IFSM Homework

There are two parts to this assignment:  (1) Using either a flow chart or an outline format, you will analyze the business process you identified in Stage 1 (breaking it down into sequential steps and modeling it). This can be either a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document, or it can be clearly hand-drawn and scanned into an electronic file format to be submitted. (2) Using the case provided, propose a technology solution for improving the process identified in Stage 1 and explain how the solution would support the organization’s strategic objectives. Your solution proposal will take the form of a short paper, using Microsoft Word.

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Improvement of UR 1

Improvement of UR Umuc Healthy Fitness Centre

Business process involves the putting together of different processes in order to provide a better service or product for customers. The business process model of Fitness Center is what it uses to define the ways it would operate in achieving its planned process. The business process needed for UR UMUC Healthy fitness center is to make sure it can operate efficiently. My analysis for the FC is to put together different activities like the UR UMUC Healthy fitness center’s membership registration and billing method as these would add value to the company and improve process.

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The Business process needed to be improved for the FC is a modern registration of members with modern payment method. The flowchart would include new members being registered in the database system. They are given member numbers, screened for qualification, if they qualify, then they are registered, if not, they need a waiver to be registered. Then, with the payment method, customers are given the chance to either pay online or in person making either a credit card payment or cash payment. After, all these steps are followed, they are then registered successfully.

Technology plays an important role in every organization’s success. The technology I deem appropriate for UR UMUC Healthy fitness center includes innovation through network, Web security, and data technology needed to change the way the fitness center operates. Through the network system, LAN can be used to help in accessing the Internet by both the customers and the managers. The Web security would be used in making the data collected from the customers safe, this would block data thieves from being able to get into customers’ information and protect their privacy. The Data technology would help in collecting and making use of the useful information needed to improve the center. The Technology Solution for UR UMUC Healthy fitness center can take any form based on the need of the center. The technology that I would use for the center is the ERP from a company called SYSPRO. The company specializes in a system that can be utilized to customize for the use of enrollment of new customers/members, registration of members, and payment system of the members.

The technological components needed to bring changes to the center would include: Hardwares-Computers (Either desktops or laptops), printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, LAN cables, wireless router, surge protectors, credit card system, keyboard, mouse, VPN, monitor, server, cash registers, I.D card scanners, wireless network card, DSL, and others.

The Software would include antispyware/antivirus, point of sale, firewall, server, business/office, credit card, operating system, and other software.

With all the components available, UR UMUC Healthy fitness center would be able to bring the needed change and innovation to the business place. A website for the center would mean more customers getting to know about the site, messages being sent and received from and to the customers for a better communication and business awareness. A better management of the database system would then be available to register new members, process them and gather useful information to cater for the need of the customers. Customers can also relax, check their e-mails after working out, or browse the Internet through the available Internet service. All these would add value to the fitness center rather being known for just working out and with this, the company would be able to compete among other rivals in the same line of business.

I made changes to the business process to be improved in order to makes sure that the Fitness Center improve the old way of processing new customers and accepting payment for the benefit of the customers. The business process selected for the Fitness center, automated registration or members with better payment method would make registration of new members easier, faster, and more effective as members would be processed quickly with ease.


Baltzan, P. (2012). Business driven information systems. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Porter, Michael. Competitive Strategies: techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors.

Retrieved from


Manuel Laguna, Johan Marklund (2004). Business Process Modeling, Simulation, and Design.

Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004.

Improvement of UR Umuc Healthy Fitness Centre

Business process involves the putting together of different processes in order to provide a better service or product for customers. The business process model of Fitness Center is what it uses to define the ways it would operate in achieving its planned process. The business process needed for UR UMUC Healthy fitness center is to make sure it can operate efficiently. My analysis for the FC is to put together different activities like the UR UMUC Healthy fitness center’s membership registration and billing method as these would add value to the company and improve process.

The Business process needed to be improved for the FC is a modern registration of members with modern payment method. The flowchart would include new members being registered in the database system. They are given member numbers, screened for qualification, if they qualify, then they are registered, if not, they need a waiver to be registered. Then, with the payment method, customers are given the chance to either pay online or in person making either a credit card payment or cash payment. After, all these steps are followed, they are then registered successfully.



Technology plays an important role in every organization’s success. The technology I deem appropriate for UR UMUC Healthy fitness center includes innovation through network, Web security, and data technology needed to change the way the fitness center operates. Through the network system, LAN can be used to help in accessing the Internet by both the customers and the managers. The Web security would be used in making the data collected from the customers safe, this would block data thieves from being able to get into customers’ information and protect their privacy. The Data technology would help in collecting and making use of the useful information needed to improve the center. The Technology Solution for UR UMUC Healthy fitness center can take any form based on the need of the center. The technology that I would use for the center is the ERP from a company called SYSPRO. The company specializes in a system that can be utilized to customize for the use of enrollment of new customers/members, registration of members, and payment system of the members.

The technological components needed to bring changes to the center would include: Hardwares-Computers (Either desktops or laptops), printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, LAN cables, wireless router, surge protectors, credit card system, keyboard, mouse, VPN, monitor, server, cash registers, I.D card scanners, wireless network card, DSL, and others. The Software would include antispyware/antivirus, point of sale, firewall, server, business/office, credit card, operating system, and other software.

With all the components available, UR UMUC Healthy fitness center would be able to bring the needed change and innovation to the business place. A website for the center would mean more customers getting to know about the site, messages being sent and received from and to the customers for a better communication and business awareness. A better management of the database system would then be available to register new members, process them and gather useful information to cater for the need of the customers. Customers can also relax, check their e-mails after working out, or browse the Internet through the available Internet service. All these would add value to the fitness center rather being known for just working out and with this, the company would be able to compete among other rivals in the same line of business.

I made changes to the business process to be improved in order to makes sure that the Fitness Center improve the old way of processing new customers and accepting payment for the benefit of the customers. The business process selected for the Fitness center, automated registration or members with better payment method would make registration of new members easier, faster, and more effective as members would be processed quickly with ease.


Baltzan, P. (2012). Business driven information systems. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Porter, Michael. Competitive Strategies: techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors.

Retrieved from http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/generic.shtml

Manuel Laguna, Johan Marklund (2004). Business Process Modeling, Simulation, and Design.

Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004.

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