
As we have learned, the way to increase the value of your hotel is to increase its cash flow. Broadly speaking, that comes down to increasing revenue and/or decreasing expenses.  Based on a)what you have learned in the course this week,  your work experience, and your education at JWU, if you were an asset manager assigned to a new property, where would you look to increase revenues or decrease expenses?

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Discussion Forum General Rubric

No response or a very poor response

No response or a very poor response

No response or a very poor response



Professional (100%)

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Needs Focus


Fail (0%)

Demonstrated Understanding (35%)

Demonstrated a complete understanding of the material covered in the readings.

Demonstrated a partial understanding of the material.

Did not clearly or correctly demonstrate an understanding of the material.

No response or a very poor response

Clear Articulation (35%)

Clearly and succinctly articulated a response, and supported that response with a reasonable argument or factual data.

Fairly articulated, or response was either partially incomplete or factually incorrect

Not well articulated, or response was either partially incomplete or factually incorrect

Phrasing, Grammar, Spelling (15%)

Post was professionally phrased using the language of business, and contained no grammatical or spelling errors.

Post was fairly professional and/or may have contained a few spelling or grammatical errors.

Post was not professional and/or may have contained many spelling or grammatical errors.

Required Responses (15%)

Required number of responses was completed, and responses met the criteria above

Partial number of required responses and/or the criteria above was not met.


College of Online Education

Johnson & Wales University

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