How do I create an Annotated Bibliography using my thesis topic and then also draft a research outline using the following guidelines?

To fulfill the research component of this assignment, you should:

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  1. Conduct at least two searches using any of the databases in the Ashford Library (revisit Database Tutorials).
  2. Locate at least five sources that will help you support the topics and arguments you plan to present in your research paper.
  3. Make certain the sources you select are appropriate for an academic research paper (revisit Section 5.6 Evaluating Information and Evidence in Writing College Research Papers and the Evaluating Internet Sources tutorial in the Ashford Online Library).
  4. Take care to arrange your resources in alphabetical order by authors’ last names and format the citations in APA style (revisit: Sample Annotated Bibliography).

Word Range: 500-700 words Estimated Time on Task: 3-5 hours


Paper Outline

Draft a formal outline for the research paper you intend to write. Please complete most of your preliminary research on your topic before you draft your outline. Develop a full-sentence outline in the APA style (see pages 2-3 of the Ashford Outline Sample). Be sure to leverage any useful feedback you received on your Research Paper Project Plan (in Discussion 2). You may also find the Writing Center’s Thesis Generator and Preliminary Outline Form helpful in the completion of this assignment.

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Word Range: 200-500 words Estimated Time on Task: 3-5 hours

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