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Write three short- and two long-term goals (or vice versa) professional nursing SMART goals. Each goal must be written in the SMART format and include a month and year deadline. In addition, each SMART goal must include three action steps that need to be accomplished to meet the goal. SMART goals must be related only to your professional nursing career development and growth.



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 Download SMART Goals Template

Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.

Important: After you receive feedback from your instructor on this portfolio item, integrate the suggestions and revise it for your final portfolio submission.




10 pts

10 pts




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSMART Goals

10 to >8.9 pts

Five or more goals (two Long-Term and three Short-Term SMART goals) are provided in correct SMART format.

8.9 to >7.5 pts

Four goals are provided in correct SMART format.

7.5 to >5.9 pts

Three goals are provided in correct SMART format, or four goals are provided, but not all are in SMART format.

5.9 to >0 pts

No SMART goals are provided.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan for Achieving Goals with Completion Dates

10 to >8.9 pts

The students provides a detailed plan for achieving all five goals and includes completion dates for each.

8.9 to >7.5 pts

The student provides a general plan for achieving all five goals but some plans may lack detail or structure. Completion dates are included.

7.5 to >5.9 pts

The student provides a generic or vague plan for achieving goals. There are few if any details. All five goals may not be provided. Completion dates may not be provided.

5.9 to >0 pts

No goal plan is provided.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style and Mechanics

10 to >8.9 pts

The student uses APA Style accurately and consistently. The assignment meets all formatting requirements (length and style). Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are all correct. There are minimal to no errors.

8.9 to >7.5 pts

The student uses APA Style, but there are with only 1–2 errors. The assignment meets most formatting requirements (length and style). Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are generally correct with 3–4 errors.

7.5 to >5.9 pts

The student reflects incomplete knowledge of APA Style with 5–6 errors. The assignment meets most formatting requirements (length and style). Errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization detract from the readability of the paper.

5.9 to >0 pts

The student does not use APA Style, or there are pervasive errors throughout the paper. The assignment does not meet formatting requirements (length and style). There are many distracting errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

Total Points: 30

NURS 497 Professional Nursing SMART GOALS

Directions: Write 2 long-term and 3 short-term goals (or vice versa) professional nursing SMART goals. Each goal must be written in the SMART format and include a month and year deadline. In addition, each SMART goal must include 3 Action Steps that need to be accomplished to meet the goal. SMART goals must be related ONLY to your professional nursing career development and growth.


Short Term Goal 1

SMART Goal (Month/Year):

Action Items:




Short Term Goal 2

SMART Goal (Month/Year):
Action Items:

Long Term Goal 3

SMART Goal (Month/Year):
Action Items:

Long Term Goal 4

SMART Goal (Month/Year):
Action Items:

Long Term Goal 5

SMART Goal(Month/Year):

Action Items:

May 2021

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