intervention design

intervention design
topic- mental health among teenage

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Intervention Design
Topic- Mental health issue among teenage


For this assignment, you will build upon the work that you completed for the Topic Selection and Problem Analysis assignment. It may be helpful to review any feedback you received from your instructor, as it could help you develop an improved Intervention Design.

Assignment Instructions

The goal for this assignment is to design an evidenced-based intervention plan to improve outcomes for the population and health problem that you selected in your previous assignment.

Additionally, you will be asked to analyze gaps and barriers related to accessing resources and care for the population, as well as socioeconomic determinants. You will also ground your intervention design in one or more scholarly or evidence-based model, theory, or best practice framework. You will also be asked to do a preliminary identification of appropriate communication strategies for building buy-in around the intervention.

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One potential approach to outlining your assignment submission is as follows. However, you should construct your assignment submission in a way that makes sense to you, and could be potentially useful in your personal or professional pursuits.

Possible assignment flow:

· Restate the population and population health need for which the intervention is being designed.

· Look at the gaps, barriers, and socioeconomic determinants in accessing resources and care for the population.

· How do these contribute to the population health need? How would the health need be improved if gaps and barriers were mitigated?

· Look to models, theories, and best practices for a framework that could help design an intervention.

· Which will provide the best foundation for your intervention? Which are most relevant to your chosen health problem and population?

· Propose an intervention to address the population health need.

· Look for communication strategies that are proven for building buy-in.

· Consider the relevance of strategies to the various stakeholders surrounding your intervention design and proposed plan.

· Write a concluding paragraph to wrap everything up.

In your assignment submission be sure you address the following scoring guide criteria:

· Analyze the gaps and barriers related to accessing resources and care for the chosen population with regards to the chosen population need, and how might outcomes improve if the gaps and barriers were mitigated.

· Analyze the socioeconomic determinants that contribute most significantly to the population health need of the chosen population, how might outcomes improve if these determinants were addressed effectively.

· Explain a model, theory, or best practice framework that would be an appropriate starting point to address the population health need of the chosen population.

· Propose an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to the population health need of the chosen population.

· Identify communication strategies that are appropriate for building buy-in for the intervention plan with internal and external stakeholders.

· Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Submission Requirements

· Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

· Length of paper: 3–5 typed double-spaced pages, not including required cover sheet and reference page. No abstract required.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

topic – Mental health among teenagers


Analyze the socioeconomic determinants that contribute most significantly to the population health need of the chosen population, and how outcomes might improve if these determinants were addressed effectively.(17%)


Analyze the social and behavioral factors that impact the health of individuals and populations.


Does not describe the socioeconomic determinants that contribute most significantly to the population health need of the chosen population.


Describes but does not analyze the socioeconomic determinants that contribute most significantly to the population health need of the chosen population, or fails to address how outcomes might improve if the determinants were addressed.


Analyzes the socioeconomic determinants that contribute most significantly to the population health need of the chosen population, and how outcomes might improve if these determinants were addressed effectively.


Analyzes the socioeconomic determinants that contribute most significantly to the population health need of the chosen population, and how outcomes might improve if these determinants were addressed effectively. Notes which determinants are the most critical to address.


Did not address any SOE’s such as poverty, lack of education, lack of insurance, etc. Did not analysis SOE;s and determine which is critical.


Propose an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to the population health need of the chosen population.(17%)


Design an evidence-based, population-based intervention.


Does not explain an intervention plan related to the population health need of the chosen population.


Explains an intervention plan related to the population health need of the chosen population, but falls short of a true proposal as the plan is lacking in its evidence base or how it will improve outcomes.


Proposes an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to the population health need of the chosen population.


Proposes an evidence-based intervention plan to improve the outcomes related to the population health need of the chosen population. Notes areas of uncertainty for which more evidence or research would be helpful.


Stated that pscyhological therapies are used. What is your evidenced based plan? It is not clear. What would be the areas of uncertainty or need for more evidence or research?

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