HLE 1150

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Discussion Board 1:

Dimensions of Wellness: Personal Health Improvement Goals

Total Points – 50 Points

Course Learning Outcome: Examine the dimensions/concepts of wellness.

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Directions: You should have completed the Princeton U Matter Wellness Self-Assessment. Please use the results from the assessment to complete this assignment. You will be required to create personal health improvement goals that will help improve your overall wellness.


Princeton U Matter Wellness Self-Assessment:


Part 1 – Write the Vision! 

15 points 


Directions: Please review the Dimensions of Wellness in your textbook. Then Complete the questions below:

(1) Identify three dimensions that you will work on improving this semester.

(2) Define each dimension and describe a long-term goal that you want to achieve by the end of semester.

(3) Long-term goals are general such as “I want to get in shape” or “I want to have healthy diet.”

(4) Lastly, provide a reason for selecting this goal–why is it important to you? Why did you select this dimension to work on?

Use the following format:


1. Dimension of Wellness 1- Define the dimension, create a long-term general goal, and provide a reason for selecting this goal.

2. Dimension of Wellness 2- Define the dimension, create a long-term general goal, and provide a reason for selecting this goal.

3. Dimension of Wellness 3- Define the dimension, create a long-term general goal, and provide a reason for selecting this goal.

Part 2 – Personal Health Goals

25 points

Directions: For each of the three dimensions, describe in detail five behavior/lifestyle actions that you will take weekly or daily to achieve your goals by the end of the semester. You will be required to create SMART goals. SMART goals are specific action goals that describes what you will do to reach your long-term goal by the end of the semester.

Write each of your five behavior/lifestyle actions using the SMART goal format. However, do not write your goals listing each aspect of the SMART goal but in sentences.

Example: If my general long-term goal is to improve my nutrition for physical wellness, the description below could be an action that I can take.

I will use a calendar to track drinking 24 oz of water twice a day. I will drink at least 48 oz of water daily from now until the end of the semester.

This action is a SMART goal because it is Specific and Measurable as I list what action I will do. I can track whether or not I met this goal. It is Attainable because it is not an unrealistic action. It is Relevant to the goal of improving you nutrition. It is Timely because it states when actions should be taken.

Using the format below, please list the Dimensions of Wellness that you would like to improve in your life. Make sure that you also create long-term goals. Then list the five SMART action goals for each dimension.


1. Wellness area: Long-term goal:


Action/behavior 1:

Action/behavior 2:

Action/behavior 3:

Action/behavior 4:

Action/behavior 5:

2. Wellness Area: Long-term goal:

Action/behavior 1:
Action/behavior 2:
Action/behavior 3:
Action/behavior 4:
Action/behavior 5:

3. Wellness Area: Long-term goal:

Action/behavior 1:

Action/behavior 2:
Action/behavior 3:
Action/behavior 4:
Action/behavior 5:



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