intervention mapping

intervention maping

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Intervention Mapping
topic – child hood obesity in Maryland (USA)


This assignment will enable you to better understand and use IM for your final case study.


You have already chosen a local public health issue from your own community in your Unit 3 assignment. You have also found an intervention that will help you address the issue you chose in the Unit 5 assignment. Now, you need to complete the process by understanding how IM is used in public health to assess the strengths and weaknesses of EBPs. This assignment will help you continue to build your final case study.

Take on the role of a local public health outreach worker who has been assigned by the superior to prepare a recommendation for a strategic intervention dealing with a public health issue.

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Review the following articles from the unit readings:

· Voogt et al.’s 2014 article, “The Development of a Web-Based Brief Alcohol Intervention in Reducing Heavy Drinking Among College Students: An Intervention Mapping Approach.”

· Corbie-Smith, Akers, and Bluementhal’s 2010 article, “Intervention Mapping As a Participatory Approach to Developing an HIV Prevention Intervention in Rural African American Communities.”


Problem Statement Summary

In a paragraph, summarize your community public health problem statement and justification from the Unit 3 assignment.

Analysis of Intervention Mapping Approach

For this section, compare and contrast two articles provided that discuss IM.

· Write a summary of both articles that contains the following elements:

· A description of how IM was used in these two articles.

· The identification and analysis of the similarities and differences between the two different issues (drinking and HIV) involved.

· A description of how IM is used as an advocacy strategy.

· An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses you found in the IM approach. Support your reasoning with scholarly resources.

· Offer one suggestion on how one could improve the IM process.

Review the Intervention Mapping​​ Scoring Guide carefully to fully understand how this assignment will be graded.

Thinking Ahead to Unit 9 Assignment

In this course, each assignment leads into the next assignment. As you prepare to submit this assignment, ask yourself the following questions:

· What do I know now about IM that I did not know before?

· How will my understanding of IM help me complete my final case study assignment?

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

· APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

· Number of references: A minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

· Length of paper: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages of content plus cover and reference pages and any appendices.

· ​Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Intervention Mapping Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 7

Percentage of Course Grade: 18%.






Summarize problem statements found in case studies using appropriate evidence-based practice references.

Does not summarize problem statements found in case studies using appropriate evidence-based practice references.

Provides examples of problem statements found in case studies using evidence-based practice references, but does not adequately summarize the statements in their own words.

Summarizes problem statements found in case studies using appropriate evidence-based practice references.

Summarizes problem statements found in case studies using appropriate evidence-based practice references, and impartially considers conflicting evidence and/or other perspectives.

Compare and contrast similarities and differences between case studies.

Does not compare and contrast similarities and differences between case studies.

Compares and contrasts similarities and differences between case studies, but the comparisons are unclear or incomplete.

Compares and contrasts similarities and differences between case studies.

Compares and contrasts similarities and differences between case studies, and identifies areas of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and/or additional information that would be needed to gain a more complete understanding.

Describe how intervention mapping is used as an advocacy strategy.

Does not describe how intervention mapping is used as an advocacy strategy.

Describes how intervention mapping is used as an advocacy strategy, but the description is unclear or incomplete.

Describes how intervention mapping is used as an advocacy strategy.

Analyzes how intervention mapping is used as an advocacy strategy, and impartially considers conflicting evidence and/or other perspectives.

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of intervention mapping.

Does not describe the strengths and weaknesses of intervention mapping.

Describes the strengths and weaknesses of intervention mapping, but does not provide reasons for the determination of the described strength or weakness.

Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of intervention mapping.

Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of intervention mapping, and proposes criteria for evaluating the assessment.

Follow current APA guidelines for style and formatting, including in-text and reference citations.

Does not follow current APA guidelines for style and formatting, including in-text and reference citations.

Partially follows current APA guidelines for style and formatting, including in-text and reference citations, with frequent errors.

Follows current APA guidelines for style and formatting, including in-text and reference citations.

Follows current APA guidelines for style and formatting, including in-text and reference citations, without errors.

Create a document that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.

Does not create a document that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.

Creates a document that is not clearly written or contains frequent grammatical errors.

Creates a document that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.

Creates a document that is clearly written and free of any grammatical errors.

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