Choose one of the prompts below to write a minimum of a two-page essay. You must cite your sources
using Chicago/Turabian style (
(Links to an external site.) and you will need to provide a bibliography or works cited page with at least 4
citations. Make sure you format your document with 12pt Times New Roman, double space your essay
and use parenthetical citations where needed. It will go through a plagiarism checker when you submit
your work.
(No plagiarism, citations within the essay as well, and 2 FULL pages,)
1. How did the nature of work and the composition of the workforce change during the Gilded Age?
2. In 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner gave a famous speech celebrating “The Significance of the Frontier
in American History” and mourning its closing. Compare and contrast American expansion overseas in
the 1890s with continental westward expansion earlier in the century.
3. Compare and contrast two of the three Progressive presidents (Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson).
How did each exemplify both the conservative and liberal strands of Progressivism? Consider both
domestic and foreign policy in your answer.
4. How do you explain why, after over 70 years of campaigning for suffrage, women were granted the
right to vote in 1920?
Essay Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Response to the Question
The essay question has been fully answered and all arguments are
supported with evidence.
50 pts
0 pts
50 pts
Intro and Thesis
An essay has a well-developed thesis statement that gives a roadmap to the
essay and a complete intro to the essay.
25 pts
0 pts
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Formatting and Resources
Paper is formatted following the instructions and all information has been
properly cited and there is a work cited or bibliography page.
25 pts
0 pts
25 pts
Total Points: 100