How can the behavior on the part of the opposite-gender police partners affect the culture of the patrol unit? Explain. First and foremost, during the recruitment process into any job, people who are being recruited are required to read and understand wha


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How can the behavior on the part of the opposite-gender police partners affect the culture of the patrol unit? Explain.

First and foremost, during the recruitment process into any job, people who are being recruited are required to read and understand what is required of them as employees. One of these requirements is not having intimate relations with co-workers. If it happens that there occurs relations, then at no point should they affect one’s work (Rowe, 2013). A discouragement of these relations is what makes co-workers respect and work well with each other. In a relationship especially an affair, there may occur arguments and misunderstandings that may affect how people and especially, co-workers interact with each other while at work which may then act as a distraction to normal working conditions. 

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