Information Tech One of the concerns for the network project is ensuring secure e-mail and any documents sent through e-mail. Prepare a paper that explains how e-mail messages can be securely sent. The paper should include the features of secure e-mail a


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Information Tech

One of the concerns for the network project is ensuring secure e-mail and any documents sent through e-mail. Prepare a paper that explains how e-mail messages can be securely sent. The paper should include the features of secure e-mail and how secure e-mail works. Include a discussion of vulnerabilities involved in e-mail and how they can be countered. The paper should include the following:

  • The 4 main features of secure e-mail
  • Discussion of the 5-step process for handling secure e-mail with PGP and S/MIME
  • Discussion of the vulnerabilities of e-mail
  • Discussion of countermeasures that address the vulnerabilities

Be sure to document your references using APA format.

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