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The Life Photo Collection includes photos taken for Life Magazine, from the 1800s to today. The collection offers us a visual image of some of the topics that the study of human geography examines. You can use the links for dates, people, places, etc. or you can use the search box for specific terms to narrow down the search.
For this exercise, you will choose five different photographs that match the descriptions below and answer the specific questions for that photograph. Click on the photograph to bring it up in a photo window.
- Choose one photograph that shows humans interacting with the landscape around them. For example, you might find a photograph of a man plowing a field or a photograph of a woman in the Arctic snow. Describe the photograph and provide a link. What would be the benefits and challenges for people living in this particular landscape? Write at least one paragraph.
- Choose one photograph that shows a political event. Describe the photograph and provide a link. What are some of the effects or possible effects of this political event? How are humans affected by the political structure in the place where they live? Write at least one paragraph.
- Choose one photograph that shows spatial interaction. Describe the photograph and provide a link. What elements in the photograph show spatial interaction or aspects that limit spatial interaction between groups? What are the benefits and challenges of spatial interactions? Write at least one paragraph.
- Choose one photograph that shows at least one natural resource. Describe the photograph and provide a link. Why are natural resources important? How do natural resources influence where humans live and go about their lives? Write at least one paragraph.
- Choose one photograph of your choice. Describe the photograph and provide a link. How does the photograph you choose illustrate human geography? Why is the study of human geography important? Write at least one paragraph.
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