Hist Week 5 DQ

W5: Discussion on Required Material for Week 5

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Choose one of the below for your main post. Respond to at least one student who answered a different question from you. Respond as many times as you wish. Your best two responses will be graded. The answers should come from your textbook, the lectures, videos, and the research you conducted in the APUS Library. The initial post with well referenced facts is due by Wednesday, 11:55 p.m. ET and 2 peer responses are due by Friday, 11:55 p.m. ET. Do not research on the Internet.

Women welders, 1943; from artstor.org.

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1.) What did the New Deal do for Blacks? Even though there were no significant gains made in civil rights during the 1930’s, there seemed to be an optimistic view among the black community. African-Americans were able to find help in the 1930’s through the hope they viewed in the Roosevelt administration, their inclusion within the CIO, and the Popular Front. What did each of these offer the African-American community? The black press said that the National Recovery Administration (NRA) actually stood for “Negro Run Around” or “Negroes Ruined Again.” Why did they write this? What examples can you find that support or refute these slogans?

2.) Historians recognize the importance of model figures. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, which African Americans were model figures for African Americans? How did they influence white Americans to see African Americans differently? Make sure that you go beyond just listing important African Americans and their accomplishments. The second question is by far the most important one. In other words, go beyond biography and narration. Go beyond politics here…talk about sports or entertainment as well.

3.) What effect did the World War II wartime experience have on African Americans? Did their experiences help or hinder the progress toward equality in America? How were they treated during World War II? Did the government take any effective steps to ease discrimination against African Americans in war industries?

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