Human rescource management

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n Part 3, you will develop a detailed Interview and Selection process.Refer to your Part 1 & 2 submissions for the job description – you are not creating this from scratch. For full assignment details, please review the  MGMT2001 – Project Assignment Directions ( x)

In order to increase efficiency in the hiring and retention of employees, and to ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment and selection process, it is recommended that you refer to the  

Staff Recruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist (PDF)

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The purpose of this project is to allow you to assume the role of a Human Resources professional while completing each component of the project. The project mirrors the steps that HR professionals use to recruit and onboard qualified employees. You will apply your knowledge of HR best practices that are introduced in the weekly readings and other resources, throughout this project. You will also conduct research as appropriate and provide citations. In Part 1 you will identify the position and create a job description. Continuing with the same employment position, Part 2 focuses on the steps needed to identify appropriate recruitment sources and creating a selection process. In Part 3 you will summarize your plan for the recruitment & onboarding processes in a narrated presentation.

This project is a great opportunity to refine your HR skills in a job or industry that you are interested in pursuing.

Project Part 1: Job Description

· Due in Week 4

· Points : 100

Accurate and well-written job descriptions are extremely important. Using job descriptions will help an organization better understand the experience and skill base needed to enhance the success of the company. They help in the hiring, evaluation and potentially terminating of employees. All too often, there is a misunderstanding of what a position entails and a well-prepared job description can help both sides share a common understanding.


Select a specific full-time position (by Job Title) that you want to use throughout the assignments. I suggest that you choose a straightforward job with clear cut duties, responsibilities, specifications and qualifications; or perhaps a job title you intend to undertake after graduation. Knowing the most you can about a new position often helps you to become more successful in getting that job. The goal of these assignments and the project is for you to be proficient in the process. Once you are proficient, you can apply the process to any position. Note: internships or part-time positions cannot be used for this project.

1. [Position Name] Overview

a. Main duties and activities.

Conduct research online to locate 3 examples for the position you selected. Based on these examples you find posted online, author a brief written narrative describing the daily activities of the job. [Include the examples you found in the Appendix].

b. Knowledge, skills, or capabilities necessary to successfully complete the job. These should include:

· Routine tasks – tasks that you would expect the person in this position to perform on a regular basis

· Adaptive Way(s) you would expect the person in this position to perform tasks when situations/circumstances change. These might be considered contingencies.

· Creative Way(s) you would expect the person in this position to perform tasks when routine and adaptive methods are not sufficient or will not work.

2. Job Description

After completing your written narrative, create a Job Description in your own words. Please use the

Job Description Template (docx)

in ulearn to create a job description which includes specifics for each of the following areas:

a. Job Purpose.

b. Job Duties and Responsibilities.

c. Job Qualifications.

Note: Please insert a Page Break before and after the Job Description.

3. Conclusion:

a. Explain why your final job description is enough to use as it relates to the

employee life cycle


b. Explain the potential issues or concerns that exist when organizations choose not to use job descriptions.

4. Works Cited

5. Appendix (if needed)

Project Part 2: Employee Recruitment & Selection

· Due in Week 5

· Points : 100

In Part 1 of the project, you conducted research to use as you created a job description for a specific employment position.
In this part you will now explore and discuss the steps needed to identify appropriate recruitment sources and create a selection process based on the same employment position.

1. Recruitment Sources
Goal: to identify appropriate places that companies use to recruit for the position you explored in your Project Part 1.
Conduct a Google Search for the job title to identify employee recruitment resources. Examples may include job boards, industry magazines, professional organizations, newspapers, company websites or blogs.
a) Analyze the possibilities and summarize your research in a chart. Be sure to consider if the resources you include are credible.
b) Review the chart and select at least (2) sources that will help your recruit qualified job candidates. Include your rationale for the selection.
2. Selection Process
Goal: to create a selection process.
a) Conduct a Google search to research how you will create an employment selection process. Summarize your research results and make initial decisions based on your research. For example,
· Should there be a capability or cognitive test used? Explain.
· Are you going to interview all candidates? Some?
· How will you determine how many you will interview? How many interviews per candidate?
b) Based on your research create a plan to organize the process of recruiting and selecting job candidates to fill the position.
· You MUST have at least an interview stage.
· Write at least (7) seven legal and situational interview questions that are specific for this level of position. These questions must be written in your own words.
· You could find and apply a
selection process chart
as an example here. It does not have to be an exact match.
· The use of existing exhibits, charts, and real examples from your research should form the basis for your decision making and rationale for your final choices.

3. Job Posting
Goal: to create an original job posting for this position.
In #1 above of this section you researched actual job postings from reliable recruitment sources.
a) Based on this research, create a job posting for two (2) of these sources. Explain, based on the examples you are providing how your posting is more effective, legally compliant, and is designed to attract the “right” candidate. The new postings must be written in your own words and should be an improvement on the ones you found during your research.
4. Conclusion
a. Explain why your final selection process is sufficient to use as it relates to the

employee life cycle.

b. Explain the potential issues or concerns that exist when organizations choose not to use job descriptions.
5. Works Cited
6. Appendix

Project Part 3: Recruitment & Selection Process

· Due Week 7

· Points: 100

In this final project section, you will present your findings in a narrated PowerPoint. For step-by-step instructions on creating presentations and submitting them in ulearn, please refer to the user guides in ulearn.

In order to increase efficiency in the hiring and retention of employees and to ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment and selection process, it is, recommended that the following steps be followed (refer to the Staff Recruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist provided on ulearn). Details for each step include the minimum recommended best practice to attract a talented and diverse applicant pool.
Instructions and Requirements:
In this section you will develop a detailed Interview and Selection process. As in previous sections of the project, you are not creating this from scratch. You are expected to use existing examples from which you will make modifications for the employment position chosen in project section one.
Presentation Requirements:

· In your presentation, you are expected to use real company examples you find on websites, in articles, or any other credible sources. Reference your sources in the presentation as you are explaining or discussing the questions posed.

· Read or display each of the questions posed below in your presentation before you start answering it. This enables you to be as visual as you can be in your explanations.

· Your slides should complement your narrative, not the other way around. Less is more when it comes to text on slides.

· Your presentation should be no longer than 8 minutes.

Project PART 3: Recruitment & Selection Process – Narrated PowerPoint/Video

1. Introduction

Start by introducing yourself and the topic of your presentation. Include the title of your chosen position.

2. Interview

a. What is the purpose of the interview as a selection tool?

· Are there better selection tools?

b. Provide criteria and rationale for selecting the final candidates for interviews.

c. How many interviews per candidate will be conducted and with whom. Provide a rationale for this decision.

d. Suggest 5 specific and relevant (job-related) and legally defensible interview questions for each interview level.

Note! Do not ask for information that the applicant has already provided in the application and resume.

e. Find a sample of an existing interview evaluation sheet that uses a Likert scale. Provide a rationale for the form.

3. Selection

a. Based on your research from credible sources, present a final selection process for a theoretical last group of qualified candidates. Present your Selection Process in a Flow Chart style image. MS Word SmartArt might be a helpful tool for this.

4. Communications

a. Find a sample of a formal rejection email that can be used in communications with candidates who are not selected. Discuss pros and cons of this document.

b. Find a sample of a formal email that can be used in communications with the candidate who is selected. Discuss pros and cons of this document

c. Find a sample of a hiring information packet that accompanies the offer letter to the chosen candidate. Discuss pros and cons of this document.

5. Onboarding

Based on your research from credible sources discuss the purpose of the onboarding process.

a. Discuss the purpose of the onboarding process. Who should be part of the onboarding process? What role would each person play? Why do you feel that it is important that these people are part of the onboarding process?

b. Find a sample of an appropriate and detailed onboarding plan for the position chosen.

Note! This is a great opportunity to add an embedded video as a visual reference. If you choose to include a video, please select one that is no longer than 10 minutes.

c. In addition to the physical work environment and tools needed to perform the chosen employment position; what other aspects of the onboarding process must be present to ensure new employees are successfully integrated into the organizations’ culture?

d. Discuss pros and cons of assigning a mentor.

6. Conclusion

a. Explain why your final HR processes and programs are sufficient to use as it relates to the

employee life cycle.

b. Describe potential issues or concerns that could surface after hiring, when organizations choose not to utilize these types of HR processes.

7. Works Cited

· Provide a separate slide for your Works Cited (PowerPoint)

· Submit a Word document with your Works Cited separately (Video only)


College of Online Education

Johnson & Wales University

StaffRecruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist

SED 7/2012

page 1 of 3

This checklist is designed to help guide you through the standard hiring process and ensure key aspects of the

recruitment have been addressed. Temporary, emergency, and other abridged-process hires will not require all

steps to be completed. Each step in the hiring process is listed below and described further in the Recruitment

and Selection Guidelines.

1. Identify Vacancy and Evaluate Need

Has approval been obtained to replace or hire the additional employee?

Has the department or University’s strategic goals been considered?

Have the core skills of current staff been reviewed to determine any competency gaps?

Has an analysis of the job been completed to ensure the proper classification?

2. Develop Position Description

Has the position description been drafted which conforms to the standard University format to

include position purpose and essential functions?

Have you specified the minimum qualifications needed to be successful in the position?

Is the announcement specific yet broad enough to cover contingencies, so that re-advertising is not


Is the position purpose written to attract a talented diverse applicant pool?

3. Develop Recruitment Plan

Does the search strategy include sourcing channels to address placement goals?

4. Select Search Committee

Has a Search Committee of 3 to 6 members been organized?

Has an Affirmative Action & Compliance Liaison – Search Committee Role been selected?

Does the Committee include male and female representation and underrepresented racial/ethnic


Have you considered adding search committee members from other departments?

Have Committee members been fully informed (in writing) of their responsibilities for ensuring

equal employment opportunity?

Have Committee members completed one (at a minimum) recruitment and selection related UC

sponsored trainings?

Are the Committee members fully aware of the job-related criteria relevant to the job?

Are the Committee members fully aware of the need to evaluate candidates without regard to

stereotypes or presumptions regarding ability or disability?

Has the Committee developed a means for consistently evaluating and ranking the applications

according to job-related criteria and standards?

Staff Recruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist

SED 7/2012 page 2 of 3

5. Post Position and Implement Recruitment Plan

Has the position been adequately advertised within the (national/regional/state) search area?

Have you taken every possible step to enable members of underrepresented groups to learn of and

apply for this job?

6. Review Applicants and Develop Short List

Has the Committee waited to review applications until the end of the advertised recruitment period?

Has the Committee reviewed and provided comments on all applications by uniformly applying its

job-related criteria?

Has documentation been maintained of the review process and results?

Have the Committee members reviewed all applications and materials?

Has the short list been reviewed and determined to be sufficiently diverse by the Office of Faculty

and Staff Affirmative Action?

7. Conduct Interview

Has the interview been used as an opportunity to “sell” UCR by conveying positive and accurate

information about the job, the department, the University, its administration and the community?

Has a set of acceptable job-related questions addressed to every interviewee been developed and

consistently used?

Have tests provided to interviewees been validated and approved by the Office of Staff and

Affirmative Action Compliance and Human Resources?

Have all of the candidate’s questions been addressed even if they raise prohibited subjects, such as

availability of childcare facilities or location of a church of a particular denomination?

Have notes for the file concerning the questions and answers received been made?

Has the formal interview process been enhanced with other recruiting activities such as a campus

tour, or social events? (If necessary)

Have requested job-related work samples been collected for all interviewees?

8. Select Hire

Has the Committee developed a system of weighing job criteria and the information obtained?

Are the Committee’s deliberations based on the applicant’s ability to perform the job as evidenced

from the resumes, references, interviews, and other job related criteria?

Has the Committee provided the person making the initial hiring decision with the strengths and

weaknesses of each acceptable candidate?

Is the decision to hire based on the applicant’s ability to perform the job?

Has the Affirmative Action and Compliance Liaison – Search Committee raised any issues

concerning biased comments or unfair treatment of any applicants?

Have you developed a non-discriminatory means for deciding which applicants’ references should

be checked (e.g., the top 3 candidates)?

Have you developed and used consistently a set of core questions in every reference interview?

Staff Recruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist

SED 7/2012 page 3 of 3

Have you solicited only job-related information?

As a courtesy, have you obtained the candidate’s consent to obtain references from persons not

named by the candidate?

Is the job related information obtained from the references treated as one, but not the only, factor in

the hiring decision?

If negative information is obtained and would otherwise be a contributing factor in rejecting the

applicant, has the applicant been given an opportunity to rebut the information? Or have you

otherwise independently verified the information?

Have you made notes for the file of each reference check and the answers received?

9. Finalize Recruitment

Were the duties and responsibilities of the position and accurately described and reflected in the job

description and interview


Did the interview questions clearly match the selection criteria?

Were all candidates treated uniformly in the recruitment, screening, interviewing and final selection


Are the selected candidate’s salary requirements known?

Was a competitive offer developed displaying proper market and internal equity practices?

Have all of applicants on the requisition been given a decision code?

Has the offer been initiated?

Has the offer been approved and made to the finalist?

Has the HR Departmental Coordinator been notified of the offer acceptance?

Have all necessary documents been uploaded to the requisition in iRecruit?

Have the non-selected interviewees been contacted?

Has the requisition been finalized in iRecruit?

Recruitment & Selection Process Selection Process
Part three


Personal Introduction
Name and Title
Report to
Vice President Sales and Marketing
The purpose of the presentation is to ensure the recruitment and selection process.
The selection is an important duty and the presentation will narrate the components used for the process
The vacant position for which selection needs to be done Regional Sales Manager.


The rapidly expanding cosmetics company is looking for a self-driven and experienced regional sales manager responsible for ensuring the American region hits the sales targets.
There are 20 stores to be overseen now, with plans of expansion to 30 underway.
The duties will include planning, managing budgets, strategic development, and supporting the regional sales team.
Qualified candidates should have a bachelor’s degree and three years of experience in sales in a managerial position.


It is an important part of the selection procedure. The panel of experts will determine the number of the applicants to be called for the interview, and they are notified.
The preliminary interview aims to eliminate the applicants to a manageable number by understanding their understanding of the job role.
The final interview requires seven competent and able to achieve the set objectives (Sleep).


Rationale to choose the candidates
The criteria will be merit-based and will depend on qualification, experience and confidence in the interview.
The rationale of criteria is to make sure the employees or selected candidates have the experience of related job and understand the duties and responsibilities.
The rationale is also to maintain the reputation of company and to choose the employees on the merit to fulfill the ethical standards of justice.

Number of interviews and Questions
Two interviews will be required and the rationale is to judge the individual and his potential in different circumstances
Interview Questions
How would you train the new sales managers?
How will you motivate the sales managers in all the 20 locations if they are underperforming?
How would you ensure the stores maintain the legal requirements to avoid conflicts?
Suppose the company is launching a new product. Please walk us through the sales development process you would design for the project.
This job requires a lot of travel, coordination, and bookkeeping. Are you ready to give up your free time for company operations (Plank)

Sample interview sheet
The rationale for choosing the interview sample sheet is to make sure that the individual has the confidence to communicate with the panel.
It is further chosen to ensure the merit based criteria and to make it sure that the candidates have proper understanding of duties and responsibilities (Rozario).

Selection Process

Selection process


Short listed candidates

Merit based decisions


Final Interview

Preliminary interview

Psychological testing

Medical Testing

Rejection Email
The candidates will try to improve them.
They will not lose heart.
The candidates might lose confidence
The candidates may not consider it good decision (Abbasi)

Selection Email to candidate
The pros of this letter is to encourage the candidates for selection.
There are no cons of letter but the candidates may get over-confident by these letters.

Offer Letter
The pros of offer letter is to encourage the candidates for the job and coming success
The cons of the offer letter may lead the company to lose candidates if they do not like offer (Peesker)

Onboarding Process
The purpose of onboarding is to prepare the newly hired employees for the coming job responsibilities and to make sure that they will face the various challenges with courage
The onboarding process should include
CEO for meetings
HR manager for training
The senior staff for teamwork and collaboration
All the roles are important because of their responsibilities and distinct nature


other aspects of the onboarding process
The teamwork should be present
The reward strategy should be implemented
The feedback strategy for the employees should be integrated
Assigning Mentor
There are pros and cons of assigning mentor. The pros are to encourage the employees to become successful
The cons are to restrict the employees into creativity and follow the mentor (Paillé)

The HR processes mentioned above are sufficient in hiring because they are detailed enough to judge the candidate and to determine his abilities
The potential issues that may arise after the hiring are the lack of coordination, communication and cultural differences. The strategies should be made to avoid them.

work Cited
Sleep, S., Dixon, A. L., DeCarlo, T., & Lam, S. K. (2020). The business-to-business inside sales force: roles, configurations and research agenda. European Journal of Marketing.
Plank, R. E., Reid, D. A., Koppitsch, S. E., & Meyer, J. (2018). The sales manager as a unit of analysis: a review and directions for future research. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 38(1), 78-91.
Peesker, K. M., Kerr, P. D., Bolander, W., Ryals, L. J., Lister, J. A., & Dover, H. F. (2022). Hiring for sales success: The emerging importance of salesperson analytical skills. Journal of Business Research, 144, 17-30.
Abbasi, Saliha Gul, et al. “Examining the relationship between recruitment & selection practices and business growth: An exploratory study.” Journal of Public Affairs (2020): e2438.
Rozario, Sophia Diana, Sitalakshmi Venkatraman, and Adil Abbas. “Challenges in recruitment and selection process: An empirical study.” Challenges 10.2 (2019): 35.
Paillé, Pascal. “Green recruitment and selection: an insight into green patterns.” International journal of manpower (2019).

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