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.  

· Concluding Sentence:  End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.

· Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, “How to Support Arguments and Positions”. 

· Use the American Psychological Association (APA) citation format for all citations. 

Background:  Contracts are essential for business and will be an integral part of Viral Clean’s (“Clean”) operations, so the owners now want to focus on contract law.   Each owner has experience with contracts in their businesses and appreciates the probable risks and liabilities associated with contracts.   They also know that contracts should be comprehensive, clear, and specific to avoid possible disputes with employees and clients.

The Clean owners know that there are various types of contract agreements relevant to their business.  Clean will have individual contracts with employees, independent contractors, and other agents representing the company.  Also, Clean will engage in sales contracts with other businesses, consumers, and clients. 

The owners want all contracts to be written to reduce disputes and risks and liabilities associated with contracts, with specific, complete, and unambiguous terms.  Contracts must define the rights and responsibilities of the parties.  Also, since employees and independent contractors will be performing cleaning services on clients’ properties, these contracts should require bonding for all employees.

You, Winnie, and Ralph presented draft contracts for Clean’s employees, including different contracts for cleaners, office managers, marketing specialists, sales representatives, and IT employees. 

The Clean owners reviewed the drafts and have some questions about the contracts.

Background Facts You Need to Know:  At Winnie’s and Ralph’s request, it is your responsibility to research and provide answers to the Clean owners’ questions. As an example, Winnie, Ralph, the Clean owners, and you have determined that Clean’s contract with its cleaner- employees will include the following terms and conditions:

· specific duties to be performed by cleaner-employee

· salary for cleaner-employee

· work hours

· terms of payment for overtime or holiday work, if any

· sick leave

· vacation leave

· training requirements for cleaner-employee

· length of contract

· bonding for cleaner-employee 

· periodic performance evaluation and how it will be conducted

· termination of the contract, i.e., a notice of termination, etc. 


This is an application-oriented Learning Activity.  You will not find verbatim answers anywhere.  Engage in critical thinking and review all this week’s assigned readings in Overview.  You may also need to review previously assigned materials in weeks 2 and 3. 

Report You Need to Prepare:  To begin developing a contract between Clean and its cleaning clients, prepare a report that addresses the following (note that this is for a contract with Cleans clients and not Clean’s employees).

1.  Identify five contract terms and conditions – other than price – that should be included in the Clean contract with its cleaning clients.   

2.  Analyze and briefly discuss why each term is essential to include in a Clean-client cleaning contract.

Tips for Formatting Report: The report should use the following format


TO:              Winnie James, Ralph Anders

FROM:         (your name)


RE:              Terms of Contracts With Clients


Contract Terms and Conditions







Rubric Name: BMGT 380 Rubric for Weekly Learning Activities – (=100%) – Spring 2022

Print Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Criteria


Above Standards

Meets Standards

Approaching or Does not meet Standards

Criterion Score

Learning Activity Analysis

60 points

Demonstrates critical analysis, in-depth and  comprehensive development of concepts, accurately identifies all issues and their application to facts.

Shows clear evidence of having read course materials and applying them to support conclusions.  

Range: 54 – 60%

53.9 points

Demonstrates generally superior critical analysis, relatively in-depth and comprehensive development of concepts, accurately identifies most -not all – issues and their application to facts.

Some  evidence of having read course materials and applying them to support conclusions.

Additional development and more comprehensive analysis  needed.

Range: 48 – 53.9%


7.9 points

Demonstrates some to minimal  critical analysis and insight into concepts and issues, and their application to facts.

Analysis is largely superficial in one/more areas and sufficient only to meet minimum requirements of learning activity with little evidence of  insight and/or support for conclusions.  

Range: 42 – 47.9%

41.9 points

Does not meet minimal requirements for assignment.

Little to no critical analysis, comprehensive development of concepts and issues and their application to facts.

Little to no support for conclusions.

Inferior in all areas.

Range: 0 – 41.9%

Score of Learning Activity Analysis,/ 60

Writing Clarity & Mechanics

10 points

Demonstrates clear, organized, specific comments presented in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical, spelling, and mechanical errors.

Range: .9 -10%

8.5 points

Demonstrates generally clear, organized, specific comments with minor errors in grammar, and/or spelling, and or mechanics.

Range:8 – 8.5%

7.5 points

Demonstrates generally satisfactory clear, specific comments with errors in grammar, and/or spelling, and/or mechanics.

Range: .7 – 7.5%

6.5 points

Presentation lacks organization, clarity, accuracy with little to no evidence of proofreading or attempt at applying proper writing mechanics.

Range: 0 – 6.5%

Score of Writing Clarity & Mechanics,/ 10

APA Citation format Usage

20 points

Posts contain the appropriate APA intext citations with Reference list in proper format. No errors are present.

Range: 18 – 20%

17.9 points

Attempts intext citations and Reference list but some errors in formatting exist; paraphrasing is not accurate or in-text citations are omitted where citations are warranted.

Range: .16 – 17.9%

15.9 points

Attempts intext citations or Reference list but omits one or the other. Intext citations or Reference list reflect significant errors or citations omitted where citations are warranted.

Range: 14 – 159%

13.9 points

No evidence of APA usage.

Range 0 – 13.9%

Score of APA Citation format Usage,/ 20

Adheres to Instructions

10 points

Fully follows instructions; completes all required parts of the Learning Activity.

Range: 9 – 10%

8.9 points

Follows most,  instructions, and/or  attempts most required parts of the Learning Activity.

Range 8 -8.9%

7.9 points

Follows some instructions but completes all critical parts of Learning Activity.

Range 7 -7.9%

6.9 points

Fails to follow instructions and, as a result, fails to complete required parts of Learning Activity.

0 – 6.9%

Score of Adheres to Instructions,/ 10

Rubric Total ScoreTotal

Score of BMGT 380 Rubric for Weekly Learning Activities – (=100%) – Spring 2022,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden

Overall Score

Overall Score

Equivalent to an A90 points minimum

Equivalent to a B80 points minimum

Equivalent to a C70 points minimum

Equivalent to a D – F60 points minimum

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