Human Potential and Motivation

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Assignment: A total of 14 slides not including the title and reference page.

Historical Perspectives

Create a PowerPoint presentation or Prezi that addresses each of the following points.

1. Discuss the “grand theories”: Will, Instinct, and Drive. Describe their historical significance, including any failures, using research to support your ideas.

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2. Identify the “mini-theories”: Active Nature of the Person, Cognitive Revolution, and Socially Relevant Questions. Describe their rise and cultural significance, regarding motivation. Use specific examples from real-world contexts.

3. Discuss the contemporary era, including both motivation study and emotion study. Use research to support your work.

Be sure to completely answer each of the three points. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which number you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least three (3) citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a reference slide at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint and Prezi presentations related to test size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements.

1. Title slide (1 slide)

2. Discuss the “grand theories”: Will, Instinct, and Drive. Describe their historical significance, including any failures, using research to support your ideas. (5 – slides)

3. Identify the “mini-theories”: Active Nature of the Person, Cognitive Revolution, and Socially Relevant Questions. Describe their rise and cultural significance, regarding motivation. Use specific examples from real-world contexts. (5- slides)

4. Discuss the contemporary era, as it applies to motivation study. Use research to support your work. (2- slides)

5. Discuss the contemporary era, as it applies to emotion study. Use research to support your work. (2- slides)

6. References (1 slide)

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