The crossover trial carried out in the experiment seeks to study the subjects being subjected to a different sequence of treatment.It was conducted to examine the efficacy of interstitial cystitis.The patients were divided into two groups standard and experimental, where each group consisted of 12 patients.The first group received experimental therapy followed by standard treatment whereas the other group received vice-versa.The AUC was measured for each trial and finally added to make the variable AUC_total.An independent sample t-test was carried out to measure the carryover effect and treatment effect.
The AUC for period one and period two was measured for the two groups, and the total AUC was calculated.The mean and standard deviation for group1 for the AUC total came out to be 1.63 and 0.42 whereas group2 recorded mean and standard deviation as 1.37 and 0.53.To measure the carryover effect, an independent sample t-test was carried out for the total AUC between group 1 and group 2. (Lungeanu and Mihalaş,2011) Considering significance level of 0.05, the null and alternative hypothesis of the two group can be written as:
Null Hypothesis, H0: The standard and experimental group during crossover have the same AUC value.