Industrial Organization Paper – on Child Care Services NAICS 624000

Industrial Organization Paper – Child Care Services NAICS 624000

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Industrial Organization Paper

In ECN 1015 you should have identified a business that was of interest to you. This semester in
ECN 2020 you will consider the industry in which this business operates to further investigate if
it aligns with your interests and your career goals as well as to add skills and knowledge to your
business “portfolio” so that in a Capstone Course you will be able to produce a “White Paper”
on your industry.

Below are links to a list of industries (shown in two different formats) provided by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) at the U.S. Department of Labor. Click on the industry link to obtain an
overview of the industry in general as well as some workforce statistics. NOTE THAT
YOUR INDUSTRY FOCUS TO A “SUBSECTOR” or small if possible. For example NAICS 713 is
Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries. If you are interested in managing or
operating a movie theater, then you also shouldn’t be considering information about casinos
for your paper. If you are not sure that you’ve narrowed your focus appropriately, ask your

List of industries shown as Goods-producing and Service-providing:

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List of industries shown in alphabetical order:

In no more than 7 typewritten double spaced 12 pt. font pages, not including your Reference
List, address each of the following under its own subheading, in an appropriate level of detail:

1. Define and describe your industry and its major firms.
Write a brief history of your industry. Describe how and when it started. Discuss how the industry has
evolved over time. Who are the major firms? Have these major firms always been the same, or
have the dominant firms changed over time?

2. Identify type of market structure in your industry.
What type of text-book market structure (think Chapters 12 – 15) exists in this industry?
Determine to the extent possible the relative market shares of the top four firms. Provide a
four-firm concentration ratio. Does this ratio support your notion of the type of market
structure you’ve previously identified?

3. Discuss the cost structure of the industry.
What are the significant cost factors in this industry (e.g., specific raw materials, R & D
expenditures, unionized labor contracts, etc.)? What has been the nature of long-run cost in
your industry? Are there economies, diseconomies, or constant returns to scale? Where do
these economies come from? How are current national and world events impacting current
costs? How might they impact future costs?

4. Discuss demand in the industry.
Is demand relatively elastic or inelastic? (Make your case by inferring from your knowledge of
the industry and your understanding of Chapter 6.) Are there close substitutes? Are the
products necessities or luxuries? Is demand growing or declining? Do consumers have similar
preferences or do consumers differ a lot in preferences? What are the relevant social
influences on demand? (See Chapter 10.)

5. Describe the nature/form of competition in the industry.
Do firms compete on price or quantity? How is advertising used? Assess the possibility of
collusion in the industry. Who are the potential entrants into the industry and what, if anything
is done to deter entry? What is the nature of government involvement in this industry? How
are rules and regulations impacting competition?

As with all academic papers, a Reference List (or Bibliography) and in-text citations are
required. You may use either MLA or APA format.

Industrial Organizational Paper

Child Care Services NAICS 624000 – social assistance industry

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