Implementing A Full System Within Health Care


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Implementing a Full System Within Health Care

3–4 pages and 30-50 slides

For this assignment, you will create a written plan and a PowerPoint presentation. Based on the assignment you completed in Week 4 (Selecting Health care IT projects and Priorities), you will now take the system that you selected for evaluation and create an implementation and support plan. You are to serve as the product manager for the given system. It is your responsibility to ensure the success of this system. Complete the following:

  • Create      an implementation plan (development and deployment) for the identified      system.
  • In      addition to your implementation plan, be sure to consider the key      performance indicators (KPIs) that you will use to evaluate the success or      value of the system.
  • Consider      what maintenance aspects must be accounted for to ensure the long-term use      of this system.

Additionally, build off of what you created in the weeks leading up to this assignment. Create a PowerPoint presentation from your Individual Projects from Weeks 1–5 (SDLC Process, Health Care Information Regulatory Environment, Security and Recovery, Selecting Health Care IT Projects and Priorities). This PowerPoint presentation should be a presentation to a chief information officer (CIO). For your presentation, assume that you are being tasked with creating a new division within a health care information technology (IT) organization. You have been given complete control of this division; however, you need to explain to the CIO how you will manage the following:

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  • The      systems development life cycle (SDLC) (e.g., waterfall or agile)
  • The      regulations associated with health care (e.g., Health Insurance      Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] and meaningful use)
  • Security      and recovery (e.g., system security, network security, and data security)
  • System      interoperability and organizational interoperability
  • Implementation      of the systems that your division is responsible for within the      organization (e.g., action plan)
  • Evaluation      of your organization and definitions of success, including financial      objectives

Note: Use APA style to cite at least 2 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

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