I need a assignment regarding Information Systems (IS) according to the instructions.

I need a assignment regarding Information Systems (IS) according to the instructions attached below.

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Home Assignment 2
Total Points: 100

Due Date: By 11:30 PM on March 8, 2022

Based on the data provided in D2L (USA.xlsx), provide executive team with visualized data to
help them with decision-making. [Please submit the link of your tableau dashboard not the
complete tableau file. Please review the lecture video on how to create this link.]

Executive Overview

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1. Identify Key measures and provide aggregate values for each of them
2. Create and calculate profitability KPI; show the contribution of each product line for the

generated profit
3. Identify the profitability of the company across different states of the country; are they

above the benchmark?
4. How is each product line performing in terms of the sales?

Profitable Products: Find the most profitable products sold by the organization

5. Find the products that are high in sales quantity and profitable to the company
6. Compare all the products based on profitability KPI and the number of quantities sold by

the company
7. Find the product that provides high profit amount irrespective of profit ratio

Target Market/Customers

Using the most profitable products data, identify target customer profiles/market using the
attributes available to us about the customers

8. Marital Status
9. Gender
10. Age group/generation, and
11. Commute distance


Your grades will be based on the following criteria:

• Visualization displays answers to at least 7 (out of 11) questions [45]
• Interactive Dashboards are created (must include actions and filters) [50]
• Explain each visualization you have created [5]

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