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Anoka Ramsey Community College

Course: NURS 2700 Foundations of Nursing/Health Promotion

Title of Assignment:
Written Scholarly Paper: Self Care and Professional Development

Anoka Ramsey Community College Guiding Principles:

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Clear Thinking: thinking through reasoning, creating, and reflecting

· Effective Communication: integrating information with experience and expressing insights

· Accepting Diversity: understanding and respecting individuals and local, regional, national, and global communities

· Ethical Decision Making: maintaining responsibility for environmental, political, economic, social, and personal concerns

Purpose of Learning Activity:

Program Student Learning Outcome #1: Demonstrate reflection, self-analysis, self-care, and lifelong learning into nursing practice.

Competencies Addressed:


1B: Construct lifelong learning approaches to support excellence in nursing.

· 1D: Utilize nursing values, knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to model professional nursing practice.

· 1F: Differentiate historical and contemporary issues in nursing.

· 1G: Identify nursing values that are significant to becoming a professional nurse.

· 1H: Explain how care for vulnerable populations is impacted by attitudes, values and expectations.

· 1I: Develop a professional development plan inclusive of practice excellence, life-long learning, and professional engagement.

· 1K: Recognize the significance of spiritual beliefs and values to promote health.

Course Outcomes/Upon completion of this assignment the student will:

· #2: Demonstrate an awareness of the role of the professional nurse within organizational systems.

· #7: Describe behavioral change techniques to promote health and manage illness in the professional nurse.

· #8: Reflect on personal and professional actions based on a set of shared core nursing values.

· Identify, locate, and utilize evidence-based research to guide scholarly writing.

· Demonstrate proper use of APA 7th edition guidelines.

Suggested reading to prepare for self-assessment: APA Help Guide & ANA Scope and Standards of Practice – Lifelong learning and professional development

To prepare for completion of the scholarly paper:

1. Investigate the organizational philosophy, mission and vision of several healthcare

facilities including hospitals, residential care centers and community care organizations.
These must have nurses that work for them.

2. Locate an organization that aligns with your own personal values. This may be a

facility located in your local community, across the country or around the world.

To complete the paper, include a discussion of the following (make each a paragraph and do not change the order of paragraphs or combine). Paraphrase information from source – no direct quotes allowed:

· Discuss and differentiate historical and contemporary issue(s) in the nursing profession (cite). This could be one issue that has changed over time (or) a discussion of an important historical issue in nursing as well as a more current issue in today’s nursing.

· Examine and identify nursing values, knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to model professional nursing practice. How will your values be integrated into your chosen organization? How do your values link or tie to your organization to be a ‘successful’ nurse in this organization? Be sure to identify your organization and cite it when stating information about that organization.

· Identify your lifelong learning approach(es) (approach to learning over your lifetime) that will support both excellence in nursing and how they will support your chosen organization’s philosophy, mission, and values. Do not include their mission statement – you may refer to important parts of it however (if you cite it).

· Discuss the significance of spiritual beliefs and values to promoting health from a patient standpoint (cite if from a source). Apply this to patients and NOT nurses and avoid negative correlations. (References in APA must be within the last 5 years)

· Explain
how actual ‘care’ for vulnerable populations is impacted
or affected by attitudes, values, and expectations of the nurse, the patient, or both. Briefly discuss the professional nurse as role model to the client. This is not asking you to explain how a nurse should care for someone or what would happen if the nurse is not ‘nice.’
How is care impacted by the above?

· Describe a technique for behavioral change (cite this) that would promote health and manage illness when caring for self, family, and community populations. This needs to be an actual technique that has been developed to change a non-healthy behavior. Apply this to patients and NOT nurses.

· Describe what nursing practice excellence means to you. Develop/discuss your plan for professional development that includes short-term and a long-term goals and addresses practice excellence, life-long learning, and professional engagement. Briefly touch on the significance of self-care as a nurse.

Required components of the Written Scholarly Paper:

· Title page: A title page must be included in the submitted paper (This is in addition to the


-4 page body).

· Body of the paper: The body of the paper will be roughly 3-4 pages in length. The paper must also include an introduction and conclusion included in those 4 pages. (Intro and conclusions should broadly summarize and should be roughly 3-5 sentences at most.) Headers and indentations must align with APA 7th edition guidelines.

· References: A reference page must be included in the submitted paper. A minimum of three scholarly journals (4 for full points) must be cited and appear on the reference page. Please see rubric.
: journals older than 5 years unless speaking to something historical are not acceptable in APA Scholarly Nursing Papers.


APA formatting: The paper must adhere to APA 7th edition guidelines – including the use of proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Format your paper appropriately with Times New Roman size 12 font and 1-inch margins (see APA guidelines for specifics).

· Students are allowed only (1) submission to the
TurnItIn Written Scholarly

Please Note
– The Written Scholarly paper with any plagiarized and/or self-plagiarized material may receive 0 out of 30 points at discretion of faculty after all factors are considered. The student will be required to rewrite these paragraphs with new, original ideas/work to meet the student learning objectives at 78% however, the original score will remain. Papers containing plagiarism may also be reported to the college (see policy on Academic Integrity). Meeting with faculty and/or Dean of Nursing may also be required.

***The final copy of this paper (the same or x copy) will be turned in to the designated dropbox located in D2L. Please turn in the paper WITHOUT the rubric please.


Scholarly Paper Spring 2022

NURS 2700 Written Scholarly Rubric





Organization & clarity

Ideas are expressed with clarity, succinctly. Focused, vivid language used to convey ideas. Flow of document is logical; builds toward conclusions with little extraneous information/ content; conclusions are clearly stated. Includes introduction, body and conclusion.

Relevant ideas are presented clearly and succinctly; flow is logical. Paper is well organized and includes introduction, body and conclusion. Conclusion is clearly stated.

Relevant ideas are presented, but thoughts could be more organized to demonstrate logical flow. Requires some effort to follow ideas across the document to determine writer’s conclusions. Includes introduction, body and conclusion.

Logical flow is minimally evident; ideas presented in disorganized manner. Lacks clarity. No introduction or conclusions stated.

Concepts are focused, information is correct, words flow in logical order (introduction, body, and conclusion).

Concepts are focused, information is correct, but words do not always flow or seem in logical order. A couple of concepts may not be developed.

Concepts are present but not focused, information is mostly correct. A bit of a struggle to read and difficult to see a flow to the concepts.

Concepts are not present, or information is not correct. Writing is not cohesive. Information is not in student’s own words. Difficult to read.


2 – 3

1 – 2

0 – 1






Use of Evidence-based sources

Exceeds required number of relevant, credible, and scholarly evidence-based references. Those selected vary in type and include seminal sources on the topic. References included are beyond those provided.

Cites required number of relevant, credible, and scholarly evidence-based references representing varied types of sources. References included are beyond those provided.

Cites minimum number of required scholarly, evidence-based references. References included are beyond those provided.

Provides information not from credible, scholarly sources. References included are beyond those provided.

Includes 4 or more non classroom (scholarly journals) information or textbook evidence-based resources. Most areas cited when needed.

Includes 3 non classroom (scholarly journals) information or textbook evidence-based resources. Occasional area not cited when needed.

Includes 1–2 non classroom (scholarly journals) information or textbook evidence-based resources. Has description and information communication strategies but has not searched far. Several areas not cited.

Information not from a credible source, or quotes are used with few of the student’s own words to connect them. Numerous areas not cited.


2 – 3

1 – 2

0 – 1







Integrates findings from all sources into coherent statement regarding what is known about topic/issue. Addresses all aspects of the findings.

Integrates findings from all sources into coherent statement regarding what is currently known about topic/issue. Addresses most aspects of the findings; may not address findings comprehensively.

Offers information but does not connect findings from different sources to generate a clear statement of what is known.

Offers opinions, no exploration of evidence base.

Integrates concepts well.

Integrates information but does not address all of what was assigned.

Has minimal information. Does not connect information into a clear statement of understanding.

Does not integrate the information. Offers opinions and not evidence.


2 – 3

1 – 2

0 – 1






Discussion/ Position

Identifies implications of findings on the topic to nursing practice based on evidence; identifies personal position including pros and cons for position taken. Identifies gaps in evidence that could be addressed to strengthen existing evidence-base.

Thoughtful identification of implications of findings on the topic to nursing practice based on evidence; identifies personal position. Includes pros and cons supported by evidence for position taken.

Thoughtful identification of implications of findings on the topic to nursing practice based on evidence; expands discussion to identify personal position. Includes supporting evidence for position taken.

Unable to identify implications on the topic for nursing practice. Limited discussion; Does not clearly state own position about the topic.

13 – 15

9 – 13

5 – 9

0 – 5






Mechanics of Writing

Integrates creative approach that enhances the presentation and is appropriate to the audience. Entire text flows smoothly with clear transitions. Entire document is well organized. Sentence structure varies appropriately. No errors in grammar and/or punctuation.

Entire text flows smoothly with clear transitions. Entire document is well organized. Sentence structure varies appropriately. No errors in grammar and/or punctuation.

Writes in complete sentences. Most paragraphs contain one central idea. Evidence that the paper has been proofread before submission. Occasional errors in grammar and/or punctuation.

Writes in incomplete, run-on or fragmented sentences. Paragraphs are poorly constructed.
Paper could have benefitted from more careful proofreading and editing. Multiple errors of grammar and/or punctuation.

Less than three unique errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

Three to five unique errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

Six to seven unique errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

More than seven unique errors of spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.


2 – 3

1 – 2

0 – 1






Use of APA

Document complies with APA format and guidelines with less than three unique errors.

Document complies with APA format and guidelines with three to five unique errors.

Limited compliance with APA format and guidelines with six to seven unique errors.

Document does not comply with APA format and guidelines with more than seven unique errors.

APA format is accurate in presentation of paper, spacing, citations, and references.

APA format is apparent. May have 1 error in spacing, citations or references.

APA format is poor. Up to 2 – 3 errors in spacing, citations or references.

Does not follow APA formatting guidelines. Has more than 3 errors in spacing, citations or references.


2 – 3

1 – 2

0 – 1


Student: SCORE_ /30

Updated 12/2021

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