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I need help with the following research paper on “Ageism”.  Thanks 

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The presentation will summarize the Applied Research paper for the class. Students can present their summary using PowerPoint and each student will have 10 minutes to present and to answer questions from the audience. The presentation should follow the format above. For example, the presentation should contain at a minimum the following slides titled as follows:

    1. Executive summary
    2. Introduction
    3. Strategic Issues
    4. Your analysis
    5. Impact of corporate culture, policies, practices and programs on morale
    6. Recommendations

Writing guidelines for all written material:

Writing for all papers is expected to represent college-level writing. Written assignments will be judged on thoughtful analysis of the issues, appropriateness of recommendations (60%) and quality of writing (40%). Quality of writing is judged on grammar and syntax, punctuation and spelling, word choices, expression of attitudes and feelings, and flow of ideas.

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APA Formatting and Style Guide

The presentation will summarize the Applied Research paper for the class. Students can present their summary using PowerPoint and each student will have 10 minutes to present and to answer questions from the audience. The presentation should follow the format above. For example, the presentation should contain at a minimum the following slides titled as follows:
Executive summary
Strategic Issues
Your analysis
Impact of corporate culture, policies, practices and programs on morale
Writing guidelines for all written material:
Writing for all papers is expected to represent college-level writing. Written assignments will be judged on thoughtful analysis of the issues, appropriateness of recommendations (60%) and quality of writing (40%). Quality of writing is judged on grammar and syntax, punctuation and spelling, word choices, expression of attitudes and feelings, and flow of ideas.
APA Formatting and Style Guide

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