INFO 4670 Section 001 – Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery (Fall 2023 1)

Assignment 3

Due: Sun Oct 1, 2023 11:59pmDue: Sun Oct 1, 2023 11:59pmUngraded, 100 Possible Points100 Possible PointsAttemptIn ProgressNEXT UP: Submit AssignmentAdd CommentUnlimited Attempts AllowedDetailsLink to video:Assignment 3 – More InfoLinks to an external site.Minimize VideoGoals: This section is primarily a practice of date-time functions, descriptive statistics, and charts, histograms in excel. The reference video is from last semester; slight changes are made to this assignment since then.You are going to use the data set you’ve selected in the last two assignments. Make sure you have sufficient date time and numerical data. In the absence of a date column, you are allowed to create one and describe it in your report. Or you can continue executing the data goals (without dates) that you’ve previously written.Part A: Using Excel (30 points)Steps to do in this part:1. Make sure about your dataset ( whether or not you want to continue with your previous dataset, it’s up to you)2. Write a few goals ( questions) you can work with dates. If you don’t have a date column, address any pending goals you have from the previous assignment. In a rare cases, if you do not have any pending goals from the previous dataset, create new ones or change your dataset then. Example date goals: Calculating age, creating a calendar, identifying the day of the week, calculating the day in the year, future dates, and difference of time. 3. If you are using new attributes, according to your new goals, check to see if they need any pre-processing. If your data looks fine and does not need any pre-processing, then go to the next step. 4. Use different functions or formulas in excel (depending on your goals for working with dates). This part is more like analysis than modeling. We will be involved with modeling in the next assignment. 5. Make sure your Excel is equipped with Analysis ToolPak. When you select the ‘Data’ menu, the upper right corner must have the button ‘Data Analysis.’ If you do not see it, please follow the instructions from this linkLinks to an external site. and the add-in. Also, you can read more information about this add-in hereLinks to an external site.. Then, create a table of descriptive statistics for one of the relevant columns in your data and show the new worksheet results.5. Visualize the results from the previous steps (5&6). You are required (not restricted) to create any two types of charts from the list below. You don’t have to create 2 visualizations per analysis. This part is more like the beauty of your report. The more you visualize your results, the better a reader can find your results. Also, it shows your ability in data-visualization. So, I let you decided on your report. Make sure about figure title, axis name, legend, and other necessary things for creating a good figure. You are welcome to use excel and/or Tableau, PowerBI, Python for this part. This is not a data visualization class. So you are not limited to a specific tool. The more, the better for your learning process, though. Pie chart Bar chartLine chartHistogramPareto chartPivot chartScatter plotFor reporting part A, explain everything, even if you have used the same sentences for describing your dataset as you had in your previous assignment. A reader wants to see all the information in your report, regardless of whether or not you have done it in the past. I make sure that my system does not capture them as a high similarity percentage if you are using the same explanation for the same dataset. Part B: Using Rapid Miner (30 Points)The second part of this assignment involves RapidMiner.Refer to Chapter 3 of textbook 2. Steps to do in this Part: 1. Find the Textbook materials. Go over the chapters. Try to connect the knowledge you gain from this book to your previous information about Data mining. ham(Links to an external site.) to an external site. to an external site.The 2018 textbook does not have an electronic copy. You can only purchase a hard copy of it. But, there’s a link to a demo that our IS department has provided for us: to an external site.2. Choose a proper data set to work on using the provided datasets in the following link: Work on the Hands-on exercises starting page 31 through page 56.Data File: Importing the datasheet (pages 34 to 44) Handling missing data (pages 45 to 48)Creating filters (pages 48 to 50)Handling inconsistent data (pages 52 to 54)Attribute reduction (pages 54 to 56) 4. Save your work as part of this assignment. Instructions to save a rapid miner process: SavingRMPFile.pdf .Download SavingRMPFile.pdf .Part C: Report(40 Points)You need to present all your findings in the report. Please look at the below instructions carefully to prepare your data analysis report.Instructions for the report:Title of the report: It should be a short version of what your analysis is about.Use APA 7th Edition for citations and references and any points not addressed in the instructions.For all the text, use 12-point Times New RomanUse the following sub-headings in the report and use 14-point Times New RomanAbout the datasetData Cleaninganalysis GoalResults of the analysisThe text should be single-spaced within paragraphs and double-spaced between paragraphsNumber all the images and tablesSpell-check the document1-inch marginsAt the top right corner on page 1, type three lines: your full name, course number, and semester and year like the below mentioned: Emily Rhodes Info 4670 Spring 2023Create a one-line header at the top right, from the beginning on page 2, with your last name and page number like this: Rhodes/p.2The final resulting document should be a single file in PDF or MS Word.Attach your complete Excel Workbook.Use the following format to save or name your files[lastname][assignmentname] like this: RhodesAssignment1.docx/pdf/xlsxSo what do you need to Submit? 1. Excel file and report for part A2. RapidMiner and report from part B

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