Howard Green Theory

Youwill have a research paper due this week on Howard Gardner. The paper will be broken down in

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4 sections. They are as follows:

First section: Background (40 points)

The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by psychologist Howard Gardner in the late 1970’s and

early 1980’s, posits that individuals possess eight or more relatively autonomous intelligences.

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Individuals draw on these intelligences, individually and corporately, to create products and solve

problems that are relevant to the societies in which they live. The eight identified intelligences

include linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical

intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and

intrapersonal intelligence

Second section: Review of Issues and pseudo-issues (40 points)

(A false or spurious problem; (Philosophy) a problem which cannot be properly answered, especially

because it arises only as the result of an error of analysis or a mistaken assumption.) spawned by the


The Multiple Intelligence theory has drawn considerable attention, primarily from psychologists and

educators. The attention has come in many forms, from scholarly critiques regarding the development,

scope, and empirical basis of the theory, to educational curricula that claim to develop children’s

intelligences in an optimal way. This attention has led to new developments in the theory and promising

practical applications in the classroom. Yet, several reviews and critiques of MI theory reveal

misunderstandings regarding its empirical foundation and theoretical conception of human cognition. In

this section, we use these misunderstandings as a springboard for exploring the theory in greater depth,

with the purpose of illuminating its major claims and conceptual contours.

PART 3: Scholarly Work in the wake of MI theory

20 (40 points)

Since its inception the theory of multiple intelligences has been a subject of scholarly inquiry and

educational experimentation. We here examine three major fronts: research, assessment, and

educational interventions.

PART 4: Conclusion: Looking ahead (40 points)

Overall, what does the future look like for MI. What are some of the pros and cons of MI?

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