Introduce an overview of a healthcare system practice guideline, preferably where you work or have worked. Practice guidelines are basically regulations that guide how the healthcare system works including how treatment is conducted on patients. Decisions


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Introduce an overview of a healthcare system practice guideline, preferably where you work or have worked.

Practice guidelines are basically regulations that guide how the healthcare system works including how treatment is conducted on patients. Decisions made by practicing physicians and other health professionals are, to a great extent, guided and directed by these guidelines to a point of ensuring that proper healthcare is provided to the entire public with a view of the end-goal of having a healthy nation following the standards put in place. These guidelines apply in the case of ensuring that different types of treatment are provided for in every case, based on its uniqueness. The types of treatment are provided based on evidence of research conducted about them and the experience the healthcare professionals hold, reviewing advantages and disadvantages of every option and of what effect they will be to patients uniquely (Graham  

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