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write a response to the following post.

I believe that what goes on in another person’s house is their business not my own, as long as no physical or emotional harm comes to others.

Pornography is often defined as sexually explicit material intended to cause sexual arousal. However, what is or what is not pornographic is debated and has been throughout time. Different people have different definitions for pornography, some claim it is a form of art and it can be seen as art in the painting and sculptures depicted throughout time. The most often criticism of pornography is based on moral grounds. The majority of adults in the United States believe that sexual materials lead to a breakdown of morals. Some see it as a power issue believing that it degrades women (and sometimes men) portraying them as the sexual playthings of men/women.

Some even believe that pornography is a cause of violence against women. There is no scientific cause and effect relationship between what people view and how they act. Although people object to sexual material they find offensive, many put more value on the principle of free speech and the protection of artistic expression. I am not the sexual deviance police but I feel that if it is against the law, then it is wrong. Moral laws and societal law are not always the same but violations occur in both spheres.

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Prostitution is discussed as a sexually deviant behavior. Prostitution is more common in poor countries with a strong patriarchy and traditions that limit women’s ability to earn a living. Prostitution is most often viewed as a victimless crime. It is still outlawed in most all places in the United States. A live and let live attitude often causes people to overlook the victims in prostitution. Sex traders prey on prostitutes, children are too often involved, drugs and alcohol addiction are prevalent , families are hurt/misplaced, and lives are lost.

When financial resources are depleted and/or used to enjoy sexually deviant acts; when children are involved; when it leads to other acts of violence or unlawfulness; when someone is physically, and yes, emotionally injured; and, many other reasons sexual deviance is a social problem that needs to be addressed. The media, as with most social issues today, exploits all citizens through their reporting methods, advertisements, etc.

My rule-of-thumb for what constitutes social deviance and unlawfulness, stems in the feelings I have when I am subjected to news articles, pictures, advertisements, etc. If I watch a movie that is rated X and I have no misgivings, then I will not believe the actions to be wrong; however, if I am bothered by the feelings of remorse and violations from such activities then I will believe the actions to be wrong.

Personal opinion – maybe but remember most of the time the legalities of sexual deviance mean there can and should be charges made to cease and a desist the action.

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