Humanities class answer questions

Questions to answer regarding Humanities Class- China Culture

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Chapter19 Studyguide

1) Who were the mandarins?
2) Which group of Christians brought western knowledge to China? What did this generate?
3) What is the political system of China since 1949.
4) What has allowed an economic growth in the last decades in China, including

modernization and an emergence into the network of world trade despite the political
system that dominates in the region?

5) What is the national examination system?
6) What are the four traditional formats of Chinese painting?
7) What was the most important subject in Chinese paintings after the thirteenth century

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until the nineteenth century?
8) What is the purpose of the empty areas/negative spaces of the Chinese compositions?
9) How were the Poet-artists who used brushwork to express their understanding of

humankind and nature called?
10) Who was described as the “poet of the brush.?
11) Who composed this composition titled Poet on a Mountaintop? what painting format is it

(from the 4 you mentioned before)? What is the calligraphy at the upper left of the
Note: the answer to the last question is in a different page but same chapter.

12) Who painted Reminiscences of the Qin-Huai River and what is the technique employed
by the artist?

13) What is often considered the highest form of art by the Chinese?
14) What is the technique used in this example of Chinese porcelain? (“Jar with Dragon”)

15) Which porcelain painting technique became the dominant one? know that this jar is an
example of that

16) Under the rule of the so-called Yongle Emperor how was the palace enclosure where the

emperor and his court lived was called? and how was it approached?
17) Describe the usage of traditional poetry during the the Ming dynasty.
18) What was the most innovative literary development of the Qing dynasty ?
19) What is the title of the most important Chinese literary text of the eighteenth century

due to its apt reflection of the political, religious, economic, and aesthetic element of
mid-Qing elite life?

20) Briefly describe what is Hsin-wen?
21) In the Beijing Opera musical form, what are the four major categories in which the

performers role are divided? And who performed these roles (males or females)?
22) With the foundation of the Chinese communist party in 1949, what was an important role

of music?
23) What is the name of this instrument?

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