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Essay Grading Rubric

The Rubble Kings Movie


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After viewing the documentary please answer the following questions.

1. As you witnessed in the film the city of New York was chaotic, violent, and gangs were serious problems.

We discussed three general social structure perspectives to understanding crime: Social Disorganization, Strain Theory and Culture Conflict Theory. After watching the documentary, I would like you to choose the perspective you feel best explains the crime and violence you witnessed in the film.

Your answer should include these elements:

• State why you chose the theory.

• Briefly outline the theory you have chosen.

• Connect your choice to at least two events in the film that support your argument.

• Give one possible solution the theory you have chosen would propose to solve or help the crime issues you saw in the documentary.

2 pages should be sufficient for part one. It must contain the 4 elements.

2. Were you aware of the connection between gang culture and early hip-hop?

Do you still see the influence today?

Have you ever seen the film The Warriors?

Just a page should suffice for this part.

3. Use of sources: How well, and how many (if specified) scholarly sources did you integrate? How effectively did you relate the readings from the book, lecture, and other sources to your essay? Did you include a bibliography, and was it consistent with your in-text citations per a uniform style guide (MLA, Chicago, APA, ASA, etc.).

4. Organization (spelling, grammar, typing, proofing): Did you make clear which question you were responding to? Did you answer the questions clearly and in some logical order? Did you spell-check, use proper sentence structuring, complete paragraphs, type your essay, include page numbers, double-side your paper, carefully proof for errors, and submit your paper by the deadline?

CITE ALL references TOTAL pages 3-4

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