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Part 1:

1) examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and the thirty (30) stated and defined human rights outlined in this vital document.The USA took the lead to get the UDHR established – but we had our own blemishes to manage as well. What do you think about the USA as the world’s leader in human rights? how this impacts social workers’ work? Share your thoughts and opinions with your colleagues. Search this for current issues related to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Part 2:

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The following video compilation of short pieces was created to educate and persuade us about these thirty (30) articles. I don’t expect you to watch this 30-minute video from start to finish, but I was hoping you could look at several of these to better understand some of these articles’ facts and emotions.

· What do you think of this document? What flaws do you see? What strengths do you see? What are the most important Articles in your opinion? What really speaks to you?

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